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Rob McNealy
Okay, well Hey guys, today I am talking to crypto. Finally.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yes, Rachel from crypto finally you you had that right and you can say my name that’s fine by me. Okay. Well, you know, everybody’s got these weird pseudo names right now, right?
Rob McNealy
Like everybody and I get it people are weirded out about stalkers and freaks. And, and And trust me, it seems to me that crypto has a lot of freaks in it these days. So, Rachel, how are you today?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m good. I’m, I’ve been well, just been a long week, the MTV thing was last week, and just sort of recuperating. I’m going to Florida on Thursday, to hang out with Tim and do some live streams. So that’s fun. That’s on the up and coming.
Rob McNealy
That’ll be fun. I like doing live streaming with Tim. And in fact, there’s all sorts of interesting stories. Doing that was
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I watched the livestream you are on And then I texted him immediately after and told him it was my favorite piece of content he’s ever done.
Rob McNealy
It was actually was really funny because I’m sitting here going on guys guys. All right, I’m going now but so alright, so you’re like this crypto influencer. And you know, from what I’ve seen, you know, you put out a lot of really interesting, funny and sometimes ridiculous content. What got you into doing content creation in the crypto space? How did you even get in here?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Okay, well, I come from a mainstream production background. Um, so I’ve done production in the past. I also have a theatrical background, I wrote plays and a lot of musical theater actually. And I had friends from my production background, who came to New York City for consensus in 2018 invited me out to the networking parties and I really got to know the community from there. I basically saw what there was to offer in the space right now as far as this being the ground floor of a new town. Technology, something so big as Bitcoin and blockchain and decided that it would be dumb not to get involved. So I started working with a different YouTube channel prior to crypto finally. And we made educational blockchain content, some really good videos. And then a few months later, I sort of segwayed off and started with crypto finally. And that’s when I brought the music and the production background to the forefront and made like some of those Bitcoin music videos, which is what I’m assuming you’re talking about.
Rob McNealy
Yes, indeed. I actually unlike a lot of people actually try to go out and do some research on the people that I talked to. And usually before I ever even invite them on the talk because I just I like to talk to interesting people. And the production musical backgrounds kind of interesting because I’m kind of doing a lot of that outside of crypto as well. So it’s kind of fun to hear that. So are you in crypto full time? Is this how you make a living right now or do you do anything else?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m completely in crypto right now. I’m Um, I have several different aspects that I come in from crypto so there’s crypto Finally, um, and so you know, the work that I do as me and myself I also work with a business partner out of La His name’s geo and we make animations. We make animations for blockchain companies I’m sorry it’s funny I haven’t spoken about this in a while, um, but innovations your blockchain companies would read basically break down white papers and easily to understand sort of ways to make it accessible for a consumer which is more or less the same sort of a phrase and sayings that I go along with crypto Finally, which is let’s make it easier for people but um, yeah, we do that and then I have several different legs. What I do with crypto finally as well and I do some side production things.
Rob McNealy
So where did the name crypto finally come from?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I honestly it’s so funny. People always ask me that. I didn’t put a much thought into it. Um, as as, as you know, people would assume and I only say that because I’ve been asked that question like maybe like 60% of any podcast or interview I’ve ever been on. I thought that it was fun. I thought it sounded like crypto sort of now, all the handles were available across platforms. I didn’t realize the way that the social spaces sort of interacted at the time like I didn’t realize that people were going to start referring to me as crypto Finally, or finally have that didn’t cross my mind once when I set up the social accounts.
Rob McNealy
Well, it’s kind of interesting when I got into social media, probably when you’re in elementary school. There there was like this kind of like trade off back in the day. Like the big thing back then was personal branding. like everybody’s like, Oh, you gotta do your personal brand because you know, you got to grow yourself so people know you. So all my social media platform names across everything is just my name. And it’s funny because when I I’ve been in crypto for a long time I’ve been on social media and Twitter for a long time. And when I got into crypto a couple of years ago, I kind of revived my dormant Twitter account because I’d been on Twitter for since they started. I’d been on Twitter a long time. And I just got bored of Twitter a few years back, and I just stopped using it for years, literally years. And then when I got back, everybody’s like, got all these handles. And I’m like, do I change my name on Twitter? Now, I didn’t know what to do. So I just left it because I’m not that creative, I guess.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I know some people who did then change their name over time on Twitter, just because, you know, the way that the social space does interact, but there are a lot of people with their real name is their handle.
Rob McNealy
Yeah, it’s funny people like I gotta be the pseudonym. I also find though, it’s like interesting, going to conferences, and you’re like, oh, you’re like the dog head. What’s your real name? It’s like, it’s just kind of weird to me.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
You know, I don’t know what it looks like.
Rob McNealy
They all have there’s a couple dogs and masks and weird thing that I’m just like, okay, I don’t even know what your real name is, though. So do I do to call this person? You know, crypto ninja guy, or do I ask them what their real name is? Because you don’t want to offend anybody, right? So you got this production background got into crypto. Recently you posted an image of you riding a forklift did was that all about?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I was work was certified from my production background. So I worked for the Blue Man Group for about three years. I’m out of their corporate production space. I was the supervisor of that space and I basically sat in on all commercial and social shoots. I helped the creative team. I did set build lights, basically everything that would go in and out. It was a very small team for the scale of work that was going on at the time. About 60 people strong on the corporate end at that time, and me and my supervisor were the only two people who are Great things in the production space and there was a scissor lift. And a scissor lift is different from a forklift. A scissor lift doesn’t have the two forks that lift up into a pallet a scissor lift goes upwards and it still drives in circles like a small vehicle. It’s like, you might see a scissor lift on a sidewalk walking down the street or in a mall somewhere fixing a light. But it’s all the same certification. And so I was using those machines on a regular basis. And so we went to go get me a forklift license. That photo that you saw, was taken on a sidewalk in Queens. I’m at a continental lift location. That’s where I got my certification. I’m OSHA certified.
Rob McNealy
That’s pretty awesome, actually, to you know, so it’s kind of weird. I always tell people I have weird hobbies. So I’m like half like my day job. I’m like not in crypto full time. I don’t make a living from crypto at all. And my day job, I’m half blue collar and halfway collar. So I’m a former corporate MBA guy that’s been an entrepreneur in like the blue collar space. For a long time, so I kind of have one foot in one world but last June or like starting two years ago, or a couple years like four years ago I started getting into welding to make stuff and I take my hobbies really seriously. So like two years ago, I went to welding school for a year and a half I’m a full certified welder. So last June I became like graduated from welding school like the community college it was a year and a half program four nights a week like structural welder now, and it’s funny because that’s why I put that in my Twitter thing that says welder and he an MBA welder, and I’m like, it’s like true. So like, I literally got a whole world shop in my garage and stuff. So it’s kind of funny, but I like to make stuff so welding is hard to it’s really hard. I tell people that Welding School was harder than graduate school for me because I don’t have natural like fine motor skills, and I’m really impatient. And so welding is those are really bad things for a welder to be impatient and not have great fine motor skills. So I was like, in the middle of the road for my, my, my class, I was not the best welder in the class. So, and that was actually really humbling in a lot of ways as well because I’m usually doing really well I’m very competitive and it was like really frustrating for me because I’m like, I’m not the best at this. But I actually really enjoyed it and actually really liked the guys in my class. And it was really kind of funny. So, my wife is a medical doctor by training, and it was really kind of interesting. Like New Year’s, the people I had at my like, you know, we had people over for New Year’s this year. And it was like me, my wife some other friends and then my buddy who was like a welder and it’s like all just hanging out and it was like really cool because it’s like, I totally like can get along with anybody. So it’s just like kind of fun. Anyways know enough about me. So production background so you’ve worked on a lot of this, you know, sounds like you worked in you know TV and entertaining. and things like that. How did the MTV so the MTV thing you were recently on MTV? And and I know you got a lot of crap because they labeled you crypto expert, which is awesome. And by the way, high five to that, because who wouldn’t want that on their resume? How did the MTV thing come around?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
They found me on Twitter. They found me on Twitter. It was almost a year ago now. And they reached out to me and basically explained that they’re going to be doing an episode that involves cryptocurrency. And that was basically it. As we went on a Skype, I flew out to LA, we shot the episode, and then it was in production for about 10 months. I didn’t really see any of it before it aired. And now here we are today. So it was pretty simple and quick, but they found me on Twitter.
Rob McNealy
That is actually actually really cool. Excellent. Yeah. And do you think anything else to come out of that? Or do you are there gonna be any five episodes Do you think?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m not to my knowledge with MTV. But again, I was dealing with the third party production company. Um, I think I think it’s interesting as well that Twitter had so much backlash being that they found me on Twitter, which does indicate that people are looking on Twitter for people to talk about stuff like this. So guys, if you were one of the people who wrote like rampid, negative things, they’re probably not going to then pick you for your expertise next time. But they, yeah, Twitter. It was fun. It was really like a one off type thing, as far as I know. But there’s been a lot of really cool stuff after the fact. You know, I’m getting a lot more outlets to actually talk about what I do in the space, which I think is pretty cool as well, in that sort of with the catalyst of people wanting to talk about the MTV thing.
Rob McNealy
Well, I mean, to me, it’s like I’ve been on TV before to live another life. And it’s kind of interesting. You don’t always plan Those things right. And a lot of times people don’t understand that the producers and the directors are the ones that make those decisions, it doesn’t mean that you called yourself crypto expert. And then all of a sudden, that’s what you are like and and I think a lot of people who don’t understand how production works in general in the media, they just don’t understand that you have no control over that generally. But you’d let’s talk about that a little bit. They are the kind of the backlash Tell me what you’ve kind of had to deal with since that.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Um, I mean, I’m not exactly sure how to quantify that. But, you know, people saying things like who watches MTV, that kind of thing, like just sort of like, like talking down on the entire situation. But I think that that’s honestly, what’s sort of interesting about this is that these people don’t watch MTV these people aren’t these kinds of people on the MTV audience would have watched that and known that I didn’t call myself a crypto expert, because that’s what they’re Good at and I think it’s funny that the cryptocurrency community is a very good at that. That’s my real takeaway is that we do have different skill sets and we do different things and just because crypto Twitter doesn’t watch MTV doesn’t mean that nobody else does. And inherently that’s why it was a remarkable moment is cryptocurrency was being talked about on an outlet that is not intended for this community.
Rob McNealy
One of the things that’s really important and and I think that is a substantial paradigm shift is that crypto seeping into the mainstream, and just because you’re a part of that, so, so think about that. How ridiculous is the response that you’ve been given? Right, like on one hand, everybody talks about mass adoption, mass adoption, and then massive something that could lead to mass adoption happens and they shit on it? And and that that baffles me, like, honestly..
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Well, I just I just believe that people are genuinely good at different things. And there are things that I’m good at that they are not good at. And they’re things that they’re good at that I’m not good at. But I’m not posting all over their pages telling them about how they don’t get enough press for Bitcoin. Oh, you’re a minor Oh, you’re dead? Oh, you’re great at all these things, but like, when’s your last article? Bro? I don’t leave trolling comments like that on people stuff, you know. And that would be the equivalent of what they do to me like, just because I’m not good at what you’re good at doesn’t mean that I don’t have a valuable skill set to be offered here doesn’t mean that I’m not talking about a new, interesting and important topic within the space itself right now. It’s just different and it’s new. And I think that people are really going to need to step up and open what they have set as their preconceived notion of a tech space. If they’re really looking for something like global adoption, like, imagine if PayPal had come out the door and everyone using PayPal was like, fuck you hipster cans. You can’t use our service. Like you suck. You don’t even know how PayPal works. Like do you think it ever Take it off. No, um, and it’s just stuff like that, like really, really look at what you’re doing and how you’re behaving and how you come off to others. Because honestly, like, I’m not sitting here, you know, feeling overly bashed about what’s going on in the space or really bad about people feeling bad about me being on MTV, I’m just reading these notifications, hordes of them thinking like, Why is everyone such an asshole? And that’s the takeaway, I really just think you’re an asshole when you do stuff like that. And I think that if my friends follow you, they’re assholes too. And you just make everyone look dumb. That’s that’s my date.
Rob McNealy
Don’t Don’t filter anything. You know, and I can, I can actually sympathize and empathize with that and not but I look at it from a different perspective. I come at it from a project view. And when we launched two years ago as our little project and I don’t know if you even know what we’re doing, but, you know, we launched two years ago. And when into an Ico or anything like that we didn’t hyper sell tokens or coins trust me it would have been a lot easier at some point if we had the money from selling coins and tokens to do a lot of this stuff we’ve gotten so far but but you would not believe the hate that Bitcoin maximalists have dumped on us over the last two years. And, and, and it’s funny because at first when you get into the space you like want to be accepted, right? You’re like, Oh, I’m really into this technology. I’m new to the space. I’m not a developer, right I’m more like you’re more of a sales and marketing guy and and and I’m an entrepreneur, I’m not a developer. And when we got into the space it was like, you know these people would just like without even knowing you just shit all over you because you’re you know, especially the Bitcoin Maxis. They’re probably the most toxic of the mall. And you’re like, dude, I’m not a scammer, dude, I’m not didn’t sell anything. You know, I’m trying to do this solve this one problem over here and you guys aren’t even trying to solve this problem when we hear why you’re giving a shit. So Yeah, I don’t get it. And I think you hit on something really, really important, Rachel is that, you know, we need to get out of this little bubble. There’s only like a very small number of people in the crypto world. And this is my take and tell me what you think of this. I don’t believe you’re going to get mass adoption unless you have mass marketing. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Um, I believe that and I also think that a good example of that in the cryptocurrency space, and this is going to be hard to hear. But the big tokens the big market cap tokens besides Bitcoin, everything close and beneath. Why do you think they have the highest market cap? Why do you think the most people know about them? Why do you think that their creators have 500,000 followers and more on Twitter, it’s marketing, they had the most money to put into marketing and I’m just going to say it and it’s not to say that they’re not good. It’s not to say that there aren’t good use cases. It’s not to say that I’m not personally invested in the top market cap coins. I am. But in my genuine opinion, those were coins. Those were projects who had money behind them to put into marketing to access the consumer. We heard about them. Everyone knows about Litecoin and a cerium. On ripple, all of these, like coins that we hear about Tron all the time. And why is that? What do these creators? What do these founders and companies do differently? And they’re putting money into marketing. And I’m not condemning that in saying this. I’m saying that you’re correct. It is and has proven to be effective.
Rob McNealy
So I’m a little I’m assuming I’m a lot older than you. But I was, you know, a grown up in the 90s. I graduated from high school in 1990. So put in perspective, so I was a grown up all through the 90s. I went to high school starting at six, man, I’m really frickin old. So but here’s interesting. So I was, you know, not even just a kid, but I was an adult when the World Wide Web came into the In fact that I was in college when people started getting hotmail accounts and things like that. But the one thing you hear this a lot with Maxis, especially younger Maxis who weren’t around them, right or weren’t, like old old enough to really remember. But they always say, well, crypto is going to take forever. And mass adoption will just take a long time because look how long the internet took to, you know, grow. And I and I looked turn around and I say couple things where I think that’s wrong. One. Do you know, you know, do you know how many CDs AOL sent out?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I wouldn’t say that. So I was only like six when that happened. But I remember the AOL CDs because I would collect them so I could go on the internet.
Rob McNealy
They were everywhere. They sent out millions and millions of those stupid free CDs with the software. AOL is what drove mainstream adoption of the World Wide Web.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
And all of my friends in the third grade we’re chatting on aim every night after school like it’s a real was a real thing. I completely agree with you on the AOL CD that was outrageous.
Rob McNealy
Yes. And without that it would have been relegated to college email addresses. That’s where it was. And so I tell people and in I’m glad you remember that because I tell people this. And they’re like, argue with me like, Look, because we’re making a lot of people will make excuses why Bitcoin hasn’t been adopted by the masses. And I think it should have been, and I think it could have been, if some things were a little different. But the The fact is, I think the problem with the BTC, especially, or some of these other decentralized projects is they have no structural, they’re not structured to do any marketing. And guess what you need, you know, we found because when with our project, we talked to retailers were holding their hand our whole project was geared around how do you market crypto as a decentralized project? How do you market it? And guess what you need to do sales you need to knock on doors. And guess what? most developers lead projects aren’t really struggle with that because developers typically Hate sales, marketing and business development. So they don’t do it, then they only have people in place to do it. And then they wonder why the projects that do have those people in place are getting successful. And they just make fun of them or tell them they’re scams. And it’s like, a Oh, well, look, there was HTTP and other protocols back in the day. But AOL took that to the masses took it to the consumers, and then it went from there. And if you want to deny that, then, you know, I don’t know what to tell you. Because things just don’t magically change. People are lazy. And because of inertia don’t like change. Right? So if you make it hard for someone, and you don’t give them any incentive, they’re not going to adopt your stuff. That just doesn’t make any sense to us. I mean, I mean, do you have any of your your own family and friends? Are they into crypto? Like, you know, your older family?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Not so much.
Rob McNealy
And why do you think that is?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Well, I just think that they were you know, it’s funny that people say that I’m about older people not like the learning curve. I know. That’s probably where you’re headed. is like the accessibility and the user interface and their their knowledge of the fact that it’s there. But I think like one step further, I think the reason that my older family wouldn’t have known about it is just because they don’t exist in those domains and demographics that it has been marketed to, you know, so that’s something that I talk about often. You know, the Simpsons is a great example, the recent thing about the Simpsons and everyone’s watching it because they talked about cryptocurrency and it was geared towards that group. That’s something that an older person might watch. That’s something that a 65 year old man might come across. But in my family, they’re just not keyed towards that kind of media.
Rob McNealy
I don’t even think it’s learning curve that actually wasn’t where I was gonna go. I talked to a lot of people about crypto, I don’t push it like, I’m not gonna harass the poor girl making my sandwich at Subway or something like I don’t do that. Because I just don’t want to be a jerk. But I ask people all the time. Have you heard of Bitcoin? And you know what? In the last year I haven’t found anyone in multiple states that haven’t heard the word Bitcoin. Yeah. And then I always follow up, what do you think of it? What’s your impression of it? And invariably, they say it’s a scam or they don’t know what it is or what have you, but it’s always negative. It’s never like positive.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I think there are three I think there are three groups of people right now I totally agree with that. three groups of people right now who are actually using cryptocurrency and blockchain and that would be one the people who don’t know it exists who are out there. To the people who know it exists, like you said, and think it’s just not real because they’ve been sold a bad story on it. And the people three who are aware that it exists would love to, you know, invest in Bitcoin, but just think that it’s too difficult for them to get involved and give up their um, I was the third person. So my first exposure to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency was during the Ico boost in 2017 with all of the social Celebrity token endorsements. So I got to hear about it because the celebrities were all talking about it. But at that time, you know, the message that I’m hearing as well is that like all these, like nerdy hacker criminals made a bunch of money and I’m like, Well, I don’t know how to do that. I’m not that person. I’m never gonna be. out there showing all this like cryptographic shit on the news and telling me like money and I’m like, Oh, well, haha. I don’t understand that at all. But, um, you know, it’s just, it’s just that learning curve. So I was one of those people who just thought, you know, there was no chance that I was ever going to be able to figure out how to own Bitcoin. I was just never going to know and there was no point in asking any of my friends because it was stupid and they weren’t going to know either. And I think that there are a lot of people like that out there right now. who think it’s cool, they’re interested in it. They just think that it’s way way too hard on because they don’t understand how to do it yet.
Rob McNealy
I think there’s definitely that and I would, I was thinking a little deeper that You know, most cryptocurrencies right now don’t solve a problem that most people have. If you go to typical person right now Now I understand the arguments about oh, well, their fiat currency is always losing but yeah, you know, the average person doesn’t even know what those words mean. So, so that’s not our I say, crypto needs to solve a recognized problem, meaning that just because you have this great understanding of Austrian economics and you really understand, you know, all how few outs, you know, slimy and all that stuff, I get all that, but most people don’t. If you want to, you know, get crypto adopted, you need to take crypto to people that have a recognized problem that crypto solves most most people’s grandmothers Bitcoin doesn’t solve a problem for most grandmas out there. In fact, it creates them it’s more expensive. It’s it’s slower. It’s you know, it does have a learning curve though, someone you know, anybody can get over the learning curve with
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I argue differently that it could though. Well you know that like, there’s, that’s like, it’s so funny that you said that specifically about grandma’s because you know, the old sitcom trope that revolves around the grandma not being able to get to the bank in time. Well, like that’s a trope. There’s a trope about grandma not being able to go get to the bank and needing to deposit a check or needing to get some money from the family or needing to, you know, something like that. So I think that there are inherent issue that that solves, but you’re right, that it’s just too hard for grandma to access. And it doesn’t make sense for her to go through the steps of making that happen. Correct.
Rob McNealy
Yeah. And I think that’s the I think that’s the same like and this is the thing like you pointed out earlier, like this whole litmus test about you know, off PayPal you if you’re not just, you know, if you’re not doing command line interface on you boon to version 4.0 you just aren’t worthy of our payment system. Right. You know, and but the problem is, the masses don’t need to know that the masses don’t know what Swift is, they don’t need to know how the system settles things to be able to use it. And I think people get caught up on the wrong thing. And part of that’s bias, right. It’s like we always look through our like, own, you know, kind of lens of the world. And I think this is the problem with developer lead projects is that developers have a very specific narrow view of how things are. They’re very stubborn, because they’re generally very smart. But the problem is, I, you know, and I think I and I, it sounds like you I come from Lisa, the entrepreneurial view, and they used to say, as an entrepreneur, do you want to be rich? Or do you want to be right? kind of thing and in terms of selling, right, because, you know, what I’m saying, you know, it’s like, you got to reach people on their own terms, not on your terms. If you want to try to sell and market to people based on how you personally want to be sold and marketed. If you’re a super smart developer kind of person. You’re never going to be effective at using those methods of reaching out to the masses.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, and you know what, I take it a step further. I don’t think they’re necessarily Stubborn because they’re smart. I just think that their skill set isn’t social skills, you know, it’s not social intelligence, it’s not emotional intelligence. And that’s cool. That’s fine. Not like the the idea that we’re all supposed to be like mathematical geniuses and really good at talking to people is it’s impossible. There are some people who can do that. And they are very rich and famous, because it is a hard thing to master both. Um, and, and that’s really, that’s really where the ends meet, you know, people need to sort of branch out and get a better idea of how to interact within social spaces overall, and how that works. And that plays right into marketing, everything that we’re talking about. But I think that it’s important for people who might be really, really smart, who might have amazing mathematical and scientific minds to understand that that does not necessarily mean that you’re making the smartest social and emotional decisions. So that’s something to consider.
Rob McNealy
Well, I think what it comes down to is, is your projects team balanced like it It’s okay, if you have those super, super smart, you know, analytical, introverted kind of people working on the product. In fact, you probably need them and lots of them. And if you can find good ones, you keep them, you feed them, you pet them, you make them really feel at home. But you also need the other pieces and and I think what it comes down to is I think the most successful projects going forward be the ones that have the balance teams, that you know, okay, we we put the right people on the bus and put them in the right seats on the bus and need everything.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
And I think that a lot of that does go back into marketing. And I know that there are some standout companies who you know, start from nothing and do no Ico or anything like that and do make it based on their team. But marketing is a really big part of that as well. You know, like how many people can you realistically bring on a team for how long doing how much work without paying them. So there has to be money somewhere.
Rob McNealy
Yeah, well, we we’ve been doing that.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, well.
Rob McNealy
It’s very freaking hard. By the way. Yeah, that’s why I always joke around with people like, Oh, you can’t do an Ico because that’s scummy. And then it’s going to be a community project. I can tell you, Rachel, you go try to find someone that will work for free for two years to build out a community project with no upside potential. And you let me know how that works. Because let me know how that works.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
It’s not realistic.
Rob McNealy
It doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t. But I think you got, I think I it’s refreshing talking to you, because you get it. Because marketing is important. And it’s not a bad thing. And I think a lot of times, people rag on, you know, sales, marketing, business development kind of things. But I also think that if you miss those pieces, you’re going to have a really hard time. Because they’re, they’re integral, you have to have those pieces to be successful. And I don’t, you know, everybody gets caught up in this whole like, you know, oh, it’s a it’s a protocol. It’s not a company. It’s a decentralized community, private like, you know what, that’s great. You can use those words all you want. But the bottom line is, if you don’t think like a company, if you don’t think in terms of market share and customer acquisition and user acquisition and all that goes into that, you’re not going to be successful long term.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, I agree.
Rob McNealy
Well, good. Well, how do we get other people to agree? That’s the key here. How do we get the other people out there to get on board with that?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, well, I just and I say this over and over again. And this is the exact same thing again, on the technology is important. It’s obviously important. The technology is the back end of everything. And it’s what we’re trying to put in the spotlight right now. But after the technology comes the user interface, the UI and the UX, both of which are going to be incredibly important to get your consumer involved in the technology. And then furthermore, the distribution because you can have the best tech and the best UI the best UX. But if you don’t get it in front of people, they’re never going to use your product. So those three things in tandem matter when you’re looking at marketing something, especially in a new tech space like this?
Rob McNealy
Yeah, it’s really interesting when when we were initially doing our stuff with task, before we ever coded it and all that I started trying to figure out why crypto had metamath adopted or at least have some kind of market share. You know, to me when you got a 10 year old project, right, that’s got huge brand recognition. Apparently big network effect, why aren’t people using it? And then I went down this whole rabbit hole of trying to figure out the answer to that question. And one of the things we’ve just looked at is I started, I just started doing homework, and I started going down the list. So I’m like Quinn, market cap, and clean Gecko and looking at all the projects. And then I go to their team pages. And I started looking and I started seeing some timeline. com, developer, developer, developer, developer, developer developer, like there’s something missing here. And universally, if you go and look at all the projects that actually have teams, right, that are publicly, you know, visible, pretty much none of them have sales and marketing people. And if they do, they’re not in a position of authority in the project. Yeah. And that tells me two things. One, that organization, whatever you want to call, it doesn’t value those functions. Because they’re not putting those people high up in the hierarchy and that those functions are likely not being performed. It made sense to me that crypto hasn’t been adopted. I mean, look at. So I think with our project, our competitors are Visa and MasterCard and Venmo and PayPal, that’s who I view our competitors. I don’t view our competitors being Bitcoin, even though lots of other people think that’s who our competitors speed. I’m like, I’m not focused on building an investment vehicle. I’m focused on building a payment system and I’m looking at other payment systems that might impact my competition, even though we’re decentralized project and go look at the history of Venmo. I mean, Venmo been around 10 years, they’re doing like 18 billion a year in transactions, not, you know, transactions, like you know, people are moving that much money around and there, you know, to 1% off the top or whatever on every one of those. And so you say, but then you look at Bitcoin and you’re like, Okay, how many of those how many transactions for buying and selling goods and services are actually happening? And it’s, it’s like, if you’re looking at the timeframe, it, you know, if it was a great service, and it really performed those functions, well, why hasn’t that come up? Like, you know, 10 more has and it’s like, I’m, you know, I’m always open to answer, but what do you think?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Oh, man, I mean, I think I I just think that that that’s like a horse of a different color. Um, so I agree that if you’re just looking at payment services, I think that more people should be doing things like that looking at the model on the product versus just like a token on that they’re betting against, because I think that the way you explain that is honestly a better way of hearing. A lot of things explained in this space. I’m saying that you’re looking at the Venmo versus big Bitcoin. I think that that’s important. I think that more people need to do stuff like that and I’m not sure how you would go about sort of adopting something in that fashion, necessarily outside of people understanding the space. If the thing that makes it unique and different is the decentralized aspect, you know?
Rob McNealy
Absolutely. And, and I also think it’s an Achilles heel, on a lot of aspects, as well. And I don’t know, I don’t have all the answers. You know, I’m always trying to reach out and talk to people to learn more things, then struct a smart people like you. So what would be your advice? Not a two piece of advice you could give. So if a new project was coming into the space, what advice would you give them? And then, for people that want to reach out to you, no, not No. coiners? What advice would you give them? You know, think of like a developer, what advice would you give the developer when communicating to the no-coiner world?
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m sorry for new projects and developers. I think the advice that I would Give you would be dumb it down. Understand that there’s a bigger learning curve. You had your head in your project for a really long time not everybody is going to come out off the bat excited and understanding of what you’re doing. make it really easy for people to understand and try to access more people outside of your soul group to try and understand, you know, does this really have a use case outside of a dead world?
Rob McNealy
Wonderful. I think it’s great advice. Rachel, where can people find out more about you? And being the crypto expert that you are,
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Of course, obviously, at crypto finally on Twitter, or YouTube at crypto Finally, I do weekly live streams on Friday at 12pm and 5pm at crypto underscore Fridays as well because I’m also a live streaming expert. But, but crypto finally is your safest bet. So Twitter and YouTube
Rob McNealy
Rachel, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I’ve really had a good time.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Thank you.
Rob McNealy
All right, I got you later.
Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
All right. Thank you.