David Liebowitz – Everipedia Transcript
Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.
Rob McNealy –
Hey folks Rob McNealy here. And today I am super excited we are talking to David Leibowitz, he is the Vice President of Business Development for ever pedia. And ever pedia is this new online not so new anymore, but it’s an online encyclopedia similar to Wikipedia, but it’s built on blockchain. And that’s what really gets me excited about these kind of new applications. So, David, welcome to the show. How are you today?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
I’m doing great. Thank you for having me, Rob. Really excited to be here.
Rob McNealy –
Well, I’m excited to have you here too, because I’ve been a big fan of your project now and tell me a little bit one. Let’s go I always like to back it up. Yeah, who are you? And I’m not gonna ask you how did you get into bitcoin? But how did you get into tech? How did
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
How I get into tech? It happened really by accident really, very naturally. So I’m originally from New Jersey. I grew up in the northeast went to school in Massachusetts, and I’ve always been a writer I got really good at writing in college, and that’s what originally led me to ever pedia. So I wrote a different blog. I’ve always been on the internet and stuff. And then ever pedia kind of came out to me out of nowhere. And I just started writing ever pedia pages, the encyclopedia entries. I’ve never pedia so I write about, you know, current events, you know, you know, I would call them evergreen pages. So I wrote a lot of like about up and coming musicians. I like I was doing a good enough of a job. They’re like, Hey, why don’t you move out to LA? I’m like, sure. like four years ago, I bought a one way ticket to LA. just sent it in September 2016. And I was there for four years. You know, I was just a writer. I was just making pages on stuff. We all live in this apartment in LA outside of UCLA. It was really like the Facebook movie. You know, everybody was living in that house. It was like that in an apartment. You know, the living room was the office. And then we kind of got pulled into crypto. We saw this opportunity in 2017 2018. You know, aetherium was getting hot. You know, smart contracts. We’re getting interest and we’re like, hey, like why don’t we make a decentralized transparent A mutable version of an encyclopedia if you want to really be a next generation encyclopedia, so I kind of hung around for the ride, as we know, we raised money. We got like a new office. And as ever pedia grew, I grew along with it. And so I was, you know, I’ve always been a social person, I’m really, you know, love talking to people meeting people. You know, we met, we only met like, on Saturday or Sunday as Friday on Twitter, and then we went shooting the other day, and it was a lot of fun. So I’ve always been a networker like that. And so, you know, I slowly got into more business stuff. There’s partnerships than exchanges, I got partnerships with anybody ranging from brave browser to a few years ago, I got partnership with the biggest teach in the world excision. So I’ve always been really good at that. And then, you know, got to work on exchanges. And now I’m doing PR, and it was really like, really a, I feel like it just happened so fast from being just an executive editor to being Vice President of Business Development. So it happened very naturally and very fast. And that’s how I got involved in tech.
Rob McNealy –
So all those functions that you’ve been doing all those different kind of roles that you’ve been growing into which was your favorite so far and which was your least favorite so far?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
My favorite I think has to do with PR cuz I you know, I love telling stories and with PR you’re really telling the narrative of ever pedia and what we’re doing and you know, so that’s been my favorite so far, partnerships is up there too. It’s always partnerships. I’ve what I love about partnerships, it’s a lot of work, but it pays off so much in the end like it took you know, it takes you know, time and patience and you know, it’s just the same thing you’re trying to construct a narrative so you know, how is this partnership you know, mutually beneficial to you know, who you want to work with and to you know, who I work with every pedia so you know that’s definitely up there to me when you get the partnership I remember when we got the brave browser partnership. I was in Las Vegas up watching we can it’s just like such like a is definitely one of the crowning achievements of my career so far. probably my least favorite. I still like it, though, is dealing with exchanges and stuff just because you know, it’s just you have a cryptocurrency you understand what it’s like to do, and whatnot. But you know, I actually even though it’s my least favorite, I got like a ton of experience in there between, you know, dealing with people in negotiating standing your ground, knowing your worth. So even though you know, you learn a lot dealing with exchanges. Yeah.
Rob McNealy –
And you and I talked offline about that, the trials of tribulation. And you know, one of the things that I thought was interesting about crypto is that, you know, I’ve been in business a long time, I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time. And it’s like doing dealing with crypto. It’s like different than a normal startup, like, especially a decentralized project. So it’s like this weird hybrid mash up between being a nonprofit. This is how I always kind of describe a crypto decentralized project. It’s kind of like a nonprofit, kind of like a co op. And then you’re a publicly traded Company basically, at the same time, your global company, and you got all those things in the mix. And even as someone who’s, you know, done a lot of startups and stuff, all that a lot of that stuff is new to me too.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
And it’s funny, we don’t need it. This is my first time really in business and stuff. And so this is what this is what I’m used to, and it’s such it’s such a nexus of all these different things that you were saying, you know, and it’s just really you know, and the thing was crypto evolves so fast, it’s so easy to get left behind and even if you don’t pay attention for a few months, hell like I was I wasn’t really paying attention this weekend because I was just, you know, driving down here and I felt like I missed so much over the weekend. So you always have to be on your toes and crypto.
Rob McNealy –
Oh and stuff is definitely changing. So you said when you first went to ever pedia they weren’t blockchain based.
No we weren’t we were just the normal website. You know, I’ll give you a little bit of background ever pedia. However PDS start in a little bit before that. So I don’t know if your listeners know but early And Wikipedia is history was a lot more egalitarian site, you know, there were a lot more open. So you know, pages being made about different kinds of subjects, they definitely had exponential growth over those first 10 years. And you had two camps of editors develop, develop. So you had your inclusiveness, which lead, Hey, everybody can have a page, if it’s a stub, it can be improved. And then you had your delicious, which we’re like, No, we got to be restrictive, we have to have requirements, they want it, you know, they want it to be that, that kind of way. And so around 2010, the Jewishness went out, and if you noticed, you know, kind of the editors, you know, cats off around 10 K, their pages capped off around 6 million, they had much slower growth, and pages that were being included on Wikipedia. And so they became a lot more strict and they had these notability requirements. And you know, there’s a lot of, you know, different complaints about their community and being toxic and all that you can look all that up on Google. So there’s definitely like an opportunity for an alternative to arise. And so that’s really how every pedia is came about in 2015. As you know, more inclusiveness, friendly, open minded version of an encyclopedia, a new way to do knowledge. And Paul Graham said in in 2010, there’s room to do to Wikipedia. Wikipedia did Encyclopedia Britannica. So I see ever pedia in that same element right there.
Rob McNealy –
Well, it’s interesting, and I am not an ego test. But, you know, I’ve done a lot of things in my life. I mean, I was even a congressional candidate back in 2010. And, you know, worked on a lot of different projects and
David Liebowitz – Everipedia much stuff, honestly, like you told me the other day, “I owned a liquor store, I did that.”
Rob McNealy –
But I could never get a Wikipedia page like I wasn’t and it was funny because I was never notable enough by their standards, like, it was like, and not that I cared like, it wasn’t a big deal to me, but it was like to me though, it’s like, and I’ve met a couple Wikipedia kind of editors, and they wield a tremendous amount of power over that.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Oh yeah, yeah, no they do. It’s it’s pretty abdurd how much power like these, uh, not me, not these unknown anonymous people have. And they’re, you know, Wikipedia is one of the top 10 websites in the world.
Rob McNealy –
Right. And so there’s, there’s a lot of power in that. So you could you can change narratives with that. You can control narratives with that. And then there’s no accountability. And, and so to me, I’ve interacted with, like, you know, the founder of Wikipedia, on social media over the years and stuff and, and it’s clear that there’s a huge left leaning bias, not only by the founders, but the editors. And so and so to me, it’s like, you know, and again, it’s not that big of a deal to me, but I do see that as a problem is that if because they are such a powerful site? I mean, if you get a wiki page, that’s one of the first, you know, that’s one of the first pages that comes up
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
that is one of the best. Yeah,
Rob McNealy –
Right. And then in you know, a lot of the search engines also we’ll do a, you know, they’ll do a little excerpt from Wikipedia. And so to me, it’s like, you know, it’s what I just frustrates me. And and, you know, I, you know, we’ve talked a lot. I mean, I’m socially very tolerant, and you know, on some things very liberal, some things very conservative. I’m an independent minded guy. And it’s like, even but the conservative side of me goes, you know, it’s not right, that they’re there. They’re basically stifling opinions. They just don’t like. And so, yeah, so that’s what excites me..
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
The way they frame certain people and it’s undeserved. And they and the problem is the people that are framed a certain way, they can’t go in and change it because they’re not allowed to edit their own page.
Rob McNealy –
Right. And that’s, that’s part of the problem. You know, I know I’m not gonna say who it is, but I do know, a crypto editor for Wikipedia. And he is about his left leaning is it Can you come and I’m like, why are you in crypto because crypto seems like the whole nature of crypto it seems a lot more libertarian to me. I mean that that at least that’s where I think you know that whole cipher funk you know, you know passed that drove a lot of this was very libertarian and cap, you know, kind of in that war world and then I’ve definitely seen like over the last, you know, three, four years as crypto becomes you know, really entrenched with the more Silicon Valley software world that whole left leaning thing is coming in and really kind of you know permeating so anyways it’s not supposed to be a political thing but you know, telling stories can be political so ever pedia How are you different from Wikipedia when it comes to that kind of notability and things of that nature?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yeah, I like to think of ever pedia as the up and coming wiki and culture. So you know in what happened in 2010 between 2010 and now get a rise of influencers and YouTubers and all these people As you know, either millions of subscribers or hundreds of thousands of followers and whatnot, you know, people are searching for these people. But there isn’t a good scholarly wiki, maybe, you know, you’ll get like a click Beatty like wiki page that’s just for SEO, but you won’t really get a good quality page. And so that’s where we’re really ever pedia thrive. And for a long time, like that’s where we got a lot of our traffic. We also imported all of Wikipedia as well. So, you know, we had we had Wikipedia, I sometimes I like to think of every PDS of supplements in Wikipedia in a way. And now recently, we’ve been really doing a push to focus on cryptocurrency and blockchain content. So how you were talking about TUSC with me the other day, and you want to focus on just the gun industry. And really now that vertical like we decided for the best way for us to grow is to focus on cryptocurrency content, because that’s where we seem to get, you know, a lot of engagement on social media, you know, that’s where we get a lot of like new visitors to your site. That’s how we attract a lot of new editors as well. And so that’s where we’re really focusing on right now. But I’ve always thought of us as you know, up and coming with the culture instead. That.
Rob McNealy –
So tell me about the economics?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Oh yeah, the token economics. So Ivor pedia runs on the IQ token and I really consider that the skin in the game for ever pedia. So in order to create a page or edit the site, you have to put up IQ. That’s the name of our token. So you put up 50 iq. So let’s say Rob, you want to edit your own page, you see the mistakes. And so you know, you edit your page, you make your changes, you submit the IQ and then there’s a 12 hour voting period where people vote with their IQ tokens whether to approve an edit or reject an edit. If it’s approved, you know, then you actually get rewarded newly minted IQ tokens if it’s rejected, then those IQ tokens are locked for a period of time.
Rob McNealy –
And are they traded somewhere?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yes. So if you want to edit the site and get involved and also we have predict as well as our prediction market platform, which we can get into later, were traded on binance trade on okay x we’re traded on Bitcoin next up it in Korea. some pretty big exchanges if you want to get involved.
Rob McNealy –
So where do you see the possibilities in the future? What like what is the roadmap look like forever PDF.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
So we’re really doing a big defy push, we see that, you know, in 2019, we actually launched our prediction market platform with predict. I call it the augur of iOS. And you were like, oh, but it’s a prediction market have to do with, you know, Encyclopedia, I think, you know, there are two sides to this same coin. Well, every pedia you know, is to circle knowledge and past knowledge, you know, people using the knowledge to contribute to these pages that are, you know, on the record, predicted future knowledge and people using you know, that what they know, to kind of anticipate future events and get, you know, reward if they’re right. And so, I see with a future push where, you know, we’ve been really building predicts out it’s a super clean platform. And then we want to add like a few new defy primitives and slowly evolved that out. So you know, we’re looking into Oracle’s as well having on Knowledge like that all this has to do with on chain knowledge. So Oracle’s and then possibly having, you know, synthetic assets, leverage, we’re, you know, we’re trying to explore all these different things, we actually have a, you know, we actually have a fund dedicated to funding these projects. So we have our IQ fund, where we committed over a million dollars worth of tokens to funding projects that have to do with everything I just said. So if any of you listeners are interested, they’re welcome to reach out to us.
Rob McNealy –
So you said that you’re based on iOS 10? Is that correct?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yes, yes, we’re based on iOS.
Rob McNealy –
Why did you choose the EOS blockchain?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
A few reasons: One at the time, you know, to edit, you know, the problem is that they’re going back in 2017 2018. And so to this day, are the transaction you know, you know, everybody that deals with uniswap now, didn’t notice like the transaction fees and you know, the, you know, all the problems with their fees, you know, transactions and whatnot, speed and fees and whatnot. And so if you were to make an edit and every time you had to pay like a few bucks and make an edit, that’s doesn’t make economic sense. Both As you know, it’s you know, free, you know, free transactions and, and it just made much more sense for a consumer products like everipedia to be built on iOS than it would be to be built on it there. But there isn’t there yet for for that kind of debt. And also, we just got support from within the EOS community. They’re really excited about it from you know, people that are EOS token holders to like people high up in the EOS VC world. So we actually raised $30 million from EOS VCs and 2018 from galaxy digital. They were super excited about the project. So between, you know, the technical capabilities and the support we got, it just was only logical for us to build on iOS.
Rob McNealy –
So right now, you mentioned that people can go through and vote on you know, whether or not to approve and edit or things like that. Is there a way that people can make money doing that kind of thing and breastfeeding on the platform?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yeah, so the tokens are, you know, they have a monetary value. So we’ve had a few editors that are some power editors that have made it You know, hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of IQ tokens, especially if they held on to it over, you know, over the past year, we’ve been live since 2018. And so which is really cool. Do you think think about all the blockchain projects that constraints have in 2018, they were just a white paper and just never launched a product like we’ve been live even, you know, kind of, we’ve been through the store in the valley of the bear market. And, you know, now we’re just attracting more editors, there’s people like that want to get involved.
Rob McNealy –
And you know, that’s really fun. I like the the platforms that I see now that are starting to evolve like ever pedia in library and some of these, you know, hives, were in brave browser and to me, personally, other than what I’m doing with TUSC those apps right now, to me are the shining stars in crypto.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
I couldn’t agree more.
Rob McNealy –
And the market, I don’t believe is fully appropriately valuating those projects that are valuing those projects yet. I think that’ll come But to me, I see that as the future and the fact that you have users and you have a product and you have sustainable built in economics on the platform. That, to me is a winning combination. And I hope that with our own product tests that we get to that point, we’re definitely working on that. But I really like what you guys are doing with your tokenomics. And I think that that’s going to be the future. And I think ultimately, projects like ever pedia are going to be major major block chains and major major projects. I would expect it you’ll be in the top 20 next year in the next couple of years. No doubt about that, in my mind.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yeah, I think the same way between what we have built the killer scene that we have, like we wouldn’t have been able to gone this far if we didn’t have just, you know, such a great team all around that everybody’s just so committed to the project and development and you mentioned brave browser before I would love to talk about our partnership with them. It actually fits really well with our ethos. So you know, I was thinking like, Well, you know, we’re We really fit well a with pages, you know, that are not novo enough with Wikipedia, but these people still need to be recognized. And so with brave browser, we have this partnership. One part of it is we have our brave creator of the day. And so you know, brave browser has all these different Yep, hundreds and thousands of people signed up accepting praise tips. But a lot of people in the bat community don’t know who to tip they don’t know where to start to, like, find people to support. And so with our brave creator of the day, we provide that so every, you know, every Tuesday and Thursday, will tweet out a brave creator of the day. And, you know, they’ll, you know, we get tons of streamers as they’re very creative. They, you know, we get, you know, analysts we get all kinds of different people become a very creative the day it’s got, you know, the brave community really likes it, the bat community, you know, they always hype when they see somebody on Reddit like, Oh, this is something new that we can support. So, you know, the brave team has really liked it. It’s been really beneficial for us, so far is beneficial to them as well. They really see it as a tool to help you know, promote their community within their community. And with us, we’ve been able to, you know, get free advertising some brave browser. And so we’ve been able to recruit editors that way as well.
Rob McNealy –
Perfect. It’s really good stuff and I’m glad to see somebody really taking charge in this space. David, where can people find out more about you and ever PDF?
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Yeah, so you can find out about me I’m on Twitter at at Dave said that underscore on Instagram at doing things underscore forever PDF, you can go at every pedia on Twitter, definitely join our group at everipedia. And, you know, no, come say hi. You know, we’re always you know, we’re always looking for new people. We’re very welcoming computed community, make a pacer yourself make a page for you know, somebody you look up to you. You know, we’re here.
Rob McNealy –
David, thank you for so much for coming on and spending time with me today. Appreciate your time here. Thank you so much. No problem. Hey, there’s Rob McNealy here. I will have all of David’s so And all those links up at Rob McNealy calm make sure you mash that subscribe button. Review us on iTunes. let your friends know how great we are. We really appreciate it. Let him know. Alright guys, you have a great day. Thank you.
David Liebowitz – Everipedia
Thank you
Episode Links
Richard Carthon – Crypto Current Transcript
Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.
Rob McNealy –
Hey folks Rob McNealy here. And today, I’m excited. I am talking to Richard karsan. He is the founder and host of the crypto currency podcast is a longtime community member in the crypto space. And I really like his take on a lot of different issues. So I think we’re gonna have a really good show today. So, Richard, welcome to the show. How are you today?
Richard Carthon –
I’m great. appreciate you having me today. Rob, um, man, we had a before getting on this, you know, just various conversations, I think there is plenty of topics that we can cover and, and it’s just, uh, it’s really cool to see all the projects that you have going on and your involvement in the space and really excited to to be sharing some of what I got going on to share with your audience. So looking forward to it.
Rob McNealy –
Well, I appreciate that, you know, I actually like talking to other podcasters. And the main reason that is, is because I talked to a bunch of people and talk to a lot of projects. I’m also involved in a project but then you talk to lots of projects, and we talked to different ones, and then we compare notes. And I think, you know, the cool thing is is and really Why I like doing this program is because I get to speak to lots of really smart people and I like being the dumbest guy in the room, not the smartest guy in the room.
Richard Carthon –
Yeah, I heard that. I mean, when I look back on when I originally started cryptocurrency, it was to surround myself with thought leaders in the space but then not only just educate myself, it’s educate everyone else right? And I feel that the best way to learn is from people who can break it down for you. So anything new anything, pet causes change, there’s friction and there’s like a resistance to wanting to learn just be like, Oh, that’s too tough or, like, get a good idea. I don’t want I want to talk about this right? And but when when someone sparks your curiosity when someone says something that’s like, Hmm, I haven’t thought about like that. Or Huh, I could do something with that. It just opens the doors to so many possibilities that before a weren’t even on your mind, but then to that just opened themselves in a way that you like, I want to go deeper in this and find a way to get involved. So I agree, man, it’s it’s cool to talk to very intelligent people. passionate people, and and people who really want to go deeper on on what it is that they’re working on. And it’s exciting.
Rob McNealy –
So how did you get into this space? How did you get into doing the crypto stuff? Not just a podcast, but what got you interested in this area?
Richard Carthon –
Yeah. So I mean, I’ve been an entrepreneur, basically my entire adult life. And I was working at this artificial intelligence company. And the first day on the job, my boss comes up and says, Hey, what do you know about Bitcoin? I was like, what’s that? Right? And he’s, like, trust me want to look into it. And so I did. And I was like, Oh, my gosh, why did it? Why didn’t I learn about this earlier? So like, I was a late bloomer. I didn’t I first learned about this January 2018. Right. And the first thing that came to me was one, this has been around for almost a decade. Why am I just not hearing about this? So what does that what does that say about my circles that I’m in, but then to even in those circles, who is really active In trying to dive in be a person that can be a reliable source to educate me on this. So when I in 2018, when I first got into and I was trying to educate myself, I went to all the YouTube channels and these web forms and all this stuff and everything was very technical. Everything was very, like, either pie in the sky get rich quick or like super, super technical on here’s how blockchain works. Here’s how hard forking is, here’s this white paper and I was just like, I just want someone to, like, give this to me straight give this to me very simply. And like do it in a really cool and like, compelling way. And I was like, you know, I was like, I just want to talk to these people. I was like, I might as well like create a way to share it. And so that’s when the concept of cryptocurrency came about. And, you know, it’s it’s been amazing to be able to communicate with so many different thought leaders and then like even today, like being able to speak with you like it is such a easy way to talk to very intelligent people who can not only speak to Several different topics that speak very intelligently to them, but then can also like, challenge you in ways to continue to expand your knowledge. And to give you a new perspective on something that you that you might have felt very differently about, you know, I mean,
Rob McNealy –
Absolutely. And I think, I think part of the problem you just illustrated, like with people, you know, speaking in, you know, Techno ease, right, is, is a function that so many crypto projects are really just developer LED, or super developer heavy. And a lot of times they don’t understand, you know, how to speak to normal people. And I don’t mean that in a bad way, right. You know, would like our test project I’m focused on you know, we’re marketing to, I would say, for the most part a pretty low tech industry. I don’t go in and talk about censorship, resistance and all this, you know, you know, I don’t even talk about I mean, think about that we can get and all that stuff, but here’s the thing that people don’t even understand how How do you explain a decentralized organization to people that don’t understand? And this is how I do it right? I you know, if I’m talking to like a gun retailer about POS, I say this, I don’t say we’re a decentralized project. What I say is we’re like I say, this is how I say it. We’re kind of like a, we’re a, like a nonprofit, kind of a cross between a nonprofit and a co op. Oh, they understand that right away. There’s a connection. In you know, I don’t lead with all this in tech news, I say, half a percent track, you know, half a percent transaction fee, no chargebacks. And you get your coins instantly deposited in your wallet. So you don’t have to wait for an ACH so it improves your cash flow. Guess what? I don’t have retailers say no to that.
Richard Carthon –
Yeah. And that’s what you need, right? When you’re speaking in, especially with any company that you have, and this is definitely speaking to our entrepreneurial background. But when you’re going to Pitch Anything. The first thought in anyone’s head is no, like, whatever you’re trying to sell me just just know just off the bat, right? Is No. And so how do you break down those guards? The first thing is through effective communication. And it is making sure that whatever you’re trying to explain is very clear. And that it not only just concise but I can understand it, comprehend it and then make an intelligent decision. If I don’t understand anything that you’re saying, My we’re done talking like there’s there’s nothing for me to think about because I can’t even relate to what’s going on and what I think was happening initial in the 2018, Ico boom, and all this money flooding the market and we’re at the top of where Bitcoin was before you know, everything started coming down. And you saw all these projects coming in that were just they weren’t building for the future. They were building for the here and now and how can I make a ton of money really quick. And they’re just putting all this technical, legal jargon in these white papers to sound really cool like is because the hardest thing about anything in any industry when you’re communicating with people is that you want to sound smart and intelligent, but you also like you don’t want to seem like you don’t know what you’re talking about. So if you’re in this crypto blockchain space, you put in all these super technical words in the soup or whatever to make yourself sound like you know what’s going on. But if you can’t break it down to like to me or your normal person or someone that’s fresh in or whatever, we are never going to connect, and we’re never going to be able to get to that next step in moving forward together. And so that was really one of the things that resonated me when I first got into this and I really wanted to just one break that down and like start bridging the gap for all these thought leaders to be able to effectively communicate what they’re working on so that people can understand it and decide if they want to get behind it or at least share that project with other people.
Rob McNealy –
Well, I think you’re touching on a real you know point about communication right? And and I think there’s a couple sayings out there is a D want to be rich or do you want to be right? And in market in the marketing world that’s very common like and and I think this is a problem that smart people often have right? Is that especially when it comes to market Especially tech people. So I see this a lot around technical people that are smart. And I’ve been around a lot of smart tech people so I can I can see it. But what ends up happening is they want to market to people in a way that they feel is respectful. But basically, they want to be marketed in a way that they want to be sold personally. The problem is, is that really, really smart technical people are not the normal buyers out there in the world and, and how they want to be bought and sold is not correct. Or you know, how, you know, they want someone to sell something to them. And I think they make that mistake a lot and it gets them mad, like, I don’t want this, you know, and you hear this a lot like I mean, you’ve been around you’re around tech people all the time, right in your in your day job too. And as an entrepreneur, and and I have been as well. And so what I mean part of the problem is you see a lot of developers, they hate salespeople, they straight up hate them, right? And they’re like, oh, that guy is so full of crap or that guy is just bla bla bla bla bla and guess what some salespeople are full of crap, but but um but you also have Have to get people emotionally excited about your product or service. And sometimes it’s hard, right? tech stuffs not. I mean, if I was going to try to sell you visa, right? how sexy is that? It’s not, it’s just not, you know, and and it’s the same thing with crypto for the most part, crypto is not sexy, it shouldn’t be sexy. If you think about it, it shouldn’t be. It should be utilitarian. And I think that a lot of us miss that. That communication piece. And I think that, you know, hopefully more projects like what we’re doing and podcasts like what you and I are doing will help change that over time.
Richard Carthon –
No doubt, and it’s been interesting over the, over the years I’ve been doing this as well with some of the earlier guests that I’ve gone on versus some of the newer ones and just understanding also the flow of conversation of sometimes when people come on, they know their product or project and everything extremely well or they know a certain aspect of it. Something like a like defy or stable coins or accounting on the blockchain or what does it mean to do a fork on whatever and like they can go really, really deep and be very, like technical and very knowledgeable on the subject but what people want to hear what people resonate his passion is, is the that human element of like when you speak about a thing? Does it like excite you? Like why should I be excited about when you’re speaking to me about this thing? And what I’ve learned is to try to bring that out of people when they’re speaking because I Can I have that that level of connection with you to where now when we’re speaking I’m locked in like I want to hear what this person has to say next, because I can feel the energy coming from what they’re what they’re talking about, because you can you can listen to very, very, very high in the sky. conversations that you know, like are probably highlight intelligent and are solving a problem. And you’re like, wow, these people are super smart, but like I just have, they’re they’re speaking French. They’re speaking Japanese. I was like, What am I doing here? Because like one of the first conferences I ever went to, like, some of the conversations even on the stages, I was just like, how do I even get involved in this space, like if they’re speaking a foreign language right now. And as you can start peeling back those layers, and and just getting people to break things down at their base, because a lot of projects in these developers as well, they can speak to the technical piece of it, but they can’t at face value. I say, Tell me, like in a 10 second pitch, what is your product product? What do you do? Who’s your ideal customer and a lot of them through our conversations over their head, it’s just like, a they start to freeze because they’ve never just broke it down. So simply and it’s, it’s amazing how when you just simplify things, how much more easily In freely, you can speak about something and get more people to buy in.
Rob McNealy –
And here’s the downside of that. And I think this is all part of it, the simpler you can refine it, the easier it is to critique. And I think some people fear that, you know, like, let’s just, you know, I could pick apart You know, I pick on defy stuff sometimes. Right. And, and because I think there’s some, I have some concerns about some of the defy stuff, but you’re like, you know, you know, some of these these schemes, you know, like yield farming some of these other things. They’re so complicated, like, in effect, the developers themselves have a hard time explaining what they’re doing. And I’m like, so you created so you created a token out of nothing. Somebody else gives you this token, and you hold it and then they you give them this other token, and they cash it out and just trying to explain you’re like, and then I just come back and like, and and I always I like I said, I like to be the dumb guy. And I have no trust me. There’s I surround myself with dumb or smart people. I’m the dumb guy around everyone. I want to be that guy. And, and I was like, okay, so who in the real world does this? Like outside of crypto? Can you give me examples of where this is? Or this exists this model that you’re creating? Right? And they’re like, Oh, well, you know, no, I don’t explain to me Give me an example. Is there a bank that I do this at? And, and it’s funny the, how quickly some of those, you know, these really complicated schemes break down, when you ask these really basic questions. And I always take that as a red flag, right, because I’m a simple guy. And, and, and, and there’s a fundamental reason for this. The even with language, okay, I’ll divert like a little story. So, you know, authors. If you look at some of the most successful books in the world in history, like in literature in history, what you’ll find is there’s been some studies done on some of the most, some of the most successful books in history, were written at very low levels of education levels, and so meaning that the vote capillary Just think of it this way, the more popular books use smaller words, more common words for things. I saw thing and I it was like Ernest Hemingway’s old man in the sea was written in like a fourth grade level. Yeah. And, and no most people will be offended by that if you say that but there’s a very practical reason for that. The the simpler the the understanding required or the the lower the education level required for someone to enjoy your work as an author as your book. The more people the bigger the market there is for that book. So if you write a book that only people with PhDs in biochemistry can understand your market is limited to people that have an understanding of biochemistry that also want to read your book. It makes the market smaller. And so I always think of I go back to market sizes, okay, I always try to bring things back down how many so help me understand what problem you’re solving and then How many people can you potentially solve that problem for? And then how do you get that solution to those people’s problems in front of them? And you would see a lot of times, even with crypto, a lot of the stuff breaks down. I remember and things are changing in this industry. But I remember when I went to my first, the first Miami blockchain conference I went to a couple years ago, that was like January or February in 2018, right, right. After I got into crypto, I went to that conference. And I was very new to crypto. And I’m still suspicious of crypto but I you know, some of the stuff in crypto but I was going and talking to all these projects. And we’d already had a product started to but I started saying like, well, we’re doing this, this and this and I’m like, so you’re making Uber so basically someone was making a blockchain based Uber, right. And I said, Okay, that’s interesting. What do you do differently? Well, we don’t take as high of a fee. Okay, but what do you But okay, so Uber takes a high fee. Yeah. So explain to me Do you not don’t think Uber offers value to their drivers? Or to their customers? You know, because they wanted to, they basically make a decentralized Uber thing. I’m not gonna say who it was. But and it’s funny because I was talking to the developers on this, and they couldn’t answer basic questions, they had not like thought out the business piece of this, like, they hadn’t talked to their customers, or potential customers for this. And I just said, I don’t understand the market, like what problem you’re trying to solve other than a little lower fee, but you’re also offering a lot less support, and you’re not offering any marketing and, and so and to me, I saw that as a big drawback, and I think this is the problem with a lot of these tech people is that they’re missing that whole understanding what’s happening on the other side.
Richard Carthon –
And this is what’s interesting about what is going on in this space right now. And where I think this next decade of where we’re headed in the crypto blockchain space is very exciting. So you have a lot of these projects, who basically went through initial boom, and if they’re still around, basically they’re trying to build some To last right and so now you’re starting get these projects are a little bit more funded. And if they’re not a little bit more funded, they have a little bit more well rounded groups and team that is building it and you’re starting to get like more marketing and sales focused people to get in it to figure out the business model of like, how do we become sustainable? And then with that what you’re seeing is more people trying to figure out adoption. So what is the biggest hurdle for any new person coming into crypto and blockchain space, right? The first one is just basic understanding of what is Bitcoin? What drives its value? Like, what are the five pillars? Like what are the what are the things that make it distinct, right? What gives it its value and then blockchain the underlying technology, like, what is it like just give me those two basics right, and after you break that down, and they can understand that at its core, it’s like, Okay, if I’m going to use this in my everyday like life, you don’t necessarily need to know that. You just need to know that it works. So like right now. I don’t like necessarily need to understand like how it all works on the back end, when I go to a gas station and I put my visa in, I get my gas and I dip out I don’t need to know the technology and everything that’s going on the back end. It works. And what I think a lot of projects are finally starting to put their attention towards is, how do I just get this to work without the user having to understand everything that’s going on. And right now that is the absolute hurdle for anybody new in the crypto space is you need someone to hold your hand to get started. Basically point blank period like you, you are going to have to educate yourself a little bit. There’s nothing intuitive about coming into this space right now. Like when you think about Apple and what made them so successful, especially with the iPhone boom and everything else is you can pick up this phone, not know anything about a phone and clearly understand how to use it right? Grandma, you can give grandma an iPhone, she’ll figure out how to communicate and do everything that she needs to with crypto right now. It’s not grandma. It’s not grandma proof. It is not. It is not millennial proof like you’re not going to get someone just My age or younger, that’s gonna come on initially in the crypto space and just know what’s going on. They’re gonna have to watch some videos, listen to some speakers do whatever to get started. And the one of the points that I really want to drive home right now you’re like communicating this to your potential companies or your projects or whatever that whatever you’re working on right in your business, you just need to be able to be thoughtful in your communication and what is your value proposition? And like, how do you get this to more people? And how can anyone come on in use it without you having to hold their hand? Yes, initially, right? Now, you’re gonna have to hold your hand and that’s fine. People understand, like, that’s the friction that’s there right now. But if you can do it a little bit cooler or a little, like you’re a little bit more friendly, or whatever that like, extra, whatever that you do to like, make me feel comfortable and confident when I’m trying your thing. That’s what’s gonna separate you right now. But of course, as this continues to come on, if I hand you this thing, and I can just use it without you having explained anything you’ve won, and I think you The companies that are building that right now, oh my gosh, whenever like mass adoption truly does eventually come, you’re going to just moon because you’ve already built that infrastructure. And so it’s been really interesting to talk to some of the different types of people in this space, who do have that in mind into just how they communicate. It’s just different.
Rob McNealy –
Well, let’s, let’s take it back. Like I liken it to command line interface, right? Like, if you go through and people are like, Oh, well, you know, I always say, you know, I’m sorry, you’re not I this is what I say, and people get pissy, but I say, Look, you’re not gonna get mass adoption without mass marketing. And I’m old enough to remember when the World Wide Web came to being and became popular. And, you know, I’m old enough to remember that AOL was the probably one of the biggest drivers of mass adoption of email on the internet. And that was because they sent out millions and millions and millions of CDs that were easy for people to use and get on for free and there you go. And, and there’s a No analog yet for crypto to do that. And abstraction, what you’re talking about is we need good abstraction. And really, this shouldn’t be complicated. There is some complications from getting apps into the App Store, right? Like, well, the wallets and things like that. But for the most part, it shouldn’t be that complicated. This stuff is not that complicated. It shouldn’t be. But it still is. And, and I, you know, I do appreciate that, for instance, recently that the banks are now allowed to do custody of assets. And I’ve heard a lot of people on the DS that are really pro decentralization get pissy about it. And I said to me, banks being allowed to custody, you know, virtual assets is probably one of the most bullish things I’ve heard. And this is why people I don’t think most people are comfortable with or responsible enough to have their entire 401k savings, life savings and have the keys for that where they could lose their keys and lose that. I don’t think most people want that. And I don’t think most people can handle that responsibility to be honest. And and I’m not picking on people but I I’ve seen developers lose their keys and lose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of crypto. Just in my own circle. Like I’ve seen I’ve known two developers who lose their keys for wallets one from a technical crash one from just not, you know, trying to play some games and doing some other stupid stuff. And and I just don’t believe I mean, if you think about it, it’s one thing you got a $5 free wallet paper wall from somebody right? And you lose Who cares? But can you think imagine this? Imagine someone who’s worked 30 years and saved up a half million dollars in their 401k or IRA or a million dollars right? And now they’re they moved it all to a self directed IRA, then put it all into crypto and they lose their keys. Think about that. Don’t tell me that’s not going to happen either. Because I’ve seen it happen. I know someone that’s lost over $200,000 because he lost his keys doing something stupid.
Richard Carthon –
Oh, I’ve heard of a business right now that’s getting like put up and like that’s all they focus on. Right. It’s like custody just to make sure like having like lawyers Stuff put in place to like, and like, what happens if you die like let’s say you set all this up and like you don’t have like a second key that you’ve put in like a peel box somewhere that’s just chillin. So if with certain instructions like on my death, here’s my key go reveal this liquidate immediately give it to so blah, blah blah like some people aren’t even thinking that far ahead and like that’s like to truly like if you’re going to set this up like as a asset that you’re hedging against whatever and like just a long term play. Those are the kinds of like things down the road you got to think about, and I think a lot of people aren’t, and it’s necessary, and we’re not there yet. Right. So from a separate thing that I think is going on in the crypto space that is starting to evolve more is the operational piece of it. And I use this reference multiple multiple times in my pockets, and I’m going to use it here. And for the last 10 years for the first decade. There’s a bunch of violence being built right Island over here. Hey, I’ve had the best stablecoin come play with me. Hey, this one over here. I’m the best blockchain that you can build all your crypto on top of come play with me over here, hey, I have the best defy company ever, you should come over here. And right now what we need aren’t an another island, we need bridges. We need bridges that are here that are connecting all of these really cool projects so that they all play together. So I don’t need to go play on these different islands, I can come to this interface. And just keep on writing the bridge all the way around so that everything works. And from the operational piece, whoever’s able to figure that out and do it in a very, very clean, effective and friendly way. I think they are going to just lead the charge for everything that come right. So like, for example for right now a lot of people that initially come into the crypto space, most of them go through Coinbase like calm it is what it is. A lot of them are going through Coinbase and if Coinbase were to start allowing options, so that with any and everything that you want to do, you can purely do it from that platform. They have their foot in the door and can just blow things open but right now like Like, I’m sure that’s something on their roadmap, but like, there are a ton of other products that are kind of trying to do it. But again, it’s still so early, we are so early, like, everything in this in these opportunities right now is if you can build the groundwork right now, and like have that focus in mind, like you’re looking at the next 10 to 20 years of what you’re trying to build. You can like not just dominate the space but you can make something so powerful, that is international and limitless, right, like and a lot of projects where people build they build it for our country, or they build it for a certain area. This has no limits and like that is what is one quick story what made me like all in what made me come all in to crypto without my turning point. I had a friend who works in oil and gas and he worked in the Philippines. And he when he got paid he was sent his money back to his family in California but when it happened, between trading fees and time He lose 40% from going from the Philippine money to US dollars and then doing the wire transfers and everything else in fees and all that 40% of his money gone just instantly no take I think like seven business days, he didn’t started just switching everything to Bitcoin and sending it and it would take a couple of minutes and it only cost a couple dollars. I was like I’m so that makes so much sense to me that is that that makes you’ll need some anything else like I’m in I need to learn more. And I think as there’s there’s so many use cases like that where people are using cryptocurrency and blockchain applications like it that as it becomes easier to use and see those international use cases, like again, the sky is the limit.
Rob McNealy –
Yeah, I think remittances are really a huge opportunity. But it’s gonna take some time. I mean, I saw this I was living in Europe briefly in the 90s. And it was interesting because we already had while dial up was the you know, the big thing there and we were just Starting to get cable modems, right? It was Ty speed was just limited at that point in the late 90s. And I thought it was interesting though, but cell phones are very less common. But in Europe where I was, they didn’t have landlines. They everyone had a landline. But they didn’t have data lines, but their cell phone usage, their mobile phone usage jumped. They leapfrog the United States. So in the late 90s, you know, everybody had a mobile phone where I was versus in the states they didn’t and I think you’re gonna see that with like blockchain, right? Because blockchain does, again outside of Western countries. I think right now blockchain solves a lot of problems more so for people, you have different regulations, different taxing pieces to it. It does end a lot of friction. And I think, unfortunately, I think the US has hamstringing itself from a regulatory standpoint and and since we don’t have as big of a problem, I think we’re gonna lag in the United States from crypto Animation, which I don’t think is a good thing, overall, but, you know, I can see that and you saw that with, you know, the World Wide Web, too. We were We were early, but other people because of mobile devices, you know, they got some much more advanced on the mobile phone infrastructure than we did. And so I think it’s interesting. And I think the united states need to figure this out. Where do do we want to be? Do we want to be a really competitive player on a global level? Or do we not? And then on the developer side, dude, you know, you got to get out of the mindset of Linux desktop, right, you know, Command Line Interface people, let’s just be honest, you know, Windows one that game for a reason. You know, I like Linux. Don’t get me wrong. I have a Linux laptop. And so I understand command line stuff. But I started on dos. But you know, but they honestly you’re not going to get mass adoption of command line interface. It’s just not going to happen. Right? It’s just too much overhead and baggage. And I don’t think all everybody thinks like that unless pianist command line interface. This is really similar to crypto, right? It’s not forgiving, you make one mistake. So for instance, think of it this way command line interface, right? You make one space wrong, one minus sign wrong one exclamation point wrong, it won’t work. I type in a browser like gibberish, and it pulls up the things that I thought it knew intuitively, what I was looking for, I can’t type for the life of me on these little keyboards. So I’m always got like ABC, gx, you know, whatever. And the abstraction figures out what I was trying to find and gives me, you know, suggestions. You don’t have that command line interface. And until crypto starts thinking like that, and there’s more to it intuitive for the everyday person, you’re not going to get everyday users. And to me, I think you’re right, we have to really work on the abstraction, I know is working on our project. Trust me, I am 100% behind you, but we’ve got to get the developers out right if we got to get more people working and helping us build that because I certainly want that I see it. I don’t have the manpower To build everything I want to build, like right now or yesterday, but I do agree that I think the projects that are really end user focus, they’re not only trying to solve a problem, but they’re trying to solve a problem in a very convenient, easy way for a big market. I think ultimately, you’re right. The projects that do that the crypto projects that end up doing that successfully. I believe one, they’re going to be very successful financially, but I think also they’re going to change the way crypto products are evaluated in the market. Yeah. So you know, a lot of projects that right now in crypto are just speculative assets, right. People are hoping they’re going to land and hoping they’re going to get mass adoption. But I think the ones that do are going to definitely be the first ones that make that happen. I think we’re in I think we’re in an arms race, so to speak.
Richard Carthon –
Yeah, think about it. even speak to that real quick. Just a quick point. When you first came up with cryptocurrencies Bitcoin was odd, right? But then a theorem came in shook up the whole playing field, right. It’s like oh, like and when I think About like cryptocurrency itself like some cryptocurrencies aren’t cryptocurrencies, they are platforms or there’s something to be built upon, but they are under the umbrella of cryptocurrencies, like at the end of the day most of these quote unquote cryptocurrency projects out there are startups and, and with most startups in anything out there 90% of them fail, period. But that five to 10 that survive, crush it, and not go ahead.
Rob McNealy –
I’m sorry, I was just coughing a little bit.
Richard Carthon –
I was just, not only do they like crush it, like, they build something in such a way that changes the dynamic of where the future is headed. So why like a theorem it made a lot of developers come on and understand like, oh, here’s all of these different use cases. Oh, we have smart contracts, things that can be permissionless and do whatever like, oh, like there’s so many use cases. Let me try to go build out this certain aspect of it. Um, when you look at some of the products that are coming on, and I, I do this comparison and I’m sure a lot of others Do the comparison as well as the internet, like initial internet, how it all came out how was all forming and forming it with with crypto and when you look at when the internet first came out, and all of this money just flooded the market and everyone was trying to become a web company. They all didn’t make it. But the ones that did the Amazons, the Google’s the the AOL, like AOL came out and was crushing it. Everybody knew AOL. But AOL didn’t ultimately make it. But because of AOL, you had innovation that was created around it to make everything after it that much better. You have these early movies, the early adopters that built really great infrastructure for that time, and it is great and it works for that moment. But if they’re not constantly innovating and adapting with the times, then they don’t ultimately make it and what I think is happening right now are happening with again, going back to initial Ico boom, a lot of these cryptocurrencies came out that we’re trying to solve a thing for this immediate moment for warrant trying to survive. And I think there’s a lot more products out there that are building to survive. And the ones that do, I think are going to be spectacular. So I just, I just want to like, really harp on the idea that some of these crypto projects that are coming are learning from other mistakes and are saying like, hmm, they did all of these things, right. But here’s something they did wrong, let me make it that much better. And like, here’s, boom, here’s this new project and like, you know, it works and like, are getting to a point now, where the tech is, the technical debt is being paid by a lot of these first movers and you know, that’s just part of the game. But it’s allowing these newer companies that are coming in or even the companies that are there that are are looking at what’s going on around them, and adapting and allowing them to build and move so much faster. And I think you for it for everyone listening your audience. One of the things to always keep in mind and something that I’ve kind of pulled from a lot of the guests that come on my show it’s As you continue to work in build, and you’re listening to your your customer and everything else is, what can I do? or What did they tell me that if I had to go back and show them my product that I shouldn’t have to explain, like, if they asked me a question about these things like I, in my head, this all made sense. And like, I’m surprised they asked me that question, like, think back on your conversations and think, hmm, why do they? Why do they even ask me that question? I thought that was very obvious. And if the answer is Oh, that’s not very obvious. That is where your attention probably needs to be. And I think that’s been like a really cool, just just lesson that I’ve learned over time.
Rob McNealy –
Yeah, I think you’re right. I mean, think about this way. Well, you know, the original way you got on the internet for the most part was dial up, right. And those of us that struggle, you know, back in the dark ages back in the early days in the 90s. We would never want to go back to that. Right and having a Deal with mom picks up the phone and get kicked off the line Mom I’m on blame boo game, you know, stuff like that. But if they’re good stories to tell now but it really it was it was it really was clunky It was hard. I mean if you had to think about like back then like you had to turn on the computer and boot and then you had to open up your, your modem window and then dial the number and make sure your username and password were I mean, now you just turn on the computer works. You don’t even think about that. You don’t even think about the connection. And now you know, we have the wireless you know, everything is wireless now, right and Wi Fi and that was a whole other job like, Oh, I don’t have to sit in my my computer room now to play on the computer. I can sit in the living room and you know, live tweet Netflix or something. Right? I mean, things are very different now, even than it was 2030 years ago. And and you know, I think I try to think about the future as well. And when we’re designing Tosca and working and building this out You know, we’ve heard this a lot of times, for instance, as a project, well, why aren’t you a stable coin? I don’t know if you hear that a lot. And but and I said, we don’t want to be a stable coin. And they and people give me a hard time and I say, look, most stable coins are pegged to a fiat currency. And I can tell you, and we thought this two years ago, and I think it even more Now, can you imagine being attacked, having the value of your project controlled by a fiat currency like the US dollar in 10 years? Tell me what’s going to happen to the dollar in the next 10 years. I don’t know what’s going to happen to the dollar in the next 10 years, but I have a good indication that they’re printing so much money right now. And that rate of printing is just only increasing will eventually drive that fiat currency to oblivion. I’m pretty comfortable in saying that I don’t have a timeline. But I would say there’s a higher it’ll catch up. And and I’m not building something for a week. I’m not building something for a year. I’m building something that Maybe here in 50 years, you know, that’s the goal, right? You don’t build a, you know, who builds a money that’s gonna be gone in 10 years, right? You got to build something’s gonna last hundreds of years, right? I mean, that’s at least in my mind, that’s what I’m trying to
Richard Carthon –
Build the currency.
Rob McNealy –
And and so so why would I build something on a foundation one I don’t control two that’s recklessly being printed and devalued debased. And so that’s why I don’t want to be a fiat currency. I want our currency to get dropped out, you know, and I also believe, if you look at what was the point why did why do people build stable coins? Right? Answer that.
Richard Carthon –
The stable coins to mean volatility to make sure you could hedge against volatility that’s going on to make sure that at that time, if your Bitcoin was $10,000, and Allison’s target was going down, you could at least save that value and you could buy back in at a lower but to maintain value,
Rob McNealy –
Stability. Exactly. So the question is, how come cryptocurrencies are so volatile Why not solve that problem? And there’s a very simple reason for that. Why is the US dollar not volatile? For the most part, it’s the most stable fiat currency on the planet right now, right? Why is it not volatile? And it’s a simple answer, because people are using it every day for buying and selling. However, if people only use the dollar for speculation, it would be very volatile. So how do you solve the volatility issue? You create utility, and you get adoption. And over time, it will absolutely stabilize itself and be consistent and hold its value. And so if your project or a project that you like that you’re investing in, does not have a strategy to get people to really use it. It will probably always be a speculative asset only. And it’s going to be volatile. So to us, I yeah, we’re going to be volatile probably for the next two or three years as we grow. But we expect that with tops that we knew this, we knew that was a risk. And we are we have some strategies to Deal with at least early on with the retailers that we’re talking to, which involves things like, you know, atomic swaps and, you know, you know, cashing out right away. So you’re not sitting on it if you don’t want to. But we deliberately wanted to stay away from being a stable coin. And and we felt that for the long term, it was a bad strategy short term, it might be fine. Long term, I don’t think it’s a good idea. And so because you don’t control the underlying value at that point, I would much rather are the people in our community or essentially think about are controlling the value? So who’s better if you’re a project right? Who’s Who should be controlling the value some government agent somewhere or someone in a treasury department at some fiat currency or some bank control the value of your asset or should the people that use it control the value of the asset and to me and to our you know, our group and our team we felt that having the market in our community determine the value is probably the safest way long term.
Richard Carthon –
I mean the the market the people The community who are using it should be driving the value. Like if you think about what makes the stock market, the stock market, it is perceived value it is supply and demand. And it’s very interesting. When you think about like, stable coins and I was having a conversation about this earlier today. It can go one of two ways, right? And right now there’s a lot of demand for it. There’s a lot of money being fed into it. I think it’s basically expanding to like a $10 billion industry right now. And it’s continuing to grow. There’s a lot of liquidity that’s starting to enter that market. However, depending on what that is pegged to. Even your quote, unquote, stable coin eventually could become volatile. Depending on like, what is your underlying thing that it’s that you’re pegging? So, in a lot of ways, yes, there’s utility to it. It’s, it’s practical, it can be useful, but at the same time to, you’re still always going to be at some sort of risk right? And for a lot of these, for example, like with TUSC, and what you have going on, I do think that by just keeping it the the value of what you’re doing, it should be driven by supply demand and everyone who is using it. So yeah, I would just, I agree with that.
Rob McNealy –
Yeah, it’s gonna be definitely interesting to say with, you know, see where things go and in the next couple of years, and, and I think we’re going the right direction with our project, but we’ll see if the market agrees with what we’re doing. And I think, but I think we will be, I’m pretty confident of that. But I think, you know, ultimately, you know, pegging the value of what you’re doing to something else as somebody else control. I just don’t think that’s just doesn’t make sense to me. But, but again, I think a lot of people created those stable coins as a band aid, because and so instead of, you know, creating adoption, and focusing your efforts on truly getting adoption, they spent their time creating a bandaid instead of Solving the underlying problem is that, you know, cryptocurrencies haven’t been adopted yet by the masses. In fact, I would argue they haven’t even been adopted by very many niche markets either. You know, right now, you know, even Bitcoin and i and i own Bitcoin or aetherium. In my own portfolio, I’m not anti any project other than a scam. I don’t like scams, but I’m not anti projects. But I also see limitations in projects. I even see limitations in our own projects. I know where I know where what’s ugly, I know where the words are in our project, too. But if you can’t identify and be open and honest, where there’s a problem or where there’s a, you know, an obstacle that needs to be corrected, or you know, overcome, you’re never going to innovate. And that’s the thing. And I think the problem with a lot of people, especially the Maxis and the different communities, is that they’re so sensitive to any kind of criticism that they feel that their product is above criticism, and then they get really angry about it. But the fact is, if you can’t point out where there’s a problem, how are you ever going to innovate. You know, if you You can identify those issues and I think that and I think that’s natural people get tribal when they wrap their personal identity around something. I think that’s also dangerous. You know? Can you imagine if there were like visa Maxis? You’re like you MasterCard people are bastards visas to real money you know? I mean think about how silly that sounds right? Right. But isn’t that what we’re little sized how, like, Ark..
Rob McNealy –
But think about like, like the PayPal guys are like fighting the Venmo guys on the corner right? I mean think about how ridiculous that sounds this little thought exercise, but that’s what they’re doing in crypto right? It’s like everybody’s got their team jersey on and they got to go to Mass on Sunday pray to the Bitcoin gods and and you know, immaculate conception and all this I mean it really does have elements of you know, it’s not only tribal, but it does have elements of religion. You know, and Satoshi we trust and I’m not like I said, I’m, to me, it’s technology. And it’s software and it has bugs and the people involved have personalities and flaws. And ultimately, the most successful ones may not be the best technology. You know, I’m old enough to remember man, I’m really old now, but I’m old enough to remember VHS and Betamax. I’m that old. And you know what the best technology at that time? Didn’t when the best marketed technology one
Richard Carthon –
Yes, it did. And oh my gosh, I mean, I did case studies on this back in college and it still holds true just posted the the best tech doesn’t win the best marketing does. And again, I’m gonna say this again, the best technology doesn’t win. The best marketing does. If you think about some of the things that we use every day. It has everything to do with marketing and how it was positioned in like why they made you think a certain way, like the whole concept of like buying a diamond ring for somebody that you’re supposed to use a certain fraction Have your salary and like that’s how much you’re supposed to spend was a marketing ploy by company like they put that in our brains like, however use like the fact that smoking like the reason that smoking became very popular was that the the cigarettes company put marketing ploys out there to show how cool it was at all points like everything and just not to go too far into like the whole marketing piece. But again, like podcaster, that talks to a bunch of crypto and blockchain projects all the time and everything going on, learn to think that they a thing or two, and one of them in the importance of communication and put it out there is that marketing and putting your brand in front of as many eyes as possible and making sure that your story is resonating with people the way that you want it to and in a way that is received from your ideal customer is so crucial. And if you’re not spending time on that right now, I want to challenge you right now if you’re listening to this, and you can Like gut check, I’m not doing this, do it like this should be your focus for the next month, like, figure out how you can get that concise story together to communicate that with others, and just test it. But it’s great to build great tech, it is great to build something that is useful. I’m not going to ever take away from that. But if you can’t communicate it, and if you cannot put it in front of a ton of people, and they can understand it, and then not only understand it take action, like if you can’t, even if you’re thinking it’s the greatest thing ever. And you tell someone and they won’t act on it, and you have failed. And like I know that might sound really harsh and like really like who is this guy but like trust me, you could be putting all your effort and energy creating the best thing ever. But if you do not know how to communicate that and do not know how to put that in front of others, you are failing and that needs to be a focus and that is something that you need to Be refiguring out and putting out there and it’s never too late. You can start right now. And I just really want to just emphasize the importance of we are in a new space where everything is hard. Everything is challenging. And any initial conversation that you have with a non crypto blockchain person, like right now, you probably already know this and feel this. You try to talk to anybody that is not in this immediate world and circle. You trying to pitch it is really hard, and they don’t get it. But if you get to a point to where you can talk to anybody on the street and explain what you do, very simply, and they’re like, Oh, that sounds pretty cool. You’ve won. And so if you can’t, like internalize and like can can tell me that. I want to tell you again right now to go focus and figure that out.
Rob McNealy –
I can’t agree more with you, Richard. I mean, it’s true. And I think the unicorn is the combination right, is that you get both pieces, right? You get the best tech and the best marketing. That’s where your Steve Jobs and Apple come from. That’s where Elan musk and your customers come from. You have really, really good products, really good innovation that people really want. And you have the right amount of hype to grow it, you need both. You could have a Tesla, I used to work in the auto industry in Detroit and from Michigan originally. And there’s plenty of great cars that’ll probably come out to the market that are going to be better than Tesla’s, I guarantee it, they will be. I mean, there’s too many people going into that space. And once the US auto industry and the Japanese auto industries decided they’re going to go into a space they really dive in, they’re not going to come to the market with one line or one model, they’re going to come with 10. And guess what, in a couple of years, they’ll figure it out. Right? they’ll they’ll figure out really good tech, and they’ll figure out a way how to manufacture it cheaper. But the question is, you know, ultimately, you know, Tesla is really good at hype. I mean, the Who do you even know who the CEO CEO of Ford is? Or the, you know, the CEO name of Toyota? No, no, but you know, you know, the CEO of Tesla is right.
Richard Carthon –
Everybody knows Elon.
Rob McNealy –
Yeah, you know, the CEO of Apple, the old one, even the new one, right? Cook, the old one, you know, jobs, everybody knows them. Right? You don’t have those kind of personalities in those organizations in like the, you know, the other auto industries that have that kind of marketing in that hype, like you do. Tesla’s and and so I think, you know, I think that’s important to understand. And I think that any crypto project or AI project or any emergency or emerging technology project, you have to, you know, you have to have a good product, no doubt. And you have to understand that you have to have a good product, but you also have to be able to have not only the ability to put that in front of people, but you have to have, you know, someone that has a strategy to put it in how are you going to put it in front of people and that has to be thought about just as much if not more so within the technology part of it. And I and that pisses off developers, when You say that, trust me, I’ve gone round and round with them. And trust me, every time I open my mouth and my developers wins. I’m like, Guys, I got an idea. Because I do have a lot of ideas, you know, because I’m out there. You know, our developers typically, you know, our heads down, they’re pretty most of the team is introverted, right. I’m like the guy with the big mouth. And, and, you know, I’m out. But I’m also the one talking to people like you and talking to other projects. That’s the beauty of what I’m doing with my podcast is I get to talk to other projects and see what they’re doing. Right. And I’m like, Oh, that’s a really good idea. We should do that too. Or do it better than what you’re doing. But you have to have both. But Richard, we’re getting pretty close on time. Before we run, can you tell people how they can get a hold of you and hear what you have to say on your show?
Richard Carthon –
Absolutely. So if you go to that is our website. That’s CR y PTO, hyphen, current, c u r r e n Go check out our website. sight. I’ve got plenty of content educational content out there. We have our podcasts that comes out weekly, sometimes bi weekly. We have videos that we have coming out as well. educational videos on there. We have a newsletter that goes out every single day Monday through Friday part of artificial intelligence that’d be really cool to go and get a part of and then on all social media if you just type in cryptocurrency, you’re gonna be able to find this no problem. And we are always looking for it really cool projects and people who are working on cool things I would like to share with the audience. If so, feel free to reach out to me through cryptocurrency or you can also find me on social media on Richard Carlton. I think probably the one of the easier ways is probably my Instagram so Richard underscore carth on that CA, th o n. You can find me there and I’m happy to speak in and I enjoy speaking with people who are passionate and working on something in the crypto and blockchain space that are looking need to make a difference. So if that’s you, please hit me up. I’m happy to follow up with you.
Rob McNealy –
Richard, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I’ve really enjoyed our time today.
Richard Carthon –
Absolutely appreciate you having me Rob.
Rob McNealy –
Hey, this has been Rob McNealy, and we’re gonna have all his socials and stuff linked up at Rob McNealy calm. Make sure if you haven’t subscribed mass has subscribed by button so you can get more content like this and many more interviews are coming. I am Rob McNealy, do you have a great day. Thank you, folks.
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Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip Bitcoin Transcript
Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.
Rob McNealy – 0:01
Hey folks Rob McNealy here. And today we are talking to the CEO of CoinFlip ATM is named Daniel Polotsky. Daniel, how are you today?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 0:10
I’m doing great. Thank you so much for having me really quite
Rob McNealy – 0:14
well I’m really glad you have time to come on on the show. I know it’s been really hard to like with your schedule my schedule lately to connect so I’m glad we’re finally able to do it. But I think that’s a lot you know, due to the fact that you guys are growing kind of like weeds right now. out there. So let’s just jump into that. So tell me a little bit about what is CoinFlip ATM.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 0:36
I mean CoinFlip is I like to say the world’s largest Bitcoin ATM network by volume. We have close to 800 Bitcoin ATM locations we’re growing at you know, we’re trying to put down 20 to 25 ATMs per week. You know, we’re trying to hopefully move into other region like we’re all already in almost all 50 states. There’s a few left to go on. We want to maybe even make it out to like you know other countries as well like more in the distant future and you know we’re kind of also just trying to be an easy way for people to obtain Bitcoin like the easiest possible way you know to get in get out, get your Bitcoin convenient can speak to somebody 24 seven you know kind of like the old fashioned way you know, it’s like very hard to like even like companies like Uber these days, you know, like they don’t have 24 seven customer service where you can like call someone and they can like pick up. So we try to have that we try to make we understand that Bitcoin is hard to understand for a lot of people and we want to make it as easy and friendly as possible. So that’s what we’re about to do. We’re trying to get Bitcoin as many hands as possible. And we also have like, other options do that now to like we do credit cards online, and we also have coin flip preferred, which we recently launched, which is like a wire transfer service, and you get the Bitcoin same day you get to talk to a person in real life and like we’re just really about all about that experience to try to make Bitcoin as friendly as possible.
Rob McNealy – 2:07
So when did you guys launch the company?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 2:10
On the company’s launched in 2015? Um, so we probably been around Yeah. So five years.
Rob McNealy – 2:19
Did you guys bootstrap or do you guys get investors?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 2:22
Yeah, I’ve never we’ve never gotten any outside funding. It’s been pretty crazy. So like, Yeah, I don’t know. I didn’t expect that to be the case. But that is how it worked out. Like you know, that obviously was a popular service. I kind of like you know, the beginning you know, just kind of like put down one ATM and then you know, once it made some money, you know, I like put down another like, I didn’t like, swing for the fences immediately. I want to make sure it was something that works. Because like, you know, I’m like, I am like, you know, like a dreamer or whatever, like entrepreneur, but I’m also like, kind of risk averse, even though like, obviously do take risks, but like, you know, it I want to I want to hit singles rather than homeruns put it that way.
Rob McNealy – 3:04
Well, I think that you actually just illustrated something that’s real important about entrepreneurs and I’m an entrepreneur, I’ve been around entrepreneurs for a long time, is that I think there’s this like misinformation out there, right? everybody’s like, Oh, I could never be an entrepreneur because of the risks. And I’m just like, you know, I think you got a backwards I personally think that employees actually have more risk than entrepreneurs do. And it’s kind of I think they got a backwards because when you’re an entrepreneur, right, you will, you really are kind of risk adverse, but what that means is least as far as I see it, is that you’re going out and you’re going to take very determined well thought out risks, not haphazard ones, whereas in and you have all the information whereas I think a lot of like employees, you know, they don’t know what condition the companies in they don’t No, you know if they’re gonna get laid off tomorrow, because we’re patient, right? And me, I think that’s way more risky because you don’t know because then your boss is let’s be honest, right? You know, if you’re going to go under the bosses are going to tell you like last thing
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 4:19
Because they want you to give a family whatever what have you, you need to like, adapt quick like it’s not it’s not a you know, yeah,
Rob McNealy – 4:27
It’s not and and I’ve been an entrepreneur for a long time and and it’s funny because like I’m like people like oh, you must have so much risk and I’m like, it’s not about being risky, right? It’s about yes, we do take risks, but they’re incredibly calculated risks.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 4:43
And they’re short, you know, like, you don’t have to, like, you don’t have to buy, you know, like, you don’t have to nessus like, for example, in my case, you don’t have to, but you don’t have to necessarily raise $3 million and buy 200 machines only to find out it doesn’t work. Like you know, just like put down one machine Find out this is kind of like not really going anywhere. No one’s really picking up on it, maybe like, stick it out for a bit, obviously don’t quit right away, but like, on a small scale doesn’t work, then you haven’t thrown away, you know, millions of dollars, which I guess is easier in today’s society because there’s like a lot of venture funding available and what have you, but still.
Rob McNealy – 5:21
Oh, well, well, you know that I don’t understand it. Because, you know, I’m old. So I mean, I’m almost 50 now. And I’ve been a self sufficient..
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 5:30
I thought you were 40.
Rob McNealy – 5:32
I’m 48. I just turned 48 a couple of months ago. Yeah. Thanks. It’s, it’s crazy. Yeah, I got married 20 years for kids. So I’m all fart. But I’ve been a self sufficient entrepreneur for 15 years, meaning that I’ve been able to fully make a living as an entrepreneur for 15 years. But I’ve been an entrepreneur probably for 10 years past that, you know, like who are you try something and fail and I find like the same way right you test and I always call doing it. diligence, where I like I as I’m a serial entrepreneur, so it’s like, I get ideas all the time. And I think you probably are like that too. Because most entrepreneurs I know, the longer they’re an entrepreneur, the more ideas and business ideas pop in their head. And I found the hard part is picking the right ones route that there is an idea but that you got to choose and you got to go through…
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 6:23
You gotta follow through with what you’re gonna do.
Rob McNealy – 6:24
Yeah, and that’s what you’re gonna execute on. And to me, it’s like, you know, I’ve looked at probably, of all the things that I’ve done, I’ve probably times that by five gone through, like what I call a diligence process where I’m seriously interested in a business or an idea and I start exploring it and they start look, delving into the market and I had this happen, actually, just before we did started. OCC and TUSC. Our little crypto project is I had this idea in the space. It was like a gig economy kind of thing. And I went down for six months researching the market looking at all the attempts that had failed. And before that, you know, people tried to go into it. And I eventually even I was really excited about it. And I had a team where we went to the point where we’re starting to put a team together. And at the very last minute, I told the guys that go, we shouldn’t do it. Like, yeah. And it was a good idea. Like, don’t get me wrong, the idea was sound, but the markets weren’t there. And, and there was some, you know, we found 12 failures in that space that Ted tried to go in that space and failed 12. And I said, Okay, it’s one thing to find one or two, that’s not bad, necessarily. But when you find 12, then you start looking and then you go, Okay, why didn’t then you start trying to answer because why did they fail? And you can’t be arrogant about it. It’s like, okay, because you got to assume that at least some of these people are pretty smart. And like, you know, their diligence too. And ultimately just figured out there wasn’t enough market for that idea. And we had to pull the plug. And so I think sometimes like, what you’re saying is that you got to take these calculated risks. So why ATMs? What got you into that? Did you have a background in finance or ATMs prior to that?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 8:09
I do have a background like not like crazy but like I do have a background in finance I would say when I was in college, you know at various internships at like, you know, big financial firms like Morgan Stanley, or Joe Brian Citadel, but then I was also like, you know, I really like Bitcoin as well. That’s kind of like what got me into the whole thing like the rabbit hole, you know, I found Bitcoin I was like, I want to buy some Bitcoin and I actually used to buy the first ever Bitcoin it was in like, 20 2014 I think, yes. 2014 so it was like, 2014 I was trying to buy the Bitcoin and I went, like, back in the day, it was really annoying to like, use like Coinbase I mean, no, it’s still kind of it’s like, you know, getting on boarded for the first time and whatever. Like, it’s still kind of a nightmare like back then it was like, you know, really, really not smooth to get bitcoins honestly I want the easiest way possible so I went to the Bitcoin ATM first ever one in Chicago I didn’t like the features like I didn’t like the bill acceptor It was kind of annoying like it didn’t spit a lot of bills back like the money came back took a while to get the Bitcoin the fees were like crazy I think they’re really over 10% whatever so 1213 maybe even 14 I forgot but they’re really high so I went on local bitcoins calm and I met up with somebody in person to trade had that feature back then. So I just like that. So I bought my Bitcoin but then like, I started thinking of like, you know, the ATM versus like meeting up with someone and how like the ATM is way safer, and how it’s way more scalable. You know, like, it’s a, it’s not like you meeting up with someone you know, and then like having risk of getting shot or whatever it is or like, you know, meeting up or like $20,000 or whatever having to take orders or people having to do it like that’s not very scalable, so you need the ATMs to be put down. So that’s why I’m like, I could probably like even though that ATM that I use specifically was the best, like, I could probably improve on the model, which is also like a good example of like, you know, like you don’t have to necessarily reinvent the wheel like I I knew about these ATM so I liked the concept of them I liked what they were doing it just wasn’t being executed properly but there clearly was a demand because you know, I was especially because I was a customer you know, like I was buying Bitcoin that was someone there have to be some other people like me right? It’s not it’s probably not like complete fluke
Rob McNealy – 10:39
How long did it take you to get from like the idea to do this to like getting a working prototype? What was that kind of process to like, you know, yeah, you manufacturing themselves or you licensing the manufacturing out to somebody else or buying from somebody else? How did they How did you get started with that piece of it?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 10:54
Yeah, of course. I mean, we just you know, I put down some money for floats, obviously, because we need some float for the Bitcoin. And then we start doing research on like regulations because you know, like, at the time there was like a bunch of there’s like the first ever like case of like, you know, somebody going to jail for whatever for like not being a registered Bitcoin MSP or like violating like MSB, you know, AML KYC regulations. So I’m like, you know, I just don’t know, I want to do things by the book. So I started researching regulations, there was no laws against it. I wrote a letter to the state regulator in Illinois, got the green lights, and you know, like, there’s nothing like you don’t have to register as like a money transmitter. I register with fincen everyone, every, you know, company dealing with big one at the time had to do there was like a mandate out. So I did register with fincen as a money service business, I developed an AML KYC policy and then I started looking for the best ATM. So I was just like, you know, just try and try out different models like not, um, you know, there’s a go to one store, you know, try this One, look online. Yeah, what’s the price this what the features are for this one, and then eventually I settled on general bytes. So general bytes was the best company at the time. So we have like a very close working relationship with general bytes. And we still use their ATMs today. You know, we also try to like, you know, have our own like version of the software that we add on. So it’s like, it’s dope. I think it’s been a great relationship. And I think we’ve done great things together.
Rob McNealy – 12:28
So, are Coinflip ATMs for crypto transactions only, or do you do normal credit card, debit card type or withdrawals as well?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 12:36
Well, there’s no reason to really do like debit and credit cards, I don’t think because why would anybody ever drive to use that when they could just do it online, right. So we do actually accept credit and debit cards on our website. We try to keep the fees really competitive as well. And I think you get Bitcoin in the hour, so it’s kind of cool. simplex. So we have that option but on the ATM itself for now, it’s just, it’s just cash. We do so 10 different cryptocurrencies.
Rob McNealy – 13:11
Very cool. So, you know, I know a lot of people that have gotten into like vending type industries and typically with that kind of industry, the hard part is finding a good spot, right? Where do you place the units? And what has been your strategy for placing units around the country?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 13:29
Well, I have a sales background, as well as like a financial background. So I was like a salesperson for vector marketing. I sold knives door to door for Cutco.
Rob McNealy – 13:39
I have a Cutco knife, a Fisherman’s solution.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 13:43
It’s great. It’s great. Right? It’s a great product so I was very down to push it. I think I sold like $40,000 of knives during that summer. And then I also salesperson, the I finish like 42nd in the country. And then there was like a another time there was like Uber when They were just getting started. I mean, they weren’t just getting started, it was like 2014 2015. Like they were definitely around. But they wanted more college people to get involved. So in college, I was just like, hired to onboard people. So just like, you know, post in Facebook groups, like do all this other like guerilla marketing, get people to sign up for Uber. And so I finished like, think first in the Midwest for that campaign. So I was like, always into sales. You know, I liked sales. So I kind of use my experience, like, how to sell from like, you know, what my managers have previously taught me and I kind of like, molded that my approach to talking to stores. And I don’t think it’s like, obviously, it’s hard. The first one’s always gonna be the hardest one, but like, you make 500 calls a day or whatever, like 100 calls a day. Like eventually there will be somebody who’s down to accept money every month and foot traffic free, you know, free marketing for you know, square foot of space.
Rob McNealy – 14:58
So how are they managed? Somebody has to go put money in, pull money out. How do you handle that?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 15:06
We have a whole operations department like a whole cash logistics armored operations department that always keeps track of where our cash is. We work with obviously the biggest armored car carriers in the country. And we also have like some smaller ones as well. So we have a whole network of people that pick up the cache and take it to our different vaults across the country. So it’s a whole, like logistical operation now.
Rob McNealy – 15:29
So the question is, you know, I’ve talked to other people who have tried to do the crypto ATM kind of business and they’re either struggling in there I know of a couple of you probably do too, that you know, never got off the ground or, you know, going out of business. What’s what are you doing differently? That’s making you guys more successful you think?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 15:48
Um, we are working incredibly hard. I think that we’re all a bit younger, so we’re maybe a little bit more forward thinking. We never got any outside funding, so we’re just super efficient and everything we do. So, you know, we’ve been able to like bootstrap. So we have that mindset. So we have like, we don’t really have any, as much fat as maybe some of these other companies. You know, we charge the lowest fees, we just try to do the right thing every day. And we hire incredibly talented people. You know, I just don’t have a lot of my friends from past life for like people I know from like working environments that I know are talented, either from school, from Northwestern, from Deerfield, from other networking events, whatever it is, but like people I know that will do a good job. And I think we’ve been able to bring them in because they like, respect with what we’re doing.
Rob McNealy – 16:36
So what do you look for in a location? Say, when you’re placing one? What kind of requirements do you have for like, say, if you know, a store owner, for instance, what would you want to be like? Do you have like a minimum amount of volume they have to do a month or how does that look?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 16:51
No, I mean, we are like, the machines do well, pretty much everywhere. I mean, obviously there’ll always be some locations that are worse. Some that are better, but there’s always a demand for them. We’re just mainly looking for, you know, someplace with good parking someplace with good security or a gas station someplace, you know, easily accessible. We look for gas stations, liquor stores, convenience stores, some smaller restaurants. So any place that people are comfortable going to can go and have good security and people can access you know, as often as possible. That’s the spot I’m going for. We also pay anyone who does want to find locations for us, we pay them, we pay them upfront and a residual based on the amount that the machine does. So that’s always an option.
Rob McNealy – 17:44
We need to talk off the air. Yeah, we got an idea. But I think that’s it’s really interesting. And I think that the one of the things is on and off ramps are really hard, especially in the United States right now. And it’s It sucks right now you know and I look at it from being inside the industry to is like you know trying to do things legally in the US is hard I mean it really is yeah and people don’t understand the amount of regulation involved with you know trying to do things the right way you know kind of thing and it’s been pretty nuts so where do you think the the future crypto is gonna be? Do you think it’s Bitcoin Do you think other all coins are going to be leading the way defy I you don’t have I don’t have to hold you to the certainty. I’m just curious. I like to talk to other people and see what they’re what they’re seeing is going on because you’re dealing with real customers. You’re dealing with real people every day and that’s why I think you probably have some unique insights there.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 18:43
Yeah, on the retail side, Bitcoin is king. By far. I can tell you that lunch for sure. So as of now, I think that Bitcoin has a very bright future ahead of it. Just simply be mean not simply because but a lot partly because of its first mover advantage, I think a lot of these other cool ideas from these other networks, they can kind of like layer on top of like, you know, there’s like whatever the lightning network to make it quicker. So I think that Bitcoin for the foreseeable future, you know, I think will be the king I think it’s kind of like the most slow changing, you know, kind of like most resistant to censorship, most decentralized coin right now, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. That being said, Nothing is forever. So it’s got to be the only thing that’s the caveat is it’s got to be like 10 times better than Bitcoin. Like, it can’t just be something that’s like, you know, 1.1 times better or like, you know, like, just slightly faster slightly. This has to be something that like people really want to, like, switch their infrastructure over to, you know, like, there’s kind of like that network effect like, you see it all the time in businesses to like they all use Windows computers, and they all use Microsoft, and they always Excel and That’s what they use year after year after year, even if it’s not necessarily the best product out there, but that’s how it’s been. That’s how it is. Slowly they change.
Rob McNealy – 20:12
It’s like VHS and beta, right? I always tell people that it’s not the the best product that wins. But generally the best marketed product that wins typically in some of those battles, and, you know, it’s just the way it is, unfortunately, I always tell people, and I get a lot of crap for this. But I say that, you know, the winning grip does whatever winning means, but probably in the future, the most popular kryptos will be the best marketed kryptos going forward. The ones that solve, you know, I call I i dotted this or coined this term, saying closing that last mile of crypto adoption, you know, the ones have figured out how to stimulate the actual demand on the consumer end, and I think whatever those projects are going to be the ones that rise to the top Eventually, the speculation can’t drive everything forever. Eventually. There’s got to be Be a customer involved.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 21:02
Rob McNealy – 21:02
That’s how I see it. So, Daniel well Cool, well Daniel, where can people find out more about CoinFlip?
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 21:10
I just go to our website There are plenty of opportunities on there you know, you can use our coin flip preferred service get Bitcoin in the same day you can refer other people to this service. You can refer people to rates yams, you can help sell ATMs for us, you know, we have countless ways to engage the community to work together and you know, make money doing it and helping everyone get Bitcoin. So that’s why
Rob McNealy – 21:35
Daniel, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I really appreciate your time.
Daniel Polotsky – CoinFlip 21:39
I appreciate your time.
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Brock Pierce – Independent Presidential Candidate Transcript
Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.
Rob McNealy – 0:01
Hey folks, Rob McNealy here. Hey folks Rob McNealy here and I am super excited. Today we are talking to Brock Pierce. He is probably the quintessential godfather of crypto and it is a true honor to be speaking with you. Hey, Brock, how are you?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 0:19
Grateful. Glad to be here.
Rob McNealy – 0:22
I’m glad you’re here too. So a funny thing happened to me about a week ago, I was scrolling through the internet scrolling through the Twitter’s and I see this announcement from you. On Twitter, it says you’re running for president. Tell me what’s going on here, man.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 0:44
Well, I’m I’m running for president of the United States of America as an independent candidate.I guess the the Why is perhaps what you want to know?
Rob McNealy – 0:56
I would love to know the why.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 1:01
I’m very concerned about our collective future, you know, as a nation, but you know, as a species even, I look around, and I feel that we’re facing a number of existential threats. I see a nation that’s divided, I see polarization between the left and the right. And I don’t think that we’re on the right path. I’m very concerned about our collective future if we continue going down this path. And so I’m looking around for the last, you know, five years going, Okay, you know, where are these? You know, where are these people going? When are these people going to show up that are going to actually know how to fix this stuff, you know, kind of looking around waiting for something to happen, and no one’s really showing up. I see a lot of people talking about the changes that are needed, but I don’t see people throwing themselves, you know, into this type of running. And I think that this is a place from which we can make real change. And if no one else is going to do it, I guess I will. And I think there’s an important message that the American people need to hear right now, which is that we are all in this together, you know, this whole us versus them, we are us, and we are them. What happens to you is going to happen to me. And we need to find a way, I think, to transcend partisan politics to find a collective path forward, and so I’m excited to deliver a message that’s a little different than probably anything anyone’s heard, you know, at least in presidential candidates, which is a message from the heart, and it’s how do we reunite our nation? You know, how do we find that path forward together, so that there is a future for our kids and their kids and the generations that follow?
Rob McNealy – 2:46
I think that is something that we need right now. But I’m not gonna softball you. I mean, I got I got a real question. I mean, we had Kanye West announced that he was gonna run for office and then right around the time, you know, that you announced as well. Is this a serious run army? And is this just like a vanity thing? And I don’t mean that in a disrespectful way. I was a member of the Libertarian Party I ran as a third party candidate, knowing that I would never win the third party candidate. Are you serious about this?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 3:16
I’m always serious about everything I do. I mean, certainly a commitment like this. I don’t think you would do it. I mean, I wouldn’t do it for any reason other than is a very, very, very serious endeavor. And things are going, things are going really well. And I do believe there’s a path to winning. But the question is, what is winning? From my perspective, there’s three different versions of winning, at a minimum, delivering a message that can get us to focus on the things that matter if that message is amplified enough and heard by enough people that could bring about real change. And so I think that that’s called level one. Winning is delivering that message. And we’ll see how effective I can be in doing that. The next level of winning is if that message actually starts to become a movement, you know, a movement, this isn’t about me, this is about all of us that actually believe in transcending partisan politics to bring about real change in this nation at a time that we need it. You know, I believe this is the 11th hour, I believe this is our defining moment, you know, the future is going to happen to us, or it’s going to happen with us. And I encourage all of us to get involved, if you see what I see, you know, if you feel when I feel it’s time to do something, this is our time to act. And so that movement through this election in 2020, to 2022, to 2024. You know, this is intended to be a movement that will bring about real change. And it’s not about me, it’s about all of us, all of us that are willing to sign up to go do something about it, and that signing up might be as little as voting, but let’s actually start to create the world in which we all want to live. And so that movement, I’d say is the second level of winning, and obviously the third, would be to be in the White House and in January of next year.
Rob McNealy – 5:06
You said you have a path to winning. And, and I see multiple wins there. You have a path to get ballot access, what is your strategy to get on a ballot?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 5:16
Yeah, so, um, we’re on the ballot of Oklahoma as of yesterday.And we have a giant team working across the country, we will be on many many ballots.
Rob McNealy – 5:31
Very cool. I know, it’s like, especially in some states and, you know, running independents almost harder than running, you know, third party and a lot of these places because the the signature requirements and, and let’s just be honest, the the duopoly political system that we have, they don’t want competition from people and candidates that aren’t controlled. And so they make that third party Rhonda, that independent run very, very challenging, just from the requirements gathering point of view. And so, I always want to just say okay, here, people want to run for But it’s like, okay, there’s an actual pragmatic issue of getting, you know, on the ballot. And so if you have a strategy for that, I mean, that is amazing. So are you how are you funding this campaign? Are you gonna be self funding? Are you looking for donors? What’s that looking like for you guys?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 6:17
So I self funded the entire call it beginning process of the campaign and I’m still the largest contributor to the campaign. But I believe that you want as many people participating and feeling ownership in the process. And so clearly, we are looking for anyone that wants to donate to this to this cause to this campaign. And in an ideal world, that would be millions of people, you know, dating and donating $1 $5 $10 $20 that’s in an ideal world, what would happen here and, and we hope that many people choose to get involved.
Rob McNealy – 6:53
And I think that makes a lot of sense. You do need a community it’s like building a crypto project, you need a herd supporting it.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 6:59
I’d say this is one of the mistakes that I think Bloomberg made. Bloomberg chose to self fund everything. The problem is when you fund everything, you’re not out there building community, right? You’re not out there, giving people a feeling of ownership, you know, just funding yourself causes you to do things that you wouldn’t do otherwise, which is putting yourself before the people as much as possible and all the people and realizing that, you know, that person that gave you $1 is is just a much they’ve opted in. They are a contributor as the person that gave you 20 $800. And, you know, going out there and give building that coalition building that community of supporters. And I think it’s an essential part of the process. And I think that Bloomberg would have done better had he chosen to involve as many people as possible versus self funding.
Rob McNealy – 7:50
Well, I think part of the problem is, is that he bought that portion essentially, and instead of like trying to build a community, he just thought he could buy his way around that. And he missed the most important function is getting that buy in from people. And I think that you’re right that that’s absolutely a catastrophic mistake he made on his part. So platform, what are your issues? What are your hot button topics that you’re going to be, you know, focused on during the campaign?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 8:18
Well, I’m, obviously the areas where I’m differentiated is in technology. For one. I think that technology has clearly affected all of our lives and all of our businesses and it’s going to continue to do so. And how do we work with technology to enhance our lives? And so technology is clearly a core component of everything we’re doing as a as an entrepreneur as a small business builder and owner. Clearly, I’m a big supporter of small business. I would be a small business sort of President. It’s probably worth noting other major things right now clearly we we need reform around our police our run our justice system around our prison system. These are hot button topics right now. And I firmly believe that we need real reform in these areas, well being health, health care, all of these sorts of things we can talk about mental health probably being the most important of which, you know, it’s, we know when our body is unhealthy, but it’s, you know, because you can see and feel it. But when you’re, you’re having mental health issues or spiritual health issues, those are not recognized as much and I think our country has a real mental health issue right now, this has been a very traumatizing year, whether it be you know, fear of COVID itself or just fear of how am I going to pay my mortgage, my rent put food on the table might be fear around our our future, the uncertainty of just everything that’s happening. So it’s been a very traumatic year. And that’s something that is not being discussed, I think nearly enough, might be worth also just commenting on my process. And so what We’re going to be releasing this week is the details of this process. And so how do most politicians come up with their platform? And how do they define, you know, where do their policy ideas come from? It often comes from, you know, talking to experts, or lobbyists behind closed doors. But I’m going to do this a little differently, which is, instead of me meeting with people behind closed doors, I’m going to meet with these people. You know, with open doors, I’m going to do this in an open forum live in a town hall, so that if you want to see who I’m talking to, you know, where I’m getting my information from, and actually observe that conference, that that that process, that conversation, I invite you to tune in and actually watch and at the end, even to participate in the QA, and so that we can learn together. I don’t need to do this privately. I’ll show you who I get my information from. I’ll even you’ll watch me get educated in real time and you can learn right there alongside me and at the end of that process around each college policy issue, we’re going to be taking that portion of the platform and publishing that into a collaborative platform so that you can comment at it. And we can work on these issues together. You know, too often I think Polly politicians feel the need to have an answer to every question. versus just saying, I don’t know, I don’t have all the answers. But let’s get to that answer. And here’s my process for getting there. And I don’t know where that where the best information is going to come from. I know in the world of open source software by putting projects into GitHub, you know, everyone can become a contributor, because I truly believe that every one of our voices matter, you know, everyone’s voice should be heard, at least have the potential for it to be heard in every voice counts. And so I truly want to give us that feeling of participation. And so this is an invitation to, to get involved, be part of the process.
Rob McNealy – 11:50
You’re going to be doing that for your campaign as well, where you’re actually taking in real time through like a repository kind of website.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 11:57
That’s the goal. That should all be live. Starting next week.
Rob McNealy – 12:01
I’m excited to see it actually. Okay, so we’re screwed right now. I mean, I think on so many metrics in the United States, we have a lot of problems that we’re facing right now. And in my not so humble opinion, I think 2021 is actually going to be worse than 2020. Because I think that’s when a lot of the the damage that I believe has been done to the economy is probably gonna start manifesting. So January 1 2021, there’s a Brock Pierce presidency, you’re inheriting a giant mass, what’s the first thing you’re going to do
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 12:37
in terms of the economy, while we need to basically get jump started again, you know, people have to are gonna have to get back to work at some point. Some of the data that I received yesterday and I haven’t fact checked this yet, can we fact check this? The World Food Programme or WFP, as well as I think it was A released information saying that the economic damage related to this is going to cause 130 million deaths in the developing world due to starvation. And so I think what you’re raising is we understand the impact of the virus itself. And we understand, you know, the number of people that are getting sick and how many people are dying and how this is being affected, but we don’t really have a lot of visibility into the long term impact that this is going to have on the economy. Clearly, you know, unemployment rates, you know, skyrocketing small businesses failing, skyrocketing. And even when things open back up again, you can’t just put the band back together again. You know, it doesn’t it doesn’t it’s there’s not like an on off switch. It doesn’t work this way. And so yeah, it’s it’s going to be a very long road. And hopefully, we don’t end up in a situation similar to the Great Depression. And so where do I think the path forward? The United States has been the capital of innovation for a long time? And I think that we want to make sure that we continue to To be that through this fourth industrial revolution, I love the fact that we’re bringing the big fabricators like tsmc and Samsung into the United States to bring semiconductor development here. Clearly cities like Detroit that have all of this infrastructure for mass manufacturing, these things can be repurposed to be building, you know, 21st century products. And so how do we how do we bring as much innovation back into the economy? How do we invest in call it our collective future? You know, one of the things that we can do is invest heavily in upgrading, call it our infrastructure as a country. You know, there’s a and these are the sorts of things that can bring and create high paying high skilled jobs. I think that continuing to support innovation is probably the best path forward.
Rob McNealy – 14:47
Yeah, I agree. And it’s funny because I’m not funny, funny laugh laugh, but, you know, you’ve been reading my Twitter because I’ve been talking about the potential starvation issue next year. For three months now. That’s because I view that is because that, you know, four of the world’s major food exporting countries now are having looks like agricultural yields that are going to be much lower this fall. And if that if the harvest numbers in the fall do fall below a certain level, those four countries are not going to be exporting food to the third world. And that is what’s going to cause that starvation and and that is a concern. I’ve been telling people playing the garden since March. And because I think food is going to skyrocket in price and I think it’s going to create a lot of turmoil if that happens, but we won’t know what that really looks like until the fall harvest numbers but but I’m tracking with you there. Brock, I think I am concerned about that. foreign policy. What..
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 15:42
Just one last point on that. When we look at like what happened in Syria and other places. When we see these revolutions occur. It normally comes from rising prices in food food, when people become hungry. You know, that’s when you know things get really gnarly. Yeah. And this is going to be a very real issue. And one and one that I’d like to echo that, that statement and continue to echo and echo and echo and echo it, which is planted garden planting garden. You know, this is something that it’s good for your health. It’s good for your spirit. And it might be really good for your belly. If things get too and your pocketbook
Rob McNealy – 16:29
I’ll send you some Zucchinis because my wife is we’re overwhelmed and zucchini right now but yeah, I mean, we planted our biggest garden ever this year for the same reason and and as much as we dollar cost average or SATs for doing that now with groceries as well buy food. I’m telling people buy food. I hope I’m wrong on this because you know, it’s like when you get countries like India, which is the number two rice exporter, India feeds the Middle East, their rice and Africa their rice. Right now Brazil is the number one protein exporter in the world. They’re having massive problem with COVID and I think It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the US. And again, I’m looking at those fall numbers. I mean, the commodities traders out there probably are the most clued in on what’s happening in that field. But I think people are gonna be really paying attention to commodities brokers and about, you know, for months. And it’ll be interesting with those futures look like, I guess. Well, I know, we don’t have a lot of time left, but foreign policy right now. We’re in multiple wars still. That seemed like they’re never ending. We’re having bad trade relations with places like China. There’s obviously a lot of contention with Russia. How will Brock Pierce deal with foreign the one just foreign policy in general, but these specific kind of problems we’re seeing right now.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 17:45
So I’ve spent most of my life working all over the world. You know, I lived in Europe for a meaningful amount of my life. I’ve lived in Asia for a substantial amount of my life. And I’ve traveled the world. You know continually for my my entire adult life. And so yeah, we live in we share one planet? And how do we deal with our neighboring countries and countries around the world? And how do we put in place good trade policies that make dollars and cents with an objective or an intention of Win Win scenarios, you know, doing, you know, putting in place creating arrangements for both parties benefit? You know, it’s not you don’t have to, you know, I don’t have to win, you know, you don’t have to lose for me to win. And, and how, you know, knowing that, you know, peace and prosperity is the, you know, call it, I think long term objective for all of us. How do we create a more peaceful world? Now, how do we deal with, you know, some of the more challenging government situations of China probably being the most complicated of them. And I guess we’re where would you like to double click on any of this? Absolutely.
Rob McNealy – 18:59
Brock, where can people find out more if they want to get involved with supporting your campaign or donating to your campaign?
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 19:05
I go to the website which is, you know, And you can sign up to just to stay tuned, stay aware of what it is that we’re doing. Clearly you can volunteer and get involved to the extent that you’d like to support this, this process and donate as well to the extent that you’d like to to contribute. All of it matters. We seek all of your support.
Rob McNealy – 19:33
Brock, thank you so much for coming on today. I look forward to watching your campaign unfold over the next few months.
Brock Pierce-Presidential Candidate 19:40
Yeah, Rob. Happy to come back again. It’s good to see you. Thank you for having me. Have a great day. You too.