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Rob McNealy
Today I am real excited that we’re going to a really good show. I am talking to someone who I’ve been a fan of for a long time and that’s crypto. Wendy. She is a very well known. I don’t like to use the word influencer, but she’s an influence in the crypto world. So Wendy, welcome to the show. How are you today?
Crypto Wendy
Thank you so much for having me on. Rob. I know we were supposed to do this a while ago and I know that we were both at Las Vegas blockchain week I was there with my husband and baby and I was running around like a crazy person. You were too so we didn’t get too much. Uh, I know you’re chatting with my husband, but we didn’t really get to sit and talk like I wanted to. So I’m happy to be here. Thank you.
Rob McNealy
Well, good. And actually, I really like your husband. You know, you can tell a lot about people just based on their family. Yeah.
Crypto Wendy
I totally agree. Yeah, he’s a he’s a good guy. And he’s even though he’s kind of likes to be by himself and whatnot. He is a people person.
Rob McNealy
I’m a people person that hates people. So it’s very complicated. So I’m a misanthrope, but I like people. I think what that means is I really like Some people a lot for most people not.
Crypto Wendy
That makes sense.
Rob McNealy
And I sound like a big jerk, but
Crypto Wendy
no, not at all because they’re especially in crypto, if you want to just kind of look at crypto, that’s a very diverse community, and you get a lot of different intense personalities. And a lot of times you just don’t want to deal with some of them. But you know, it’s you gotta, I feel it’s good to try to include people and try to be cool with people and whatnot. And sometimes it just can be a little hard at times.
Rob McNealy
I absolutely agree. So tell us a little bit about your background. How’d you get into crypto?
Crypto Wendy
So I actually initially heard about Bitcoin in like, 2011 2012, I had a family member come to live with my husband and I and he was super into gaming, I want to see he was like, 16 at the time. He’s super intriguing and super into tech, and he’s like, Can I borrow your guys’s credit card to buy bitcoin on the internet? And I’m like, you know, like, no, because I don’t know what this is. And it probably is a scam. And we were trying to save it for a house and I’m like, I know I know for a fact that we you lend somebody money, you’re not supposed to accept it, or expect it back. So I just like, you know what we need to save, whatever. So I was like, no. And then I kept hearing about it on libertarian radio. And I was during that time, I was interested in like making a change with my life. I was working, I worked in health care for seven years prior. And I was at my old company, which was the largest HIV AIDS nonprofit in the world. And I was there for 10 years in total. And I really wanted to change because at that time, my commute was it was three hours round trip four days a week, and I didn’t see my baby girl. So I would wake up at five leave the house by like, six 630 take her to my moms, and then get to work by like, I want to say by like 830 and then my shift was from like, nine to seven. And then I want to get home till like nine o’clock. So I had a newborn I was still nursing and pumping through and all that fun stuff. And I never saw four days out of the week, I would barely see my child so and I was in school part time, the whole the whole time while I was working and I just told my husband I was like I’m gonna quit. I’m going to start looking at some entrepreneurial stuff. I had a pretty successful eBay store selling us designer clothing I used to the income I used to pay for Community College. And he’s like, Okay, fine. And so I did and then I kind of I bought my first part of a Bitcoin because you don’t have to buy whole entire Bitcoin most people don’t know that. And then I quit my job and started doing that. And then a couple months later, my husband quit his job and opened his he got his contractor license and start a business. So we’re both just kind of just kind of here and yeah, that’s that’s how I got into crypto. And then once I, I first got into crypto to make money. And once I realized that there was more than just making money, I figured that I can learn a trade because I saw people posting content and stuff on Twitter. And so I kind of taught myself how to navigate trading just a bed and then things just kind of exploded from there as far as you know, having a YouTube doing events and all the other million things I do in the space.
Rob McNealy
So what I like about that story is that it wasn’t just about making Money, it was about changing your life to take control of your time. And I have a lot of respect for that.
Crypto Wendy
Thank you. Yeah, it was, I loved what I did in health care because I like to help people especially people that do need help and a lot of people that you know, do live with HIV AIDS I like to call them kind of the underdogs of society because people don’t understand how hard they had to fight to get a lot of the rights that they have today and a lot of the healthcare and everything with medication I had to I’ve had so many clients that shared really cool stories with me but at the end of the day, I wanted to be happy and you know, spend time my family and I wasn’t able to do that at my old job just because I because of the commute and yeah, it was it was good but I you know, I’ve always kind of had like an entrepreneurial side to myself like that’s why I started the eBay store because I worked at a thrift store prior and I was like, Oh, you can make money from selling you know, finding designer goods that are people are their stores are selling for like couple bucks and I can flip it on eBay. So I went ahead and did that and that was fun for a while and just kind of been focusing on crypto since then. Just because I feel There’s bigger, there’s a lot. It’s such a new industry, I feel like there’s a lot of opportunity to make money and to kind of grow and to kind of help other people. And at the end of the day, even though we may say that people are a pain in the butt, it is good to give back and hope when you can, and even if you can, if you can, my thing is, is if you can change somebody’s life just by smiling at them or being kind to them or showing them something, then it’s a it’s essentially a win for me.
Rob McNealy
Well, I agree with that. And I think that’s kind of why we looked at crypto ourselves. But you know, going and doing an actual project was because when we started investing in crypto, we saw the amount of not only scams, but ignorance among people. And we saw a lot of people lose a lot of money, just because they didn’t know any better. And that’s what we originally started our original project about when we were a token was to try to help educate people in the crypto space. And then it went on and got a lot of legs and it morphed into something a lot bigger and different than weird. ended over the last two years. But that was where we came from as well is that my wife and I have been very entrepreneurial for decades since I mean, we’ve been married 19 and a half years. And we were I was an entrepreneur before I met my wife. And so when we were dating, she was helping me on little side hustle projects back in the day. And so we always worked good together. But we learned a lot about business over the last two decades. And you know, a lot of that just to how to how to assess risk. I think that’s the one thing that I think is a skill that entrepreneurs have that people that tend to have never run a business have a hard time with. And I think investors, especially with early stage, investors have that same problem is that how do you mitigate risk when you’re looking at an early stage startup in most people who have never had experience running a business don’t really have those skills, because there’s only the only way I know you can learn how to mitigate early stage startup risk, or at least assess it is to actually run a business and so when we came crypto, we started looking at some of the early projects. And we’re like, that doesn’t make any sense to me. And it’s interesting. And then that was before the crash. And then it was kind of funny how many of the projects that we said that’s going to fail, all dead? Yeah. And so it was just interesting. And so that’s where we came from. We wanted to see people not lose their money. And unfortunately, lots of people have lost lots of money with crypto.
Crypto Wendy
Yeah, I mean, when I first started, I invested You know, my my best three investments are probably like when I first first started, when I knew nothing about it was like probably Bitcoin, a theorem and Litecoin because, you know, they, they tend to hold their value a little bit better than some of the smaller cap stuff. And what a lot of people don’t understand. And I think it’s, I don’t know if it’s American culture, I don’t know what the deal is, but a lot of people don’t know how to budget. I want to say there was a study done that showed that over 50% of Americans didn’t have $500 in the savings account to pay for like a flat tire or whatever. And I grew up very poor. After my father passed away my mom’s instead of going back into the workforce She stayed home with us and me and my two sisters to make sure that we, you know, had that we were okay and whatever. So one thing my mom did teach us, though, is about budgeting and the importance of saving and putting away a little bit of money and creating a budget. So when I invest in something, when I’m investing in crypto, or when I’m trading, I understand that whatever I put out there to invest doesn’t mean that I’m getting a 10 x back or that I’m getting something back. And I think a lot of people, they see crypto as Oh my God, I can make all this money. But they don’t really they don’t know how to mitigate risk, like you said, and they they’re just assuming that they can get it back. And when they don’t get it back, they start to kind of blame it on other people. And there’s just this whole the ecosystem is just kind of crazy now and I think it’s probably because of the lack of regulations which I’m kind of on the fence about regulation just because you know, everybody’s out here calling everybody a scam, but then you’re in crypto for decentralization and here for your supposedly freedom of speech and whatnot, but then you can’t take responsibility for your own actions and that’s kind of part of being a libertarian. So it’s Kind of, I feel like we need some sort of regulations because people are stupid. And I’m not saying I’m the smartest person, but I know enough to know that if I’m going to invest in something that that I could lose all my money, so don’t take my money that I’m going to pay us for my mortgage to toss it all into a project or low cap, jam or whatever, or to margin trade with. And I also understand that most of these crypto projects, they’re all entrepreneurs, and even though they have good intentions, when they set out, many of them may not know how to run a business. And even taking a step outside of crypto. Most entrepreneurs, they fail. Most small businesses fail and a lot of people don’t see that take that into consideration. And another thing is that a lot of these crypto projects are claiming to do all these great things. But at the end of the day, the people that are encrypt on our pretty tech savvy for the most part, and the majority of people in the world are not tech savvy. They’re not engineers. They’re not mathematicians. They don’t know about ta they don’t know about tech, they don’t know about all these things. So if you’re making platform homes that are built for people that are tech savvy, you’re missing a whole part of the market share because most people are not tech savvy. I
Rob McNealy
couldn’t agree with you more on all those parts.
Crypto Wendy
I talk a lot.
Rob McNealy
So do I. So we’ll go on well, so I’ll start off with the one thing that hit home with me is the fact that most Americans and or at least I think it’s just Western culture, we’re materialistic consumerist, and we are financially illiterate. And and that that stretches all demographics that i i can tell you how many people that make really, really good incomes. I know doctors and lawyers that are living paycheck to paycheck because even if they get an increase in the amount of money they make, they just spend more money, they don’t put it away or invest it and save it. And that’s a really, really big problem with our education system. I think I’m a big believer of the Dave Ramsey, you know, kind of program where the Financial Peace University stuff I think it’s a Great start for people who want to get out of debt and and learn, you know how to manage their money because once you’re out of debt, you really have a lot more freedom to invest and if you want to invest in things like high risk investments like crypto is a high risk investment at this point then you have that ability to do so and you’re less likely to you know, be out on the street if you make a mistake.
Crypto Wendy
Yeah, I mean, my portfolio Yeah, I do have quite a bit of money in crypto, but I also have how I have a property on the home My husband and I live in and then we also have like for one K’s and different types of stuff. And, and I love that you said Dave Ramsey because I love Dave Ramsey. He’s we my husband, I we didn’t go through the Financial Peace University. But when I first met my husband, he liked to spend money and I came from a really you know, I grew up poor. I came from a very financially conservative family. My mom was like, you get $100 for Christmas $100 for birthday like and all my friends had like, you know, brand new cell phones, all these things. So I didn’t have that growing up. So I knew how to save and I knew that I wanted to Buy a house and stuff. So I just had I kind of pushed my husband to get into Dave Ramsey and he would listen to Dave Ramsey every day on the way home from work from his commute. And he, you know, we both got out of debt. I think I didn’t have a whole lot of credit card debt, but I did. Because that was you know, you’re you’re when you’re young, you’re stupid, you do dumb things, but he had some debt that he was able to take care of. And then we were both debt free and then we started we were finally able to go on vacations and to do you know, some do some really cool things. But then ultimately, we’re saving to buy our home and we were able to buy a home and yeah, we have we have money in the bank. So God forbid there’s an emergency I want to say we got three months of emergency money, we can cover everything and not have to worry about like, Oh my god, how are we going to pay our mortgage, how we can take care of our daughter like it’s it’s important to have those things and then if you have additional money, like you said, you can invest it or go on trips or do whatever it is want to do.
Rob McNealy
Well, it’s surprising me and then shocked me to see how many people that are in crypto that have absolutely no investments outside of crypto Whether it be for one K’s or rental properties or anything and into me, I’m not dissing anyone who wants to invest in crypto if you if you have the tolerance to for the risk, and you have the appetite for it, I fully support investing in crypto. However, in my opinion as someone who’s financially fairly conservative, and I and I’m a big believer in being financially literate, that you should probably have all your other bases covered before you start dabbling in high risk stuff.
Crypto Wendy
No, I agree because crypto is just really volatile. And one of the things that makes it kind of scary when you’re investing in it is a lack of regulation from the government. The government can come in and anytime and say, because I know Bitcoin and Ethereum, they’re not classified as a security I do. I also have a YouTube channel and I talked about I my favorite segment is to kind of have attorneys Come on crypto attorneys come on and kind of go over what’s going on with the law because at the end of the day, I feel like they’re the real experts. They’re they’re the ones that are able to interpret this stuff the best for us, but the government come in at any time and say this is legal or not You guys can’t do it anymore. And if that happens, you lose, you can lose all your money.
Rob McNealy
Well, it was interesting because my day job, I’m an expert witness. So I know lots of attorneys and my brother in law’s an attorney. And, and before we launched, I took like a deep dive into securities law, just personal research, because before we launched, I wanted to make sure we weren’t into legal security. And I wanted to find out where all the edges work around that. And I was shocked at how many lawyers were kind of pitching this whole utility token thing, right. That was like the big thing couple years ago. And I’m not an attorney, but I did a lot of reading and even called the SEC myself and talk to their attorneys directly. And there’s no sin. There’s no such definition of a utility token right. And everybody was saying you can launch this as a utility token and it’s not security and I’m like, that doesn’t make any sense to me. And I found something in my my digging one day I found that back in the dot com 2000 2001 era, the SEC prosecuted multiple internet companies for giving away free stock because we gave our crypto away originally via faucet. So we didn’t sell any tokens. We didn’t do an Ico or anything like that. And I didn’t want to be a security. But what we were planning on doing is maybe making a an internet basically an email database, you know, a marketing database. That was kind of what we were thinking that okay, we can reach out to these people and you know, basically provide them more of our educational content. We weren’t trying to sell it, we just wanted to be able to communicate with them. Because when you are have a token on a theorem, you can’t actually communicate with anybody. Which seems ridiculous to me that there’s no communication channel there, but that’s just me. But when I found out that the SEC said that if you create an if you have someone give you personal information, like an email address, and you give them a free stock, it’s still considered under the howey test and investment of money right? And I went and talked to a couple attorneys and they didn’t even know that. And I said, if I can do a few Google searches, and you know, look up some things over the course of a couple days and figure out that there’s some precedent in law about this, and you don’t know that, that I’m not talking to the right attorney yet. And so for our point of view, we work really hard to diligently to abide by the law because I think you hit the nail on the head is that it’s called regulatory risk when you’re dealing with startups. And if the project you’re looking at and you want to invest in is not paying attention to regulatory risk, then there are bad investment probably.
Crypto Wendy
Yeah, I mean, I that’s crazy that you’re talking to attorneys and they weren’t able to, to answer that for you. But everybody that I’ve had on my show, at least they’ve been very knowledgeable and they’ve been pretty helpful. So I try to I try to send send them to people that need them when it’s needed. So that’s, that’s kind While though it’s it’s scary at the same time, and that also goes to prove that just because somebody does have a degree doesn’t mean that they are good at their job.
Rob McNealy
Absolutely. And that was two years ago. So I think that there’s a lot more knowledge and I think there’s a lot more guidance that’s been out since then. But at the time in crypto circles, you know, it’s like anything else, like you get the people coming out of the woodwork to catch a wave, right? They want to be in the leading edge of something new. There’s a lot of people that were pitching that and taking a lot of Ico money for that bad advice. And looking back now, I’m glad we went against the grain because we were advised by numerous people. Yeah, just do an Ico you can raise a bunch of money, do whatever you want. It’s all good. It’s like the Wild West. And I’m like, that doesn’t make sense. Yeah, you know, I’m just gonna put my business Hat Guy hat on, right. And I’m like, that just doesn’t make sense. You know, and on top of that, I’m not that lucky. So I’m not going to get rich quick overnight, and I never thought I had never, I just feel like I’m not ever going to get rich quick overnight, so I just assume they’ll just be longer. lot of hard work if I ever get there, right?
Crypto Wendy
That’s okay. The hard work is done.
Rob McNealy
I agree. And so I think it’s interesting, you know, how much the landscapes changed just in the past two years crypto as a project, you see things a lot differently to I know you’re you’re in the space as well but when you’re dealing with trying to negotiate with exchanges and dealing with scammers and dealing i mean it’s it’s pretty intense. You know, how much how much rot is still in crypto.
Crypto Wendy
Oh, yeah. And I honestly people that community drives me crazy in the sense is that everybody’s a scammer like I’m a scammer, because I have a YouTube channel I’m a scammer because I trade I’m a scammer because I do disclose sponsored content, which is part of marketing I’m, you know, I’ve been called all different types of names. But at the end of the day, it’s like kind of crazy. It’s like, not just because you lost money. You’re just because you don’t like someone doesn’t mean that you’re a scammer. So I think that word gets thrown out or thrown around a lot. I do think there are bad actors in the space there’s bad actors in every space like if every every profession you go to you’re going to you’re not you’re not everybody is good and pure like like you look at the churches you look at Tech you look at even people from McDonald’s like no not not all people are good people and but I think in crypto it’s a little bit more prevalent just because there is there is you can make a lot of money very very very fast.
Rob McNealy
I think it’s the part of this the anonymity too I think when I’m talking about I don’t use the word scammer lightly by any stretch I use it for people that are committing illegal acts or immoral crime so I’m not one of those guys like a Bitcoin maxy that says anything that’s not bitcoins a scam. I’m not one of those guys. In fact, I don’t like those guys. But But I think with crypto I think because of the quote unquote trustless nature of crypto, it does tend to lend itself toward the people that are trying to take advantage and I it’s funny even today I got like three people this morning on telegram trying to hit me up for stuff. And I’m like, just go away. Yeah. And so it’s that’s the tough part because that’s actually in a lot of ways holding, I think holding back the industry in because it keeps the it keeps normies out. And what do you what do you think about that?
Crypto Wendy
So I have I have a lot of thoughts and opinions about what’s kind of hindering crypto. I think one of them is the lack of regulation because people don’t, or they just don’t know what’s going on. I think another thing is the fact that it’s very heavily tech face right now. And all one of the product products and services that we have like like to use a ledger, for example is not easy. It’s not some people may say and I get called stupid and all kinds of stuff for saying this but using like a ledger or using you know any of the tech that we have or old sometimes it could be pretty complex to use it and even copying and pasting that long address to send like let’s say I want to send you a Bitcoin to copying and pasting and sending that over that can be a little scary and for somebody that’s not tech savvy, they’re not going to do it like my mom she would never do that ever she’ll write you a check. And and then also to like you mentioned with the Bitcoin maximalists I have friends that are Bitcoin maximalist. But they are very toxic, like you said, and they there’s a lot of people in the community outside of Maximus as well that if you ask a tech question, you’re like, Oh, hey, what about this? You know, I’m curious about this. They’re like, You’re an idiot. Like they, the way the community is set up, they will make you feel not. They don’t know. They’re not always very inviting sometimes. And I think that’s another thing. That’s another hurdle that we haven’t like you said with the anonymity. A lot of people are not doxxed and it can make it a little uneasy for somebody else. Because if you go and you look at you know, top 10 companies in America, everybody, like all the CEOs, all the presidents of VPS, everybody, everybody’s has their face out there. You can, you know, they’ve got LinkedIn, you can see who they are, but when you’re dealing with a project and you have these people that are don’t have the face out there, they’ve got they’re going by like a Bart Simpson avatar something it can be kind of weird for somebody that is a normie. I talked to my girlfriends and my friends about this all the time. And they’re just like You’re so weird for like being so trusting and being in the space like I couldn’t do it.
Rob McNealy
I’m not trusting at all. And but I do talk to a lot of retailers because the nature of our project, we’re very marketing focus, we’re trying to solve a problem, a very specific problem in a very, very narrow vertical market. And before we ever started coding, we went and talked to retailers that were having a problem with current online payment systems and, and bank accounts and banking and things. And so we asked, ask them what they needed, what was what were the problems they were experiencing before we ever coated. And I think that’s one of the differences with task versus a lot of other projects is we’re not developer LED. We’re not an engineer led project. We’re entrepreneur LED, and to me, I’ve been an entrepreneur for Long time and I am one of the co founders. But as an entrepreneur for a long time, I know because I’ve had failures I’ve had successes is that I will never build a company unless I have a customer already. And then you build the company. Basically, you build the company to solve that customers problem. And I just kind of applied that kind of logic for building out a decentralized project is how do you build a project that solves a problem? You go talk to your customers first. And and I know a lot of people say their users, and I’m like, I think people’s customers, you know, whether they’re an internal customer, external customer, I don’t think I’m as a users. And because I think it changes your thinking about it when you like, these are customers. Are these people willing to pay you to use your project or pay to use your project in some way? That’s a customer, not a user user could be anybody. And to me, I wanted to know what the users thought. And then that’s how I view and when I go talk to users, you know, they’re they have a lot of concerns. And believe it or not, volatility is not been the major concern for the people that have a recognized problem with banking. Really it’s no because think about nobody’s really using crypto for buying and selling goods and services anywhere yet no project. And the the main things that they’re talking about is legal and the scams, those are the things and I think it goes back to the Bitcoin maximalist thing too, right? Say you’re a retailer and I used to actually own a brick and mortar retail store to along the way. And if you don’t know anything about Bitcoin, or you don’t know anything about crypto and you’re thinking, Hey, you know, this might solve my problem, or I’m interested in this technology and you want to learn about it. Well, there’s no 800 number to call Right, right. And so you’re where you’re going to go you can go to social media, going to our forums, and now your face with a mentor. I’ve heard about this Bitcoin thing, but there’s about a dozen of those Bitcoin things out here now, which ones which and then you go ask a question, which Bitcoin should I look at? And then, oh, you’re just going to and you’re going to unleash the wrath of the hell, right? And to me that maximalist mindset i think is detrimental to adoption.
Crypto Wendy
No, I am Because, like I don’t come from a tech background, I come from more of a healthcare background and more of a people background that was part of my job. What I did is I work with people to kind of problem solve, they came used to come into the pharmacy, and they said, would say I need this, or I need this. And I would kind of help them navigate and figure it out. And no question is a stupid question. And especially when you’re dealing with tech, when you’re dealing with these complex ideas, just how Bitcoin works in general can be complex and kind of like I was I had saw old friend, I had said, I went out to get Italian the other night. And when I saw this little girlfriend of mine that I grew up with, and I was she’s like, he’s still not the quintic. And I’m like, yeah, I’m still in that Bitcoin thing. I was like, You’re, you’re just like, what are you doing? She’s like, you know, I’m in beauty and blah, blah, blah. I was trying to explain to her what it was, and she just did just went over her head and she’s like, well, you make money and she’s like, how do you make money? I was like, Well, I was like, you can there’s different ways you can make money. You can invest, you can trade. You can. You can use it like you can use basically money but with no fed or with no bank. Like, Oh, that’s too That’s too much. She’s like, I just want cash and I was like, Okay.
Rob McNealy
It’s kind of funny at the holidays, we don’t even we don’t talk about money with our family. That’s just not a topic on, you know, part of our family. They don’t talk about money and so I don’t even push it on them. Like it’s a mazing to me, even with the holidays, you know, just past the, you know, last week, is that how many people like I’m giving crypto to everybody in my family? I’m like, That’s awful.
Crypto Wendy
Yeah, don’t why would if you want to get divorced, you will give your wife and Bitcoin
Rob McNealy
But the thing is, it’s like one I’m a big believer that gift giving should be about giving something that means something to the receiver, right? It’s not about you, forcing your weird political ideologies and economic ality ideologies on the other people. And it’s very intangible. I just think it’s a horrible gift. It doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t appreciate and value at some point. That’s not what I’m saying. But I think it’s horrible gift giving at a kit to give something that no one’s interested in that no one wants it may not turn it. Either way you can give someone something like you know something that loses value right that’s just not very fun.
Crypto Wendy
Well i mean if it’s something you’re very passionate about like get somebody you know spend half on Bitcoin and half on like a teddy bear or something that they want you know but I mean for us at our like in my household my husband and I talked about it I’m more of a more into it than he is because he’s busy with his you know with his job with his company and whatnot but it’s like when when the market when we dumped down to like three k i started DCA and and from like six K to three K and I took my daughter savings I had a couple thousand in savings or in her savings account I took it and I bought a Bitcoin and you know, put away safely at the bottom of Mount Sinai wherever that is just kidding. But I have you know, I want to have it ahead and have that for her. I’m going to hold on to it for the next you know, the next she’s three announcements so for the next 15 years and then if it appreciates in value great if not, that’s fine, but you know, we’re still doing other things for her as well as far as you know, saving and putting away if she does decide she wants to go to college or Whatever it is that she wants to do.
Rob McNealy
I think that’s sound. And we have four kids and all my kids, we’ve been teaching financial literacy to from time they were born. So for instance, anytime I kid any of my kids get any kind of gift in money or any kind of work, we don’t really give allowance, but they all work and get paid for tasks and things and a couple of them have jobs now. And we make them save half of whatever they make regardless. And then we go and invest it and each of my kid has, in their savings have savings accounts, precious metals, and crypto nine and and we go and pick those things out together and have them look at things. So even my nine year old has a portfolio it’s kind of funny, it’s not a big one, but it’s good enough for most not compared to most nine year olds. But to me, I think instilling those habits from the time that kids are really young is important and the most thing I can tell people and we stress this with our kids, stay out of debt, and don’t get into it in the first place. Don’t Go to the student loan debt if you don’t have to, and then save. And I think if we just told our kids to do that stay out of debt, and then save money. And if you can raise your kids with those two things, they’re they’re way ahead of like 90% of the population right now.
Crypto Wendy
I agree my husband he was married before he and I got together so he has two kids from a previous marriage he’s a bit older than me so the boys are bigger. But you know, it’s kind of hard because his ex wife she was very into spending and very into like new cars and this and that and being into debt so when the kids would come stay with us and they would want like a new pair of beats or a new pair this and that I’m like well you got to work for it. They’re like oh, well I’m just gonna be here for a weekend I there’s you know, I can’t work for and I was like, Well, I’m not going to buy you these things. If you want headphones all we go the dollar store we can go whatever. And so the oldest has is not good at saving. And it’s already gotten himself into debt. No man, we bought him books. We’ve tried to sit and talk to them all kinds of stuff. So with that kid, it didn’t work. But with my other steps on the younger one, he had He’s not in debt at all. And he’s really good at saving and managing his money. So it’s hard with your kids when you’ve got all these different personalities. And you know, when you come from, you know, a split household, it’s hard when one parent does things one way and the other parent does things another way. And it’s it can be complicated. But with our daughter, we talked to her about saving. We talked to her about charity, like for this Christmas, she’s three, and I explained to her that there’s kids, there’s kids, and there’s babies that they don’t, they don’t have toys, they don’t have things. So I made her go into her room, and I made her pick a toy out that she no longer wanted to play with. And I explained to her, we’re going to give this to a kid that has no toys for Christmas. So we went she went and picked a baby doll and we went and donated it. So we’re trying to instill those things in into her now. So that she gets it and so she grows up and has an idea like you know what’s right and wrong and, you know, the importance of giving back as well.
Rob McNealy
I think that’s really good parenting, to be honest. And I think what I think what you just explained is a great example. The fact is that we learn habits From our families, whether they’re good or bad, and in I grew up, I would say, I grew up from financially illiterate parents. So I grew up and I was bad with my money. Even when I’ve got married, I was the spender. I’m the spender to lie, you know. And it took me a long time to like, get over that and learn better money management. My wife, on the other hand, doesn’t ever spend money. It’s ridiculous. And it’s funny. We came to a couple of agreements on how we handle our own personal finances, and it actually saved our marriage, when we finally came to some agreements on how we deal with money. And it’s interesting, like the rate of divorce in this country, a lot of it’s driven by just financial stress. And the part of it is that people don’t have general agreements on how they operate with one another. I think families are essentially businesses, and you and their partnerships, so you got to think of it in terms of like, like a real business partnership, like how do you make decisions? How do you what do you do if there’s an impasse on a decision, and I think if people would spend a little more time Now, before getting married, trying to figure that all out before they get married, how you’re gonna raise your kids, you can do religion, how you can handle money. If people just figure that stuff out they have far, we’d have a far lower divorce rate, I think in this country.
Crypto Wendy
I totally agree with that. So my husband and I, we were, I wouldn’t say we dated like five years before we got married, and we live together first. I know some people do frown upon that, and that’s fine. But that is what we decided to do. Because there is no way in hell, I was going to marry somebody that I didn’t actually live with. And it took a while for us to kind of start to agree on things because he was, you know, he grew up with no financial literacy at all, like, at all he grew up very poor as well. And it was just, you know, you you’d have to spend money to make more money and he had all these weird, like, like sayings and things and I was like, No, it doesn’t work that way. So we, you know, for the most part politically, we agree on a lot of things and money wise, the way we dealt with it is we just keep in its mother. You might think this is crazy, but we keep our money separate. And we talked about Things that we want to save for and will pitch in. And we have budgets and you know, goals and stuff like that, but we just keep our money separate. And we both spend X amount of dollars a week on, you know, whatever we want, just as long as you know, we have, we have money allocated for bills and all that stuff, but we try to keep our things separate. And that’s what works for us. And some people may say, that’s crazy, that’s on a marriage. But you know, at the end of the day, you’re, you have to you have to be you got to get along with the person that you’re married to. I don’t necessarily believe in divorce. And, you know, sometimes you have to, you have to make concessions, and you have to negotiate and you have to kind of compromise with people. So it just we’ve been doing that and we haven’t had any problems, and we were able to buy a house so it’s working so far.
Rob McNealy
Well, that’s good. I think the main thing is not that there’s one rule or one way of doing things for everybody. But the fact is that you actually have an arrangement or an agreement on how things should be done. And I think most people spend more time trying to plan their their wedding And plan their dress and all this other stuff, rather than spending that energy trying to figure out how they are going to manage their relationship. And I think looking back, if I had to like do things over again, I would do more financial planning and things, counseling and things like that and get that stuff better under control on my side before I got married, and I think I would recommend and I will recommend that to my children. And I think it’s interesting because all my kids I my oldest just turned 17 and she’s man, she she our kids are homeschooled. So she’s been able to work I got our job a couple years ago with my friend of mines company, and she’s done a great she they love her to death and she just sacks away or money she’s got a ton of money in the bank and and you know, she’s well on track. She’s a sophomore in college, it just turned 17 last week, so for. her
Rob McNealy
Excuse me. Um, so I think that success isn’t that hard, really. It’s just that we’ve lost our way, the way we’re educating. I think our families and our kids, I think somewhere in the last 40 years, we’ve lost something like we stopped figuring out, we threw away the things that worked. And now everybody’s just, you know, I want to buy this. I want everything my way. I want it now, you know, when we lost the, I don’t know, I’m getting off on a tangent, but it seems like we’ve lost a lot of ethics and values, and values. I yeah. That’s what I tell people. You know, I tell my team that I’m the project because we’ve been where we New Year’s Day is our two year anniversary with our populations. And and it’s funny, and I tell everybody, my our group and our developer teams and stuff like that, I tell everybody, Look, don’t expect anything like we’re not going to get rich overnight. With this project I go before don’t even think we’re going to get anywhere for another two years. I just say just wait two more years. And let’s just keep working at it and we’ll chip away at it and But it’s going to take time. And I tell people that and a lot of people it’s interesting, don’t like to wait like, it’s interesting there was when we started our project, originally two years ago, there were six of us. of the original six, there’s only three of us left that are even involved. And really, no, there’s actually only two of us that are actually active. So three quarters of our team like bailed, it’s kind of interesting, or two thirds of our team bailed along the way, because they got impatient. They weren’t interested. It was too much work. They didn’t want to show up. And I said, Well, I’m in it for the long haul. And, you know, on keep trucking away. And so it’s just kind of interesting. So we ended up recruiting. Before we built our blockchain, we ended up having to go through a full recruitment process and like, get a whole new team, essentially, that are actually actively working on it.
Crypto Wendy
I don’t know with me, I just think that I appreciate the technology that we have in today’s society, but I also don’t think it’s necessarily a good thing, because we’re so used to having everything now, and I feel like it’s kind of you know, or the The same way with not not necessarily you but I feel like the same way with the most majority of people in their kids is like, like we go out to eat and I see people, they have their they give their kids tablets or cell phones at the dinner table out to eat. And I’m just like, to me that’s like crazy. I’m like, No, we don’t do that in my house. But it’s like, there’s like we make my daughter Wait, we make her Be patient. And you know, we talked to her about that. But I feel like everybody just wants everything now now now. And they don’t they don’t they don’t want to save for it. They don’t they don’t they I don’t know if they don’t understand it hard work or what it is. But like when I was growing up I wanted I remember those Nokia block phones, those gifts came out. And I had a pager and I was like I want to be I want to have a cell phone like my friends because my friends did. My mom’s like, No, you have to get a job. And I’m like, okay, so I went I was 14 and I got a job at a pet store picking up animal poop. But I got a job and I worked really, really hard and I was able to buy a cell phone and a plan and one of those prepaid plan so I remember that but I just I also remember all my friends having All these their parents are just buy them stuff all the time. And they’re just like instantaneous. And I don’t know, I just that’s, that’s not how I grew up. And that’s not how I want my child to be raised. I want her to understand that you, you know, it’s nice to get things, but it’s even nicer. It’s more rewarding when you work hard for them.
Rob McNealy
I agree morn again, I think we’re on track. We don’t give our kids allowance our kids have to work for what they get. Our kids have to save, we limit screen time in our house. In fact, our oldest didn’t get her own cell phone till she was full time college student and I figured well, if you’re a full time college student going to college with adults, you can probably handle a phone. And but we said we reserve the right to snoop through any of your stuff at any time. We still don’t really allow social media for any of our kids. And then for the younger three, we have a checkout cell phone because our kids go 17 1412 nine and then the bottom three share a checkout phone and yeah And it’s interesting. It’s we just got this one for we just got a new one for this purpose, but it’s from gap wireless. And it’s a completely locked down smartphone. So there’s you can’t send pictures, there’s no internet browser. It only allows non picture text messages. It has a calculator, and phone calls. And so and to us that felt a lot safer. In fact, I interviewed the CEO or the vice president of the Vice President of gab wireless few months back, and it’s actually been a really good phone. I’m not getting anything for it. There’s no referral or affiliate thing but
Crypto Wendy
You scammer you.
Rob McNealy
Exactly. I wish I wish there was an affiliate thing because I actually liked that product cuz I’m really using it. But I actually know one of the guys who runs a company and so he gave me a good deal. But I found what that I feel safer. And so but we also homeschool our kids so we’re not we’re very non traditional, but think about what’s normal in the America and United States today, right? It’s we’re overweight man. I’m do that myself. We’re in debt. And we’re miserable. That’s that’s where and we don’t have close families. That’s what normal is. Now, if you look at the numbers, the statistics, everybody’s in debt, they’re overweight, they’re miserable. And to me, you got to want something different and you have to train your kids differently if you want them to be different than that.
Crypto Wendy
Now, I totally agree and that’s why like raising well I can say for because we had my cousin come live with us when she was 16. She gotten a lot of trouble. So she came to live with us and we got her to graduate school high school because she had didn’t graduate prior and where was really really strict with her but she needed it and she graduated and went to do whatever it is she’s doing. But when you’re raising when you’re raising kids and the hard thing for us was the was co parenting with with their mom and you know, the hot new husband and stuff because we all had different ideas of what was right and what was acceptable and whatnot, but with our daughter It’s a little bit easier because you know, we my husband I we live together and we have a lot of the same ideologies like we do. We do the same thing we have tablet time, like I when I wake up first thing in the morning as I’m on my phone because I have work to do. I do a lot of different marketing and consulting and crypto. And I’ve got companies that need things and people that need things for me so I gotta be on my phone. So like the first half hour we both have our morning beverages and my daughter gets her tablet and she can watch like YouTube videos of like Stevie Ray Vaughan Williams, Willie Nelson, those are her favorites and she’s right by me so I can see what she’s watching. And then she had watches like pepper the pig and some like elf show that’s on PBS or something but she gets a minimal amount of time to you know, watch stuff so she gets morning time and then when we get home in the evening to wind down she’ll get like another half hour there and whatnot. But we’re pretty you know, we’re pretty honor about it because I don’t, I don’t want her to I want her she’s got a lot of toys. She can use her toys and play make believe or you know, she wants to put on a Disney movie, let her put on a Disney movie and I’ll watch it with her and we do a lot of reading and seeing it playing instruments, my kids probably got every single instrument ever made in the history of the world. But there’s other things besides social media and whatnot. And I’m kind of guilty because I am on social media a lot, but it’s part of its part of what I’m doing for work right now. I mean, I’m very thankful for for Twitter and for YouTube and that stuff, but I do I do spend a lot of time on social media and it’s something that I am going to work on to cut down a bit.
Rob McNealy
Well, speaking about social media recently, we had this whole quote unquote crackdown on the crypto space were you impacted by knew that
Crypto Wendy
I was not and I think it’s because my channel is a lot smaller than a lot of these other guys and what I my personally what I think happened, YouTube was pushing really hard there COPPA co PPA, and it’s the basically the child protection protection law. And I think some people that I think their algorithm got screwed up with that with the Copa law that got changed because YouTube is always changing their algorithm and it just makes it harder for small content creators like myself, but I I feel like some of the people got caught up in that. I feel like in there they YouTube did come out they did say that there was an error with it, but my channel was not hit. I’m thinking either because it’s very small and I’ve complied with all the Copa standards, I have all my videos set to not suitable for minors just just to be on the safe side. And I also do have legal disclaimers written by an attorney that kind of disclose everything, like if I do sponsored content, I disclose that and I’ve got got all kinds of fun, fun disclaimers, just, you know, just in case to just to comply with the SEC and also to comply with the FTC.
Rob McNealy
So it’s fun. Well, that’s good. It’s interesting. And I think that’s another one of those things where I think you’re probably way ahead of a lot of people because there are a lot of influencers that don’t disclose that they’re, you know, sponsored content or they’re getting paid for pitching and I think that was really frustrating for us in the beginning, even two years ago as a project, you know, that, you know, I know a lot about blogging world and the FTC, you know, 10 years. ago was really cracked down on social media gurus and the social media world and bloggers, that’s where that came to came out of actually, because so many people were doing quote, unquote, paid reviews, but not revealing that then, you know, the FTC crackdown on that, but didn’t make it over to the crypto world. In the beginning, at least, and so it’s good that people admit that in that way. To me, I think, you know, the undisclosed influencers. The problem with that is that they’re giving advice, and they’re not disclosing their conflict of interest. And so then the the average person who may not be very technologically savvy or not very entrepreneurial, so they can assess risk themselves themselves very well. They’re relying on those people. And the problem is you can’t make good decisions if you don’t have good information. And so I kind of mixed on that one personally, because I don’t like seeing people getting ripped off because people are taking advantage of them. And I see, you know, unfortunately, if the crypto world doesn’t regulate itself and call that out in its own right That the government’s going to do it for us. And no, I’m going to be pleasant.
Crypto Wendy
I totally agree with you. And that’s why when I first got approached to do sponsored stuff, I had no idea that was the thing. And crypto I just started doing like meetup, like local meetups and stuff. I’ve done over four dozen free meetups for the community, you know, for networking, different things, and I kind of branched out into doing paid events for different companies. But as far as like when I first got my first sponsor thing, I made sure that it was sponsored. And I might take a little bit of a different approach from other influencers. I actually, like what I do a project review, I make sure to say that it’s either sponsored in the beginning or if not, it’s down in the disclaimer, and one of the things I tell companies is I only take like Bitcoin or cerium. And I don’t like to take their native tokens and the reason why I don’t like to take their native tokens is because that makes that gives me kind of, you know, that may make me biased as to the project. And I don’t want to just give me Bitcoin or theorem Give me something that’s not related to the project so that when I’m talking about It’s not really going to change my, my opinion of it’s going to be the same and I do I do my best to stay unbiased. But I one thing I don’t do that I see other people do, this is going to be the next 10 time this is going to do this, this is going to do you know, X, Y and Z. And that’s not okay. Like my sponsor reviews are, this is what the project is, this is what it does. If you want to find out more, find out more here, it’s sponsored and this is how much I was paid. And this is what I was paid in. So I’m kind I’m very strict and stern about you know, some of the projects that I do take, but I do also understand a lot of these projects, they’re, you know, they’re entrepreneurs and they’re trying to market and they’re trying to get their project out there so I get it but at the same time I won’t take everybody and I do everything is disclosed I’ve got a disclaimer on my website and you know, cuz I gotta eat too if people want me you know what my time for stuff that I’m willing to give it but I you know, I do deserve I do deserve to be paid for my time but at the end of the day, I do have standards that I do hold and I will never I’ll never chart your your coin for money. So don’t ask me, not you but just in general.
Rob McNealy
I’m not asking,
Crypto Wendy
I know, but I have had, I’ve had companies approached me like charter coin will pay you I’m like, No If you guys want, you know, like a, like a sponsored tweet, then I have to put ad or I have to put something, whatever. And then like, you know, everything’s always disclosed on my YouTube because I always most of the stuff I talked about or sponsored it goes on my YouTube and I’ve got the disclaimer and I said what I was paid for if it was a tweet or if it was this or that I kind of pull it up on my channel so everybody’s everybody’s clear as to what I’m doing
Rob McNealy
well i think that i have a lot of respect for that and and i don’t try to monetize the podcast at all and I’ve always been up front I actually started the podcast because I got sick of influencers wanted to charge me and so that’s what I said I’m going to do this but but how I am benefiting from this is one I like the networking because I like to talk to cool people, but to I put an ad for task in front of the camera in front of the show, and that’s how I and that’s how I monetize it. But it’s interesting I’ve had a lot of people approached me because I got a lot of Twitter followers now and and I have had him actually for a long time. But I’ve had a lot of followers on Twitter. So people like have approached me on a regular basis wanting to basically pay me to pitch something and I said, I’m not taking money to pitch your stuff. How about you pitch me on whether your ideas good or your projects interesting, because I talked to people for free, you don’t have to just pitch me, right? And it’s funny because they don’t want to do the work of like, giving me a pitch. They just want to pay me and I’m like, Look, I’m trying to save your money. Just give me a good Tell me something cool that you’re doing. Because I mean, I interview prod people that are in projects that, you know, they may consider their competitor tactically, but you know, I love the verge community, I think the dgb community is really active. And to me, I like to talk about those guys. And I like to see what they’re doing. And to me, it’s like, just kind of funny because I’m like, I’m not even charging. Just tell me to tell me you want to come on the show. You know, but but I understand that but you know, that’s not how I’m trying to monetize this, but I think it’s it’s good that you’re pointing that out so you do the charging the T/A And I’ll be I’ll be straight up I’m I am totally ta DOM. I don’t know a darn thing about it. Tell me about what it is because it looks like tea leaves and Voodoo to me, and how did you learn it?
Crypto Wendy
Okay, so really quick before I get into that, when I’m one of the things I do when I’m setting a company, I asked them to give me two to three sentences summarizing the project, their favorite things about it. And I can tell if it’s authentic or if it’s not authentic and it kind of gives me helps me determine if I want to go forward and continue to research it because if you can’t give me two to three sentences, I just don’t want to touch it. But so with ta so when I first got into crypto, I before you found the crypto I wanted to kind of get involved with stocks and I looked into it and I went into like a TD Ameritrade and I was like, Oh, can I invest your Yeah, they’re like, yeah, you need 20 the minimum deposit is $25,000. And I was like, I don’t have 25,000 I don’t know if it was that it was someone was like I don’t have $25,000 so I was like, Okay, I’m out of here and then I tried to read and do it on myself, because I do have a Got a small little tiny math degree have taken like over nine math classes. So I went to go ahead and start teaching myself about stocks I couldn’t figure it out. So I was like, Okay, I’m an idiot. But then when I got into crypto, I saw people posting charts and stuff on Twitter, I was like, I can do this I can draw a line. So then I went on eBay about to use books the idiots guide to technical analysis and the candlesticks charting with for dummies or something like that. So I went ahead and I bought that and I just, I just just like how I would study with my math homework, I would do the same with ta when I started charting Bitcoin every day and using some of the methods out of, you know, those silly little books I got. So I just I just learned that way, but it was with technical analysis. So it’s a lot of repetition. It’s like the same thing every day, if you’re going to solve a math problem. Let’s say you’re going to take a derivative, you have to do the same thing you have to look for for specific things in the project or the math problem. And you just you take you take, you take what you need to take out and then you just set it up the same way that you would in this repetition is the same thing over and over and over and over again. And that’s kind of the same thing with technical analysis is you look for a couple things. There’s some, there’s some analysis that they look for, like three things that they can have Confluence between like three to five things in their chart that go ahead and take the trade. And it’s kind of similar with math. It’s just doing the same thing over and over and over again.
Rob McNealy
So you’re not gonna say I’m going to do a backwards flip Penguin, Ali and then I’m going to buy it. No,
Crypto Wendy
no, no, no, I don’t do I Tara cards and all that stuff. We can have that topic a different day, we discuss that topic a different day. But it’s, um, well, the cool thing about a lot of these indicators, it’s, it’s a lot they’re all mapping. They’re all math fact. They are based off math like moving averages, it’s based, you know, regular moving average, depending on what the length of your, your ribbon or whatever is. And with the RSI and MACD and bollinger bands. You know, they’re all based on math stuff. So math is pretty accurate, in my opinion, but it’s just you know, but the point The hard part with trading is emotions and taking your emotions outside of what the market is doing because when you’re betting with your own money, you obviously want to win a trade and sometimes you’re you want to get emotions and human psychology in there it can really mess you up. So you gotta be gotta be really careful. And if you’re able to take those things out you you will do you will do pretty well.
Rob McNealy
How accurate Do you think ta is? Or how at least how accurate Have you been when your own personal charting,
Crypto Wendy
I think the best month I had was I won like 80% of my trades when I was trading pretty heavy. I’m trading a little bit less now, just because my schedule is so hectic with like work stuff and with content and my baby and with school. So I am trading a little bit less I’ll do anywhere between like four to six trades a month, but when I was trading, like almost daily, I did pretty well but I was also just focused on just trading and not anything else.
Rob McNealy
I got really lucky. My wife and I did when we were first getting in and learning about projects and I got I made a lot of money and all things tr x and it was completely by accident and and I joke I we bought it a half sentence Olivia 15 cents and we made a lot of money and in the reason we sold it at the time, and is that we watched an announcement an announcement and and I said to my wife, I go sell whatever we have in that now she’s like, why I go, if you met that clown at a party, would you give him 50 bucks for his business. He’s like, not in chance on how I go sell it now. And it was really funny because it tanked after that. It was real, it was just really funny. So that would that’s my like, that’s my best trade ever. With crypto.
Crypto Wendy
Some people are able to trade like with their gut feelings like I know some some long term oh geez. And they that’s what they’ve done is like they’ll buy in the hottel. And they’ll they’ll do that one of the one of the other strategies that I do is I’ll do like I do enjoy margin trading. I and one of the reasons why I like trading is it challenges me mentally, it’s, you know, within with discipline and all that stuff, but I also little do Is I use bigger amounts than I spot trade. So I’ll go ahead and buy bitcoin at X amount, you know, when it’s dumping, I’ll set like a bunch of bids, and then I’ll try to get get dumped on, get all my bids filled. And then I’ll go ahead and hold it for a longer period of time and flip it later, but without without using leverage or anything, and that’s a little bit so it’s a little bit more easy to do and it’s less taxing mentally.
Rob McNealy
So how much training Do you think the average person would have to do starting like you did for nothing right reading a book before they should probably be competent enough to make some of these trades? How long was that learning curve look like?
Crypto Wendy
So with me it I just I started trading right away. And I kind of picked it up pretty fast. But then you know, when you have when you’re stressed out, or if you’re tired, or if you’re hungry, we got other emotions and things going on that and if you’re not dedicating 100% of your time to trading, it can be a little bit hard, but each person is different. They say that you become an expert after 10,000 hours, I believe there’s a book titled deck. I don’t know who was buying I did not read it i i i buy know about it though.
Rob McNealy
Malcolm Gladwell.
Crypto Wendy
See you know, who wrote that Yeah, I learned something but yeah, I had a client that recommended to me and I just I never got a chance to read it which I need to one of the things I’m going to do is when I’m when I’m done with school, reading all that boring college stuff, I’m going to go ahead and get you know, get my read on and start reading more stuff. But really every person it depends every person you can, it’s different but there’s some cool platforms that you can you can pay per trade on without having to invest your own money and kind of teachers you know, essentially kind of learn that way and kind of test the waters out so that’s a that’s a cool thing. I always recommend that people go do and you know, try for themselves before jumping in there and risking money and always, you know, never invest with more than you’re able to lose and paper trade. You can go ahead and you can charter a charter project you can write down your entry exit your stock or whatever it is, take a step back and watch it play out and you know, kind of record your your trades that way to
Rob McNealy
Is there a good system that you can backwards down as well to see if if you would have done something hot would have worked.
Crypto Wendy
As far as I mean, you can go back and see if I would have done this this would have happened. That’s kind of the cool thing with with charts is because it’s got all that data on there. So you can go back and see like, okay, I took this trade on December 14, and I went long but in fact the market dumped and then you can in your trading journal, some people set them up differently, but you can write down you know why you took this trade? Was your MACD bullish? Was your RSI bullish like, were there were there three items that had Confluence, like what was you know, what was the market sentiment? You can write down notes and different things and then kind of go back and look at it and see what actually happened and how close you are or what you did wrong.
Rob McNealy
Wow. Let’s see. This seems like a lot of work.
Crypto Wendy
It is but I I enjoy it and there’s people that enjoy it. And if you’re good at it, you can make a lot of money.
Rob McNealy
I’m happy to wait on that sounds like gambling to me. I’m very conservative. It’s kind of funny, everybody jokes. I’ve never sold any of my own tokens. from two years ago with our project never sold any of them. So I’m just kind of a lazy holder, but I believe in what I’m doing. So I think the longer I hold the better off I’ll be long term. But you know, we’re almost out of time. It’s been a while this is going really fast. It has. Well, that’s good thing. Where can people find out more about you and your charting and all your content creation?
Crypto Wendy
So I do a lot of different things. I have my website I do. I do marketing, I do consulting. I do. I’ve got YouTube, I do events for crypto companies and if you’re a non crypto company, I can take you as well. Do a lot of different things but I’m all my handles are at crypto india.or crypto and do my website is crypto video com youtube is crypto do somebody reaches out to you on telegram and asks you for money or something like that they’re claiming their me I will never ask you for money. I do not have a paid group. I will never have a paid group. I will never I literally will never ask any of you guys for money. I may ask you for a slice of pizza or a burrito with guacamole. But other than I won’t ask anything.
Rob McNealy
Thank you so much one. I’ve had a great time today and you have a great day.
Crypto Wendy
Thank you, Rob.