small business

Raika Tech –

In This Episode

In this podcast interview, Rob McNealy interviews Cynthia Del’Aria, Darrell Brogdon, and Grant Parks, about their small business incubator and rapid app development program called



Cynthia Del'Aria

About Cynthia Del’Aria – CEO/Co-Founder

Cynthia brings a unique skillset and over 20 years of experience to the Raika executive team. Her background began primarily in UI development, and transitioned throughout her career through the entire stack. However, she discovered early on that she possessed a natural ability to see new business opportunities, build profitable revenue models, discover prime and emerging target markets, and build  efficient teams. As a result, she has built, run and sold several companies in her career, as well as consulted for many other companies to take under performing software teams and products and turn them into cash cows.

Darrell Brogdon - CIO/Co-Founder

About Darrell Brogdon – CIO/Co-Founder

Darrell is the resident DevOps experts, in addition to being a well-versed full-stack developer, developing web sites and web applications since the mid 1990’s. His past projects include and He is a graduate of the inaugural Denver class of the Founder Institute.

Grant Parks - CTO/Co-FounderGrant Parks – CTO/Co-Founder

Grant can fix any ugly piece of code and is an architectural master.  He has over 30 years of experience in design, delivery and support of medium and enterprise-scale systems across a wide range of industries on heterogeneous platforms. He provides excellent technical leadership for development staff of all levels of experience and is relentless in pursuit of process improvement and best practices. Grant has a track record of marrying advanced concepts with current technologies to produce efficient, high-performing systems and drive advancements in development, as well as consistent improvement of business user experience through standardization and automation.


Got An App Idea Website
Got An App Idea on LinkedIn
Cynthia Del’Aria  on LinkedIn
Darrell Brogdon on LinkedIn
Grant Parks on LinkedIn

Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, on Entrepreneurship

tony hsieh Tony Hsieh, Founder and Former CEO of Zappos.