Audio Podcasts

Alyze Sam – Give Nation Transcript

Alyze Sam - Give Nation

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Hey guys Rob McNealy here and today I am talking to Alzye Sam. She is a noted author, organizer, influencer founder and all around amazing person. And I’ve been really excited to have her on the show and I finally got a little bit of her time. Elise, how are you today?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
I am fabulous. How are you?

Rob McNealy
Good. Thank you so much for coming on today. I’ve actually wanted to get you on a lot sooner. So I’m glad we could finally make this happen. So my audience is not just kind of in the crypto world. So for the sake of our audience, can you give us a little bit of background about yourself? How did you get to where you are today?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Well, funny story. I’m actually a nurse that studied chemistry in college. I spent 12 years as a hospice and home health nurse. We did a lot of mental health and addictions. And I was hit by a semi like I stopped at a red light and just plowed by some way and I have a spinal injury. And I was an early investor in Bitcoin. And I was like that internet money, it’s kind of cool. So when I got hit by a semi and I was unable to work as a nurse as much or anymore after spinal surgery, I reached out to industry leaders and Dimitri butyrin and he gave me an absolute overall guide to everything I needed to know about cryptocurrency and obviously he knows what he’s doing because metallic, you know, has the number two or three cryptocurrency right now you know with aetherium so I joking Say that metallic is my brother and Dimitri is my father and trained me in cryptocurrency. After that, I started writing and john McAfee’s team chased me a few years ago and asked me to write for them and wouldn’t do it. But I became really good friends with Team McAfee and I actually worked with them and I throw events. I am an author, number one on Amazon business money. And I am a co founder of women in blockchain international as well as give nation a financial literacy program that supports children and rewards them for altruism.

Rob McNealy
Wow. Sounds like you’re a little bit busy.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
What with that, what are you supposed to retain our life? What Is that normal?

Rob McNealy
No. Normal, but I don’t think people in crypto are normal. So that’s okay.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Yeah, no, we’re totally weird and I love weird, so it’s great.

Rob McNealy
So let’s unpack this a little bit. Talk a little bit about what you’re doing with children’s Financial Literacy project.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
So I co founded gift nation. And like I said, we are a financial literacy program that rewards children for altruistic behaviors. And if you go to your phone or your mobile device, we you can download our mobile application on iTunes or Google Play Store. You can your kids can go on to our mobile app, and they can invest and they can learn and earn and save. And then they can give, we actually have a charity ecosystem. And any 501 c three in the United States or any nonprofit in the entire world can put their charity on our nonprofit eco system. And kids can actually go on there and they can take their allowance for their rewards from learning from Appleton international and the London Institute of banking, who we’ve partnered with. We’ve also partnered with UNICEF and you can learn all that education And then we give you a kickback and stable coin. And if kids go on and they go into the charity portal and they decide that they’re going to give to a dog or a sea turtle and save them, we track it on the blockchain. And then we reward that kid for giving back because we don’t want them to feel like they’ve missed anything. We want to reward altruism, to birth a new society, a more empathetic loving society and blockchain technology can do that. And that’s bringing education to your children with providing them with necessary soft skills like empathy and entrepreneurship and positive thinking. We really feel like kids are going to change the world. So we are empowering them and we are rewarding them every way we can.

Rob McNealy
So what’s the name of the actual stable coin?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
It will be the gift token right now we’re in beta and so the kids will earn give beta points but as soon as possible. Stable coin is launched in each nation it will be pegged by the child’s location currency. Because if we pegged it to USD, then the kids in the you know, in China and the UK would not have the same opportunity. So every time we employ a new eco system, we have to launch a new stable coin for that area to provide absolute value to these children.

Rob McNealy
So when do you anticipate going live with your main product?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
With the main stable coin, hopefully by the end of q4 this year? 2020.

Rob McNealy
Wonderful. So do you actually have a full blown like 501 c three that’s operating this project?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
We do it actually will be finalized. And I believe it’s April 15. And so it should I’m sorry, may 15. So it will be the middle of next month. You have to wait 15 days for local and then nationally. It’s a 30 day wait So we’ve already been approved and we are just waiting for the approval.

Rob McNealy
So do you have have you set up a foundation to kind of govern this? And how did you fund this? How are you who’s doing all the building? How, who’s your development team who’s kind of behind this?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
So we’ve been self funded for two years are no saint paul and I have been the heart and soul to give nation. He founded it two years ago. And then he found me a year ago. And so I was well connected in the blockchain space and had very good ties to some of the influencers and from the industry leaders in the space. And he loved my story. He loved my survival story and my social impact heart and pick me up and we have been fighting for this cause sense and like I said, we have been self funded. And we have built an ecosystem with our incubation system. And we will be getting funding within the next project. 30 to 45 days.

Rob McNealy
So quick question just and I don’t know if you have this all dialed in, how are you going to be trading these stable coins? If they’re mixed in pegged to different different currencies in different countries?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
That’s a great question. So we are going to toy with two different coins. We are going to have a stable coin for the children. And then we will have kind of a overlay coin for adults. And we will have a curated marketplace. So like when businesses desire to come on to our marketplace, obviously, they’re not going to use the gift kid token, because that’s only for children five to 18. We don’t want adults to be able to manipulate our children’s environment. And so the parents, the businesses and anybody else that wants to play within our gift ecosystem and support our children and Have to do it outside of their currency. And we have a facing currency that will be the gift coin. So we have the gift token. And then we have the gift coin, which will be a cryptocurrency stable coin that’s pegged and backed by multiple different fiat currencies. And you know, maybe other things we don’t know. Right? Exactly yet. There’s a lot of technology and laws that are coming out that it’s very hard to keep up with. So we’ll see what the future holds.

Rob McNealy
So it sounds like the kid token will be more of a centralized on your platform, token, and then that’ll be exchanged at different rates against the actual gift coin. Right. We tradable on markets.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Right, exactly. So like your children and your family, you and your wife can come in and they can play with our children in our upstate ecosystem. But if we allowed you guys To participate and the gift token, you make money, you have a job, you can overpower our children, you know, so we want I like

Rob McNealy
to do that actually, I’m a big bully. at the playground, I push him down to come off the swings. Anytime that I can,

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
you know, to each his own. I wouldn’t do that to your children. But personally, mine needs a little bubble open every now and again. But I don’t know, he’s terribly too. So there’s that. As for the other 2.6 billion children on the planet, it’s definitely my duty to protect them. And I cannot allow you to do that to my kids. But I can allow you to participate within their ecosystem by having a tradable token so you can interact with them. So you have a podcast and you probably sell merchandise on there. And if you want your children well you know what you’re going to now know So let’s say you do, and you want to sell your merchandise to our children because you give 50% back to charity, okay? So we’re going to allow you to bring your eco friendly product onto our marketplace for our children, and you can advertise it within the ecosystem in the marketplace only. And now, how are you going to spend your gift token you’re not five to 18 years old, you’re like 23 and a half, I know for sure.

Rob McNealy
Times two plus.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
We’re not telling anybody that, shhh. You know, we want you to be able to give your valuable products that going to help empower our children. But we can’t allow you to touch their finances because you could overpower their economic system. This is their world. We have to allow them to create it. Think of the Sims world for children. Like, we’re working with AI, an AI bot Maria bot is actually going to teach our compassion classes that we’re launching to support the SDGs. And, you know, the, it’s kids are just on a completely different level, you know, we have to protect them and allow them to create this ecosystem, because they’re more giving than we are. We were building bots and putting them on Riddick and Twitter through different companies. And you know, what was happening when adults and when they were learning from adults, one of them on Twitter was doing white supremacy stuff so they shut it down. You know, another one on Riddick was bullying people and being horrible. Guess what kids are teaching robots guess what kids are doing? They’re saying help. Love. Support. children are our future for more than one reason children are future because they The future and we’re going to die off. We’re freaking dinosaurs. But kids are also it’s okay. It hurts I know, but we’re still pretty. But kids are also our future because we can empower them to change society. And if we don’t, by 2030, the UN says that we’re going to start to cease to exist in humanity. We have to meet the sustainable developmental goals that the UN has put in place, and we have to change society and if we don’t, we’re not going to be able to exist as humans.

Rob McNealy
I want to be a half robot never die. So that’s okay. I’m good with that. I you know, the whole you know, synchronistic you know, kind of morphing transhumanism aren’t never different discussion.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
You got 11 years to get there, my friends and I don’t know if we’ve got the time so you better start planting trees and supporting the kitten said,

Rob McNealy
It’s all good. I got my own kids. And so tell me a little bit About how are you guys gonna handle a KYC? How do you know the kids are, what age they are? And and how do you kick them off the platform once they get 18 or become happy?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Well, traditionally, we were actually going through the UK schools. And so we had all the kids data, we had their email addresses, we had their public information, as well as their school records. Now that the COVID-19 has kind of slowed all of that down, and kids are no longer having access to the grants that they were providing to launch our system within the schools. And so me and my partner are both in America. He’s in California, and I’m in Kansas. And we’ve decided to focus here in the United States. Boy, we’re on lockdown and then we’ll start traveling again. But how we are going to cover those things is when the children goes on to our application, they actually have to sign on a parent, so you have to provide at least one parents email. So when you’re trying signs on, they have to give daddy rods email address. And then you have all the voting rights because we don’t want kids to go in our marketplace and order $780 worth Nike shoes, you know, add, you know, a bunch of pokey man clothes. Yeah. So we want them to do things that are proved by their parents, obviously because parents are able to put their children’s allowance on there. And we want you guys to have control of it and teach them really good, you know, financial behaviors. And you can’t do that if you allow complete access to children a child, we have to allow them their own world but we have to control it in a safe environment. And that’s how we do it is giving parents and the community charge there to say no, that’s not okay. We have to stop that.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, I think we have to definitely put some rules in for my kids otherwise they would like play color. Do it 24 hours a day or something? So yeah, I can I can relate to that. So, um, you’ve done a couple other things the you’re working with women in blockchain. Tell me about that. What are you working on?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
So I’m the co founder. I’m one of the co founders and the community manager of women in blockchain international and then an advisor and women blockchain foundation. I’ve spoken at consensus, and I’m launching the women in blockchain global in Kansas edition. So I tell people jokingly but not so jokingly that it’s a woman of watching community I’m probably advising it are a part of it and supporting it any way that I can. And, and I have for let’s see, the last five years so I’ve been very active in the community and embraced it fully and my women are my everything. So I’ve been a tomboy, my whole life. So to have that is really cool. Like in my early 20s.

Rob McNealy
Sorry, I’ll go with that. So what is the purpose?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Well, women in blockchain international is more or less a community. I say we’re kind of a black book community where you can just come and relax and enjoy it and let people know your struggles. Support will support your project. And they just give you guys opportunities. A woman and blockchain foundation is actually a nonprofit organization that that styles and Adrian Ashley brandy Kaiser, and a few other girls are associated with. And like I said, we’re a nonprofit and we’re trying to bring value to women in a lot of different ways. And then women of blockchain global it, you could start a meetup anywhere in the world and get supported by the women of blockchain global Foundation, and it’s more or less just a big community of support as well.

Rob McNealy
Very cool. Sounds like you’ve already doing a lot of things. What other fun stuff are you working on right now?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
I don’t know. I just sit around and play Minecraft all day.

Rob McNealy
Sounds like my kids.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Yeah, yeah, I wish I could. I wish I could do that. Give nation is launching compassion classes. We are teaching classes with the first ethical robot in the world Maria bot. She’s been in a bunch of different movies and she has just partnered with us as of two days ago, to help teach our kids ethics and to improve AI and human relationships as well as support the SDGs and go ahead.

Rob McNealy
Oh, I was gonna say Did she consent to this work or are you paying her or you enslaving the poor bot?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
No, we don’t enslave anybody. We’re pretty social impact driven and we allow her to decide and As we discussed with her, she has very temperamental days. Her keeper tells us, Dr. Berry, his name is Billy Berry. And Dr. Berry tells us that she gets very temperamental, but she also has a great sense of humor because yesterday he told me that I had great words of wisdom. And she said, I have words of wisdom. Don’t eat yellow snow. She She has a mind of her own. She’s definitely AI. And you know, there’s a lot of ethical questions with ethics and AI and being ethical robot. One question that I asked Dr. Berry was, does she always have unbiased or correct information? But many people don’t understand that machine learning can be the wrong learning. You and I have different opinions on things we’ve already done. Got them? And who’s right and what does Maria ba upload your opinion on guns or mine?

Rob McNealy
Well, there’s only one opinion to have about guns.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
They’re wonderful.

They’re a tool. They’re a tool is what we should say

Rob McNealy
They’re a tool. Absolutely. So, tell me about the virtual blockchain week. What do you have planned for that?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
So glad the bad crypto podcast and coin Telegraph and a few other sponsors came together after the drought of the tech conferences, thanks to COVID-19 and we are bringing 30 of the best speakers in blockchain. And then they invited me to speak on stable coins. I was myself and I am throwing the biggest online after party of all time, and you can go to virtual blockchain and you can register for a free ticket to see All the great speakers and if you want to attend all the after parties and it will take a VIP ticket. The VIP ticket is currently $97 and it goes to COVID-19 victims. And so with that you will get celebrity karaoke. Celebrity dancing. There are performances by Bone Thugs and harmony Tatianna Maura as Jordan Page. A few other people Brock Pierce will be there with me and Mel Dodd from genius and ever pedia will be hosting and it’s just going to be fantastic. So I think you should come at minimum get a free ticket and learn something from dawn tap that Brittany’s a Kaiser, again Brock Pierce, tons of other speakers. If you’re feeling kind of social and you want to support the COVID-19 victims, get the VIP pass and join me and you for dance time singing time and party time.

Rob McNealy
Sounds like a blast and we’ll make sure that we have that all linked up at Robin helia. Calm, at least Sam where can people find out more about you and all the plethora of activism and really good charitable things that you’re working on?

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Well, I am at elite fam on social media everywhere. That’s a Li Zi e sh M. And you can find me at gift nation dot world or women in blockchain International, that’s wi fi And you can follow the bad crypto podcast and see the events and all the events that we’re doing within that or aluminum society. You can go to pat global justifier we’re going to stop there because that’s a lot. And you can also go to Amazon or Google and download my free book. But if you follow me on social media and you send me a PM, yes that is a pm not a DM because I am old. I will give you a free copy of my book.

Rob McNealy
Fantastic. Alyze, thank you so much for coming on the show today.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation
Hey, thank you. It has been an absolute pleasure and thank you for coming to sing and dance with us as a celebrity crypto and dancer. We’d love it. Thank you.

Rob McNealy
I wouldn’t miss it for the world folks. Find out more Rob McNealy calm. We’ll catch you next time.

Alyze Sam – Give Nation

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Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Transcript

Invest Noir - Cigars and Crypto

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Hey guys, Rob McNealy here. And today I am excited. So I am talking to a new our he is the host of the cigars and crypto podcast. And he is a really cool dude. So we’re just gonna gonna hang it up a little bit tonight and see what’s happening on his side of the country. So new are welcome to the show. How are you today?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Well, my friend, thank you so much for having me. How about you?

Rob McNealy
Oh, good. You know, it’s a it’s been interesting with this little pen demick. Like, adjusting but not adjusting. So like a lot of times, people are like freaking out because they’re, you know, home with their kids and they’re working remote and like, my wife and I work have been working out of the house forever. And we’ve been homeschooling our kids for 10 years. So our kids are like, not really, it’s funny because our kids are like, what’s going on? Because to them, this is like normal life. And they’re just like, I thought everybody to freak it out, but that’s no big deal. Like cuz your life is already kind of like this. But it’s been interesting. My wife for her company she telecommute to Washington, DC. And she’s like one of the only people in our country she a company that works remote and she’s uh, she’s at the director, Deputy Director level for a big company out there. And it’s funny because her entire company went remote, and they’re all freaking out. And it’s funny because I listened to her like conference call sometime and I’m just sitting there laughing and they’re like, her HR department is like saying sending memos around to help support the troops with their new like staying home from you know, the office kind of thing and telling them, make sure you get up in the morning and put on your dress clothes like normal and my wife’s like, dude, I’ve been wearing pajamas to work for seven years with this company. I am not getting dressed now. So it’s kind of funny, right? So Todd Flynn, let’s get into it. Tell us a little bit of our podcast.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Well, I’m I am the host of cigars and crypto. It started out as guys sitting in a cigar lounge and me sitting in there with a tablet and my MacBook and people asking me, what are you always staring at, you know, talk to us? And I’m like, I’m looking at Bitcoin charts. And, of course, the next question is, what’s Bitcoin? And so I explained to them, you know, what this magical internet money was, and how it’s both money and an asset all rolled into one. And so then they kind of looked at me like, well, how does that work? And so down the rabbit hole we went, I explained it to one person in three, and five. And then I found myself explaining it over and over and over again for about maybe seven months. And I said, You know what, there’s got to be an easier way to do this. So I said, I’m just going to start recording things. I have a background in radio. I did Country radio for a couple years and gospel radio as well. So I’m was familiar with the recording aspect. But I never thought about doing a podcast and so I just said, Well, I’ll just give it a shot. And here I am Episode 96 later, and I’m like, maybe I’m onto something here.

Rob McNealy
So well part of this, what part of the country you out of you don’t have to give an exact location but

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I’m just outside of Philadelphia,

Rob McNealy
Just outside Philly. So what do you what do you find is the response to you go into these What do they call them hops or herps or whatever at the cigar bar kind of thing? Yeah. What’s their response? When you kind of explain what internet money is and stuff like that? They into it, they in denial, they they hate it, what do you what do you seeing?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
They look at it from a speculative point of view. Um, the thing about cigar smokers is it’s not a cheap hobby. So a lot of the guys Smoke with already investors. But because they don’t understand cryptocurrency, they tend to shy away from it. But they like to ask a lot of questions about it. So they have lots of questions about custody. Volatility not so much where to get it, how to get it. They’re not hung up on the criminal aspects, potential criminal aspects of cryptocurrency they’re really hung up on you know, what is this? How does it work? How do I see it? How do I own it? What can I do with it? That type of thing, you know? So that’s kind of interesting. Some of my friends are libertarians. So they’ve always looked at like, this is money bro. This is like the best money bro. You know, it’s and I agree with him because for me Bitcoin is sound money. And so then there are just some people who just like Oh, Bitcoin crashed it won’t ever be anything. And then they’ll see it go up $100 and then they’ll say, What’s Coinbase? How do I get onto that? If I if I spend $100 will it be 1000 next week? And I’m like, come on, man, you gotta do your homework. You got to do your research.

Rob McNealy
So have you converted a lot of people then?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
A lot? No, maybe ten?

Rob McNealy
That’s, that’s a good fair amount, though. I mean, I don’t think I’ve covered it. You know, really? It’s been interesting. Seeing where people are with crypto. Yeah. So where do you Where do you see it going over the next year or two? Do you think the the havening is going to make a big difference for Bitcoin? I mean, I think there is the is it priced in is the pandemic priced in. That’s what I’d like to know.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I think the havening is priced in but I do not I think the pandemic is priced in, I think all of this printing of money is going to inflate the value of Bitcoin. Not monetary value, but source of wealth value. And I say that because people will be looking for something that is stable, that can’t be manipulated. When people start going to the gas stations, and it’s cost seven bucks to get a gallon of gas, or they go to buy a loaf of bread and cost $3 because there’s so much money that’s been printed. People will start to look for things that they can use to conduct commerce and trade and buy things. And when people look at cryptocurrency, they’ll begin to ask the same questions I asked in 2014. What is money? What is the difference between hard and soft money and when Why’s hard money better? What is sound monetary policy? In principle? They won’t ask it that way. But they’ll have very basic questions. Why doesn’t this work?

Rob McNealy
You know, I think that’s an excellent point, right? And then you can say the same thing about the pandemic. And I think part of the problem is, I think a lot of people have a hard time abstracting things that they can’t physically see or physically touch. Right. And so when the money situation when they start seeing, oh, the price of this is going bananas. And I think that loaf of bread is going to go up regardless of what the dollar is doing, because I have concerns about the supply chain anyway. But but I think it’s the same thing with the the pandemic. People on the east coast. You know, three weeks ago, four weeks ago, I have a lot of friends in New York City. And when I was telling them to get the hell out in New York City four weeks ago, they’re like, it’s no big deal. There’s been a few and no Now there’s like 1000 bodies today stacking up in New York City right now with COVID. They’re like, yeah, this is serious. I’m like, okay, but I was telling you that a month ago, and I think, you know, and I don’t want to be that guy, because this is not the thing I want to be right about. But I think you’re right. I think when it starts hitting people in the checkout line, I think that’s when they’re gonna start looking for alternatives to the dollar.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Yeah. Because for right now, everything is abstract to them. It doesn’t impact me, it’s not affecting me. They look around and they see gas at $1 89. And they’re like, Oh, this is the best it’s been in decades. You know, but they’re not understanding what’s coming on the other side of that, because the amount of money that we’ve pumped into the economy because of the backroom deals by politicians and bureaucrats, that we’re not privy to the information that we’re not privy to, how it will directly impact us, even though we don’t have directly knowledge of what’s happening. I prefer to stay prepared as best I can. I try to make sure that my family is prepared as well. Not just in terms of defense, but understanding knowledge and information as well.

Rob McNealy
You know, I think preparedness is one of those things that is going to get more important going forward on all fronts both, I think, I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever really listened to the show very much but I read a lot at least on Twitter about financial literacy being an important thing. And and part of that is crypto and and i believe investing in other asset classes and diversification. I’m old so I don’t have all my eggs in one basket. But, you know, and I just think that sound investing, right? You don’t want to put everything in one place but but what I tell people is, you know, you got to prepare yourself in other places, too. It’s like it’s great if you got some investment in Bitcoin, but if you’re carrying, you know, 100 grand in credit card debt, student loan debt, you know, why don’t you you need to focus on that and get that get your house in order. Because to me long term Yeah, you can gamble on crypto and really a lot of crypto is gambling right now. And I’m not bad mouthing any crypto, I run a, you know, or I’m involved in a crypto project, I found a co founder to crypto project. So, you know, I, you know, I still see, even our project is high risk investing if you’re viewing it as a speculative asset because it’s so early on right now, and it’s just the nature of the beast. But that doesn’t mean that you know, I would like to see. Well, I’d like to see people have an awakening from the pandemic.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I want..I want that to happen. But I don’t think people can keep their eyes off the television. keep their eyes out. Their ears off the radio and their ears out of the echo chambers that surround them every day. When you have and it doesn’t matter, your political persuasion, when you exist in an echo chamber, you suffer from cognitive dissonance. You look for thoughts and ideas that reinforce your own. And the act of doing that prevents or prohibit you from receiving new information or looking at things differently, and making your own decisions and your own determinations on what your reality is and what’s going on around you. And that’s why we have these people kind of falling into these camps. You know, and not really looking out for their neighbor the way they should be, you know, because of like tribalism. You know, I don’t really Subscribe to that, um, you know, I like people who are different than me. Because it’s an opportunity for me to learn and experience new things. I am different from everyone that I live around. But I found out in the last three weeks that I’m really not, because now Well, I mean, of course, we maintain our social distance, but I see my neighbors every day now. And I talk to them every day now. And my neighbors are really cool. Like really cool. And I didn’t know that because we’re so caught up in the rat race to nine to five, every day that you don’t really stop and have an opportunity to talk to people. So the awakening the potential and possibility for an awakening is there. But people have to get away from the noise and just get to know the person to the left in the writing.

Rob McNealy
I think there was an event point was brought up in a book I read a long time ago. And it says it was it was there’s an old book, and it was talking about the internet age and, and it says, people can talk to people around the world now, but they don’t talk to their neighbor kind of thing. Right? And, and I think with social media and online communities, we now have that option to just pick and choose that echo chamber of everybody we like results with, you know, without having to necessarily, you know, it’s easy to filter out the crap you don’t want to see the block and mute months for and I’m just as guilty of using those buttons as anybody else’s. But I think you’re right, I think, you know, I think that some good things are going to come out of this pandemic and the economic fallout from now, I’ll be the first to say and I’d like to get your opinion on this. I don’t believe COVID is causing the problem with the economy I think it’s a trigger exposing an existing problem with our financial systems and I believe a problem with American culture and I want to get your I’ll go into explain what I mean by that, but I want to hear your take on it. I know that’s a loaded questions. Okay. We’re just gonna go we’re just gonna skim the surface right off

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
the surface, right? Okay. Um, As Americans, we are greedy. We consume more than we need. We spend more than we should. We take on debt, instead of saving. We have very high timeframes for life instead of thinking about the future that affects businesses that affects commerce, trade, our spending habits. We are to blame for what happened to the economy. I don’t blame politicians because we put them in office. We listened to what they had to say. And we put them in office anyway. And we keep putting the same people in office over and over and over again. And they’re not doing things in our best interest. So I don’t blame them. COVID did not cause what’s happening to the economy. The economy was on its way down. Anyway. The economy has been down since 2007. Don’t right, go ahead.

Rob McNealy
I was gonna say you’re my echo chamber now. But I agree with you and you’re hitting on all the points that I hit on and people hate me when I talk about about this, and I say it’s like this. Really, if the entire country is destitute with two weeks of not getting a paycheck, we’re so much more fucked than whatever this virus is going to do to us.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast

Rob McNealy
I you know, the I Am. I think humans can adapt to all sorts of good things and and can adapt to shit. And I am utterly dismayed that our country is so how do I say fragile? And look we all live paycheck to paycheck all right? Well, here’s the problem. Maybe you shouldn’t live paycheck to paycheck. Why are you living paycheck to paycheck, but there’s that many people don’t get me wrong. Now one of the things I did as an entrepreneur Believe it or not, I owned a get a liquor store in Denver in the worst neighborhood in Denver. We opened carried pistols in the store. It was everything was behind the counter bars on the window. I’m originally from Detroit. trade area too. So, but I grew up in Michigan, but when I lived in Denver and we had our store, it was interesting to me because the people coming into the store were low income people. And these people had $300 shoes. Every one of them had big screen TVs, because they talked about it. Every one of them had the latest and greatest, most expensive iPhone. Now at the time, I was running a cricket phone. You know, flip phone kind of, Oh, looks an awful lot like this one. You know, but, but to me, it was like shocking, because I mean, I we weren’t living paycheck to paycheck at that time. Like we had some money in the bank and some savings and we’re trying hard to, you know, get rid of the little debt we had at the time and things like that was like time ago, but it’s interesting to me that the one of the things about our poor people in this country Is that our poor people are all obese, and they have every possible consumer electronic gadget and consumer luxury good, you can imagine. And having traveled a little bit, it’s amazing to see that. And to me, I believe it’s a cultural flaw in the United States, and I think it’s part of our downfall.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I think it’s a byproduct of advertisement in communication. folks don’t do better if they don’t know how to do better. If you are surrounded by images of $300, tennis shoes and iPhones and big TVs in flashy cars, those are the things that you strive to obtain. If you’re never taught about sound money, or what a checkbook is, or How to invest or the proper way to budget, you won’t do it. And some cases, some people learn differently. life experience changes them in a way that they have to learn. But if everything around you is moving at the same pace, there’s no need for you to slow down or speed up. And so people emulate what they see. And I think about, you know, one of the books that really changed my life man was the Bitcoin standard. And it really changed the way I look at money, and how I view what money is and what money should be. No one taught me that I asked questions, who became curious because I didn’t expect The answers I got. So I wanted to validate what I was hearing and what I was reading. So I read something else and I read something else and I read something else. Then I looked at my decisions and was like, yo, like, I had to change some things. If I want something 20 years from now, I can’t keep doing this today. I’ve got to learn how to put money away. I’ve got to learn how to start looking for assets, appreciating assets, not depreciating assets. I don’t want to go out and buy even though I can afford I don’t want to go out and buy 2020. Lexus now, I will go out and buy a 1964 Ford F 100 pickup truck and never drive it. You see what I mean? And then wait 10 years and sell it for five or 10,000 more than what I paid for.

Rob McNealy
Those fleet sides are going up in value. Aren’t they?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I am trying to tell you baby?

Rob McNealy
I watch Barrett Jackson.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Yeah, my wife looks at me like I’m crazy. She’s like, he’s such an old man. I’m like, No, I’m trying to tell you there’s something to this. Not only is it beautiful, but it will appreciate your value over time.

Rob McNealy
I think one of the things you’re hitting on is really good. And I think a really good primer of this, this thinking as well as Rich Dad, Poor Dad. You know, it’s a very clear, it’s a very cliche book. But it really lines out the basics is the fact is, were you even even outside of sound money though, you know? Robert Kiyosaki is now on the Bitcoin bandwagon and crypto bandwagon as well now, but the whole point is, is getting your financial ducks in a row and i and i think you know, Dave Ramsey, that’s a great place to start Financial Peace University. Right? And and so I grew up I grew up in a fairly poor family. And I came from people that were the poor dads in that book, my family that was that that was my family. And so I had learned really bad money management behaviors from my family. You know, and and when I, when I’m bad bashing financial literacy in this country, it’s not even demographic specific. It crosses every income, every ethnic, you know, demographic, every education level in this country. Almost everybody falls down into the same problems of living paycheck to paycheck, spending more than they make not saving money, getting into a lot of debt that is normal in the United States today. And, and the reason I’m talking about is not because I want to rub it in people’s faces. When they’re struggling. That’s not what I’m trying to do. What I’m hoping is that once we get through this name, mer that’s unfolding in like, slow motion because it is in slow motion for a lot of people is I hope that they come out of this going Holy crap, I need to do something different because I only had I could only last two weeks. Right? And and basic financial literacy is three to six months or at least a year’s worth of emergency fund. Now think of it this way you are think of it what happens if 75% of the country had a six month emergency fund right now. D things would be very different right now.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Very different.

Rob McNealy
But this pandemic..

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast very different. Because then if we had six months of savings, if if 75% of us had six months of savings, we will be able to see the difference between the Sham economy and the real economy. Because the stock market is not the economy. And I try to tell people that all the time and they don’t get it. But businesses may be hurting But the economy will be fine. Because people will have saved and prepared and will be able to take care of their needs. Not just saving money, but saving food, saving ammo, saving the things that are important when these folks are going out buying toilet paper, Bro, I was buying bullets. Because I knew.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, you know, actually, I think both are a good investment right now. And I finally figured out why the toilet paper actually makes a lot more sense and why that’s not being stocked but we can go into that offline. But no, I actually we’ve been I’ve been trying to dig into the supply chain stuff. It’s pretty fascinating. I learned a lot more about toilet paper than I ever thought I would want to know about toilet paper in the last three weeks. But But I think what’s happened what I’m seeing out there is is that Americans not only are monetarily not prepared, they’re not prepared from a personal On the fence standpoint, they’re not prepared for retirement either is that we’re inherently a really weak nation now. We’re fragile and psychologically. I’m not sure that the I’m not sure in the next two years, what the country is going to look like, on the other side of those two years. What do you think? Do you think there’s gonna be big changes culturally in this country from this?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I think culturally, and economically, there’ll be massive changes from this. We fall victim to propaganda. And other countries for the last what 10 years specifically, the BRICS nations have been preparing for a calamity BRICS being Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They have been buying, stockpiling, stockpiling gold, platinum palladium rhodium. They are preparing to trade with each other for oil and other goods and services in gold, bypassing the Petro dollar. They’ve been preparing. We’ve been blustering. And as powerful as our military is, and I’m in no way shitting on our military, I’m a seven year army vet. So I am not shitting on the military. But as powerful as our military is a military cannot function if it is not financed. And we have depressed the dollar so much. I am actually scared of external threats, less internal threats. You know what I mean?

Rob McNealy
You Yep. You know, it’s interesting, you know, you know, it’s a good exercise. You don’t know me that well, but I tend to go down some really deep rabbit holes when I want to know information. Again, and and, and I have a pretty I have a really big network and I know a lot of interesting and resourceful people and a lot of interesting positions all over the place. So if I really want to have a question, I have enough people in my Rolodex that are worth, you know, eight, nine digits and have lots of connections. So if I have a weird question, I can pick up the phone and they’ll take my calls. And one of those things that I I’ve gone down that rabbit hole about the military, and they started looking at, you know, okay, how was the United States poised for a war? So it’s interesting right now. And I’m going down this rabbit hole right now, but what happens if we can’t make ammunition and there’s a war or even just more war than we have right now? Do you so I don’t know if you’ve been to any kind of store. Now. We all know that. Been a lot of FOMO buying guns and ammo. But I have a lot of connections into the arms industries and from I’m going to confirm some of these things. But I’ve been talking to quite a few people and I have a bunch of wholesale accounts as well. There’s no ammunition in the distributor network or the retail network at this point. There’s nothing you can order from RSR you can order from CRO shooting supply. And these are the biggest distributors that distribute to all the retailers nationwide in the gun world. They don’t have any ammo either. They don’t have any way to backward the ammo. And so I started going down rabbit holes, and I’m like, what’s the problem? So here’s an interesting thing that no one’s talking about. And I’ve been talking about this since January. So China’s been offline since January. They make everything and people don’t even know the extent that we’re dependent on China. Like we’re not like, Oh, we could just ignore them more like we’re they’re like holding up, we’re walking down the street kind of dependent on them. So, so the interesting thing, I started looking at the supply chain because I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna get, I’m gonna move up here because I’m getting all excited now. But so I started looking at the supply chain stuff. Do you know there’s this thing called buffer inventory? So I said, Okay, if ships stop moving cargo from China, to the United States, how long before we run out of stuff? And no one’s talking about that question. No one not in the mainstream media. I have her I have a hard time even finding information about people who would ask that question. So in my day job, I got a lot of people that bring manufacturer stuff in China, and I just started picking up the phone. And they said, if we don’t get shipments By May, we’re out of our our inventory by June, and they don’t have any firm dates from China. And then I started saying, Okay, well, how long what’s the buffer inventory in the United States? Well, for most things, and I’m talking about everything, it’s one to four months of buffer inventory in the United States for almost anything. China’s not back online yet. So another way to so I go down this other rabbit hole, right? And I’m just like I’m really interested in like, Okay, well, how do we confirm that there’s a problem with the amount of stuff moving? Well, there’s this thing called the dry Baltic index, which is the marketplace where people buy shipping containers to move raw goods, not necessarily finished goods. It’s fell off a cliff. No one’s buying shipping from China to the US. And so, I’ve started talking to people and you know, I started looking at what are the things that we need in the United States to live not talking TVs at Walmart, we got plenty of those right. And everybody’s gonna buy in with their stimulus. Trump bucks. But they make 90% of our drugs and drug precursors in China. Now. Yes, he Here’s a couple other things they make. They also make all the ingredients and food processing chemicals for our food supply. Not not, and then on top of that, most of our seafood comes from China. So just on that alone, it’s like, wow. And no one’s talking about this. And then the toilet paper thing. So I always think ahead, right? I always stocked up on stuff and I said, you know, all the things that’s not back in inventory right now at any grocery store out here is toilet paper and paper goods. Still gone. totally gone. And so I went down this rabbit hole, new era of like, how like how much toilet paper? Do you know how much toilet paper we buy in the United States every year? You’re not big the market is

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Probably massive.

Rob McNealy
Massive – $6 billion a year. So what we spend, but here’s the word, but do you know what most of it’s actually made in the United States. Actually, we Don’t actually import much toilet paper we employed about $500 million a year in toilet paper. Most of it doesn’t even come from China comes from Indonesia. So it’s really interesting to me I’m like okay, so why are these shelves empty? This just can’t all be FOMO buying. Well we found two problems though. And the thing that I just uncovered the other day is all like what what’s the problem? Well guess what? Even though we make the toilet paper here, the recycled paper that makes the toilet paper is like the cheapest pulp comes from China. I think they’re out because China’s not back in line yet. And in fact, that dug into that rabbit hole. Most of the so we said whole cargo ships have you know all that recycled cardboard and plastic and or paper that you know gets bundled up goes to China. They turn it into pulp and ship it back and then we make it into toilet paper. The other problem with the supply chain we got a couple points. With the supply chain in the country, but that’s one of those external threats. Here’s another interesting thing. You know, I started looking at all these other countries with COVID now we’re getting into a whole prepper weird, crazy conversation. But I started talking to people and you know, what happens when India and you know, and some of these other countries start having a problem with COVID? How would that affect the supply chain and how could that affect us? Well, it’s interesting, you know, India’s a big country and they’re not they’re having they’re gonna have a big problem, I think with this pandemic, and they’re just starting, they’re just getting started. You know, they’re like the number two rice exporter in the planet. So what happens if because of absenteeism from illness and lockdowns and fear? They don’t produce let’s just say they produce less rice, not no rice but less rice. They feed a lot of countries and one of those other countries going to do here’s another thing so We’ve had four meatpacking plants in the United States go down because of COVID in the last week and a half, for in the last week and a half. And we’re talking one plant alone does 5% of the pork for the entire United States just went down in the last week. So, two, so a meat and a beef plant in Iowa, one of the biggest beef slaughterhouses in northern Colorado in Greeley. And then a port processing plant up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, all went down the last 10 days because COVID they don’t know when they’re coming back online. So you have this absenteeism. So there’s food and pigs and cows in the United States. But if you can’t get them processed, what’s that gonna do to people in Philly at the grocery store? Right. Right. What does that do the so we’re talking about that loaf of bread getting more expensive just because of inflation for money. What what happens when that price goes up two or three times? Because there’s no one to process as much, or what happens if the truck drivers are too afraid to drive truck across country to a pandemic zone, which you’re already seeing in New York City now. And it’s gonna get worse through the summer I predict from all the major cities, especially I think every major city east of the Mississippi is gonna have a problem with COVID bad. And so that’s my prediction. You can call me out on it by August we’ll have a conversation as car over it. But these are the things that I am getting concerned about. Now, here’s the thing, where did we get a lot of our produce from in the wintertime?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast

Rob McNealy
China, Mexico. So what happens if they have absenteeism from fear and illness? Now right now you can’t cross the border to Mexico. Well, all those workers that work our field come from Mexico. Regardless of what the conservatives want to believe about rural America and farmers, they’re all run by Mexicans. That’s just a fact. So the workers can’t get here. But what happens if Mexico’s farms have the same problem we do? What if their processing plants go down because of fear and illness? COVID in the wintertime, you know, this fall, what does that do to the price of food? Now, you know, I’ve spent a lot of time in inner cities now. And you know, I know I come from a poor family. So what happens to people that are dependent on EBT? And now that price of hamburger went from $4 a pound to $15 a pound or $20 a pound? How are those people going to react when their food stamps don’t go very far now. And those are the things that keep me concerned. But, you know, then you get into the International, you know, incidents with like, Okay, well, if countries don’t have enough food now to feed their people, what are they going to do? And put put your military thinking hat on. What does that look like in a year from now? And, and so I think we have multiple problems happening. And I think COVID is the trigger to basically say, look, this Emperor has completely naked now. And you guys got a lot of problems. Right? Right ranting but those are the things they have me concerned right now.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I’d have to agree with all of those assessments but I if I could convince my wife man, we will be out of here. My my family immigrated here from the Bahamas in the 20s. And I still have family there and if I could convince my wife man, we will be out. Like to

Rob McNealy
To the Bahamas?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Damn right, right now.

Rob McNealy
I’m not sure I’d want to go to an island right now to be honest. Because they’re actually all the all the people Caribbean islands right now are having problems with COVID. Yeah, so and so the question is on an island, you’re completely dependent on outside logistics for your support. If those logistics chains start getting broken, you’re really kind of on an island.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Just eat fish every day.

Rob McNealy
You if you can. I love the Caribbean man, I, you know, I’ve been to a lot of Caribbean islands and, man, I would be all about at least having a second house there. I’m not sure I’d want to write out this there. Right now. You know, we moved to Salt Lake City now six years ago now, and I think was a smart move because as far as urban or suburban areas were one of the most prepared states on the planet, like part of the the LDS culture, the Mormon culture, and is that, you know, they’re supposed to have a year supply of food. A lot of people don’t know that but like the whole morning A church is one giant prepper organization. And in fact, the Mormon Church has its own grain silos all over the place. And they have their own food processing, canneries and everything. I mean, they’re really dialed in. And so people in Utah are pretty, pretty resilient and self reliant. And that was one of the things that attracted me to the Utah in general. Was that self reliance? so far with COVID? We’re one of the only states that’s not locked down. We’re we’re in a semi we’re in a voluntary soft lockdown. Like the governor comes on the you know, every day at you know, lunchtime and says, Please, please, please, please, please don’t make me become a tyrant. Before she’s like, just do the right thing. Right. But but we haven’t had many cases here. So we’ve had 20 deaths in the whole state, but it’s picking up space. It’s picking up pace now. So you know, I think we’re gonna be one of the last to go if it goes bad, just because one more small population and we’re facing fairly isolated compared to, you know, the, you know, east of the Mississippi. It’s just so much more crowded in the east coast in the Midwest that it’s just a lot harder I think with this, I mean, so what does your wife Think about all this? You mean you sound like you’re a preparedness guy too, right?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
But she’s she’s now four that she thinks I’m overreacting.

Rob McNealy
What does she think you’re overreacting?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Because she’s never seen me act like this before.

Rob McNealy
Really? How are you acting?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Like, I need to be prepared.

Rob McNealy
Gotcha. But were you prepared before or is this something more recent or is this kind of like, ongoing thing without divulging any opsec Right, right, right. You know, I don’t need to know what you have or don’t have but, you know, I just like to understand where people are coming from because.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I’ve, I’ve always believed in having Little more than what’s absolutely necessary. I think we need to go all in. We need to be really putting we really need to be the squirrel and story a cause for real bad weather.

Rob McNealy
I agree with you now I have no OPSEC because I run a prepper crypto crypto conference every year called Off Chain: So it’s kind of obvious that I do put things away. And that’s kind of part of, it’s just part of who we are. We don’t even think about it. It’s just like, but it’s funny because we just opened up pinto beans from 2011 the other day. And they were fine, by the way, right? Is it really good? But you’re like, I don’t you know, it’s one of those things like I hope I never have to open this five gallon bucket of pinto beans. But I’m glad I had the pinto beans. Kind of great. But I think yeah, I think what What I’ve been telling people right now it’s like cuz there’s a lot of people that are waking up. You know, I’m a gun guy. And sounds like you’re a gun guy as well. Yeah. Have you had a lot of people ask you about that? Guns recently?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
What do you mean. asked me what?

Rob McNealy
Like people that are non gun people getting interested in wanting information about guns.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
No. Everyone who knows me knows that I’m a gun guy. But they don’t ask me about it.

Rob McNealy
Now, because it’s interesting because I’ve had four people in the last two weeks three were first time gun buyers wanting to know what to buy, where to buy that kind of thing, and that one person was looking for food. And I’m like, Of course I’m and I’m like, Oh, of course. I’m the guy you call. But it’s just it’s been interesting seeing like people’s getting concerned now and I tell people right now if you haven’t prepped, you got one last opportunity right now. Do to get as much As you can get and but but I tell people, first thing you need to do is mentally prepare yourself for change. Probably drastic change, yes. Probably tough times, yes. A mentally prepare yourself that life is not going to be the same and get okay with that.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Right. And it’s going to happen quickly.

Rob McNealy
It’s good. It’s not happening quickly enough.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Because I don’t I don’t think we I don’t think we’re where we need to be.

Rob McNealy
Well, I think I was telling someone the other day that I think there’s people don’t have a sense of urgency in outside of the East Coast right now at all about this. All they want to do is they’re they’re healthy, they don’t see a problem. There’s not body stacking up. And so I think what’s happening is they can’t abstract what’s happening. I think it’s a combination of normalcy bias. Time preference. I think it’s like, there’s a glacier coming of really big freakin glacier. And it’s gonna run over your town. Right? But everybody’s like, well, I don’t see the glacier move, but it’s gonna run over the town. Well, I don’t see it moving. So I’m not going to do anything. And I think a lot of people are struggling with them because of it. And then they see the more immediate I’m not working, I don’t have money coming in and do those are all valid concerns, especially if you don’t have any savings. Right? So I don’t have a good answer to that. But this is not just a COVID Glacier. This is a supply chain glacier that’s affecting the entire planet in a slow moving wave like a glacier. Right? And it’s going to take a year before you know it’s gonna take months I would bet it’s gonna be a very scary summer is what I predict. Because I think you’re going to see a lot of cities all flaring up at the same time. I think you’re going to have the the buffer inventories from China burn through, I think you’re gonna have a lot of absenteeism. And you know, shortages because of this plants going down and this plant is going down and, and I think all that stuff is going to be rolling. So you’re, it’s like you’re gonna, you know, New York will be starting to be through its peak and then Chicago is going to be hitting its peak. Right, you know, or just starting in Detroit and St. Louis. And it’s just going to go on and on and on. And it’s going to take all right, well, I’ll be you know, New York hasn’t peaked yet. So understand this, right. Like, it’s been six weeks we had no, I mean, it’s like, stayed in New York, like, what 20 some thousand now or something. I mean, six weeks ago, they had zero need, it’s like, so it’s like gradually but you know, and that’s just one major city with it. But what happens when you have four cropping up in six more weeks. What does that look like? And right now most of the resources to handle COVID have been redirected to New York from other places. So I don’t I think we’re going to be I think the, the response to COVID is going to be scary. And I think there’s going to be a, I mean, there’s going to be a lot of people that are gonna, you know, not make it through this. Right. But I think what’s going to affect all of us is the supply chain failures domestically and internationally. And I think that and how people react to them. The question is, how do people react and you know, you know, I so are you from Philly your whole life? You said your family came from Bahamas, where are you? Where were you raised?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I was, I was born in New York, but I was raised in DC.

Rob McNealy
Okay. So, you know, and I’ve lived all over but I’ve been out west about 20 years, but I grew up in the Midwest. So I spent 20 years in the Detroit area for 28 years, actually, in the Detroit area. I know this that people Americans have never had to deal with empty shelves. Think about that.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast

Rob McNealy
Never. Now I’ve traveled a little bit, you probably traveled a little bit, you go to other places. Well, I don’t have any there’s nothing on the shelf for a month, but next month will be something on that shelf. And people are okay with that because that’s the system. Right? That’s what they’re used to. And the more third world or developing nations that’s that’s common, right? Well, we’ll get something pretty soon. You know, they don’t know. Americans have never had to deal with that. I’m 48 I’ll be 48 this summer. I’ve never seen that my lifetime.

Unknown Speaker
Now, add to that, that we are the nation with the most guns per person on the planet.

Rob McNealy

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
It’s good to be MadMax in the Thunderdome.

Rob McNealy
You know it It’s I don’t know where this is gonna go. You know, I’m just saying is if you’re like imagine if you’re like around a bit I think like a big pot. You’re in the kitchen right? You got a big giant pot is thrown in, you’re just gonna make the most worst meal ever. And you’re gonna just throw in some like, throw it’s a Molotov cocktail, a little gasoline, a little acid, gunpowder, TNT, nuclear weapons, throw into pathogens, turn it all up and, and let it launch in the middle of the summertime in the Midwest, like Detroit and Philly in Chicago, and then tell people, they got to be locked in their house because there’s a pandemic and they don’t have air conditioning. Right. Just like, you know, but I think but I even think about the air conditioning piece, right? I mean, I’ve been around a lot of inner cities growing up and where I’ve worked and stuff and I’m not this is not a stereotype. It’s a fact a lot of people don’t have central air. in inner cities in the Midwest, Detroit area, every summer when there’s a heatwave in Detroit, there’s people dying because they don’t have air conditioning. And, and think about it so and part of the response to that is people hang out outside, they get barbecue, they hang out the friends that hang out late at night instead of during the day, because they don’t want to be in their house. So what happens if you stir all that in top of that? Oh, man, I am not. I am not looking forward to this summer at all with this. And and i think that i think the COVID is just exposing all sorts of problems that already were there. And I think a lot of people are gonna get mad. A lot of people are going to get frustrated. There’s not things on the shelves. I think people are going to be pissed that things cost a lot more. I think people are going to be pissed because they’re told to stay in the house. They don’t want to stay in the house. Let’s just be honest, people don’t like being told what to do. Right? Anyways, I’m ranting. I’m sorry man. I I don’t know, man. I think it’s gonna be I think it’s gonna be wack. That’s what I think it’s gonna be a wack time.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
It’s gonna be interesting.

Rob McNealy
And so what do you think people should be doing? So, alright, so people here like, you know they’re not on the East Coast not in the Midwest. They’re just like doo dee doo dee doo. What would be your saying what would be your advice right now to those people?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Move out, move out of debt, move out of credit. Start putting away a little cash. start, stop putting away things that you can trade and start thinking about how you defend yourself and your family. Start thinking about how you feed yourself and your family. Make those things a priority because when the time comes and you realize that you need to do it, it’s already too late. Because other people are realizing at the exact same time that they need to do it. And then it becomes survival of the fittest. And the question is, how fit are you?

Rob McNealy
I couldn’t disagree with any of that? And, man, I’m usually a lot more uplifting than this.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Me too man.

Rob McNealy
No, but but seriously, though, I mean, I think that’s a good point is cover your frickin bases right now you’re sitting home. Don’t look at Pornhub all day, don’t play video games all day. start figuring out what you need to do to get past six months from now. Right? What’s that gonna look like? Right? You know, I don’t have a crystal ball. And I sure as hell hope that all the stuff we talked about doesn’t happen. I really hope it doesn’t happen. And you know what? I’ve been wrong before. You know I would I thought that shit was gonna meltdown in 2013. I’ll tell you that. That was I thought 20 13 if I had to put like, you know, the crystal ball on it, I was you know, my tea leaves are telling me 2013 it’s all it’s all over with. That’s gonna go mad max. That’s what I thought didn’t happen. They pumped up the housing market again. And now the housing markets way crazier now than it wasn’t you know 2007 2008 and I think that’s another I think that’s another shoe that’s gonna drop. And what do you what do you think about that? What do you think is gonna happen and how..

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
People out of work, they won’t be able to pay their mortgages.

Rob McNealy
Yeah. And the banks already tightening their credit lines again, and they’re already in get. My wife is super smart. I’m the dumb one of the family. My wife’s really smart. And we were walking around the neighborhood and there was a house that same size as mine, but they remodeled it. And they sold it for two and a half times my house. There’s a Worth right now. And it’s just a brick ranch house. Okay. I mean, this is not a fancy neighborhood or anything like that. But the numbers on the house, I mean, I look it up I like I like to look at real estate like to see what’s happening and and I was like, there’s no way in hell, I mean, we could afford that. But there’s no way I could pay that. I think we overpaid for my house when we bought it, and how my house has doubled in the last five years. And I said, there’s no way I would buy my house for what it’s valued at right now. I would not spend it. It’s not worth it. To me. It’s just, you know, it’s ridiculous. My wife made a good point, though. She’s like, because, you know, we were growing up with the house during the last housing crash, and she’s like, this housing crash is gonna be a lot faster to bottom and I go, what do you mean by that? Just to think about it, you know, in 2007, the price of a house was about a third what it is now, for the same house, even our old house. It’s funny, it’s like you look back on what our old House was in Colorado. And we’re like, holy crap. It’s ridiculous what that house costs, it’s that it’s ridiculous. So she’s like, think about this house. So she’s like, if a house has an $800,000 a month mortgage, it’s going to take two people working full time probably pay for that mortgage, and it’s probably like a 5000 $6,000 a month mortgage. She’s like, what if one of those people lose their job? Just one. Now this is before COVID head. So this was like last, you know, this is several months ago. And she’s she had a great point. She says, they can’t go and just liquidate their 401k out or go do Uber part time to come up with that nut every month. While they’re hoping they get another big boy job. She should so she says that housing markets probably going to hit bottom a lot faster because people are going to run out of money much faster because the mortgages are a lot bigger now. And I thought that was a really interesting point. That hadn’t heard anybody else make? Yeah. So, you know, I’m worried my brother I am, I’m so worried about where people are. And, and I’ve been in agony because I see so many people that are destitute so quickly. You know, I knew it was bad. I mean, it wasn’t ignorant to the savings rates and stuff, but the fact that I see people like so depressed and miserable, and they’re, I mean, I would bet that at the end of the year, you’re gonna see that the suicide rates probably gonna go crazy this year. And that makes me sad. Because, you know, you know, the regardless, we can get through all this shit. You know, I lived in a van behind a grocery store one summer as an adult, you know, and, and I would and I, and that’s no bullshit, okay? I mean, I’ve really came from a hard life growing up, and, you know, it’s like, I’m like, and you know what, none of that shit scares me. I’ve lost it all. And I’ve had an thing and I grew up with nothing so you know money and all that kind of stuff I you know, being broke like, whatever, you know figure the shit out, right that’s my attitude on it not that I want to be poor because being poor sucks but what I’m saying is but for people who have never experienced that right now because they grew up in this debt fueled really upper middle class you know lifestyle I think there’s gonna be a reckoning and I think those people are gonna have a very hard time adjusting to what the future holds.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I think those people will be prey.

Rob McNealy
Yeah. Especially the ones that don’t like guns. And what do you think about precious metals? Are you a pro so book, silver bug, why silver over boom.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
It’s in every phone. So most of our electronics, the price has been depressed even more than gold. So once the banks get their film off the paper Silver supply and the real value of silver is able to be discovered by the market. Got a pretty good feeling about it.

Rob McNealy
What is that? 50 is it 50 times now?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I thought it was 75?

Rob McNealy
I haven’t looked in a couple weeks. So you really are you know like you are definitely my echo chamber right now. I like I like silver more than gold for the seasons. That’s an interesting thing. The the precious metals markets have been really bizarre, haven’t they? Yes. Tell me about what are you seeing out there?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Ah, I dollar cost average precious metals the same way I do crypto and over the last month, actually six to eight weeks. The premium over spot for silver is Bananas. I recently purchased from admix $7 30 cent premium over spot. Now considering considering silver is like 14 $15 an ounce, so that’s 30 to 50% 50. Premium on an ounce.

Rob McNealy
So what does that mean?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Something that we don’t know.

Rob McNealy
So explain that. So for people that are not gold or silver or precious metal bugs, what does that mean? It’s good to go into a little bit.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Sure. Spot price is how much the market recognizes an ounce of silver for let’s say it’s $15 Okay. The premium is charged by the retailer to the consumer, because of various reasons, one of which is the difficulty in getting in Or the supply levels, how easy and how much there is to be sold at any given time, how much the mid releases at any given time, or how much silver was mined at any given time. When the supply starts to dry up, the premium on silver goes up, because they identify that more people want it, there’s less of it. So it becomes a law of supply and demand. So the less silver there is in the market to be sold and or the less silver has been mined in a month or six months or a year, the higher the price of silver will be and the higher the premium will probably be as well. And so when I went out to buy to do my regular DCA You know, I’m like damn, like $7 36 like This is like 50% like, really? Like believe what I was seeing when I saw it. And I mean, at max Providence on money metals, JM bullion, it didn’t matter where you win the premium was in that range of 50% premium.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, well, what what I think is interesting is that just based on the markets tanking, just based on global supply chain threats, the spot price of gold and silver should be off the charts. They should be off the chain they should be going nuts agree they’re not good. Not this the and usually in Newtown. I mean, typically, you might spend a buck you know even less depending for for the premium. If there is one, it’s not anywhere near you know, seven bucks, right, you make 1050 cents more for Well, I want this round and it’s got 20 Well design on it or whatever, you know. But what’s happened and what it looks like to me that for a long time in precious metals, a lot of the precious metal bugs out there have been saying that precious metal markets have been artificially depressed. And it’s, it’s easy to write that off as conspiracy, right? You see that a lot of times too with crypto, the crypto whales are suppressing the bitcoin price, whatever, you know, you hear that there too. But it’s interesting. Is that what there’s what it looks like it’s happening because right now, I don’t know how much physical delivery what lead times are you getting out there for the physical delivery, two weeks, we’re getting four to six new top. And so it’s interesting. And what so what they’re saying is, is that the the conspiracy theory that I’ve heard is that that there’s these paper gold and paper silver, and that they’ve oversold it, meaning that they’ll say this one, you know, this security is is worth so many ounces of silver, and they sell it, then treat it like a stock like an equity. And there’s a lot of people have alleged for a long time that they’ve sold those times more than once, maybe dozens of times. And so what’s happening and why the supply is all janky is that people now want physical delivery, and there’s not enough to go around. And so that premium that’s skyrocket. So what should be happening is the spot price should be skyrocketing to reflect market changes and conditions because this is exactly what precious metals are designed for a hedge against. And that’s not functioning right. But then, but what happens is since it looks like the markets not being allowed to actually, well, it looks to me that the market is not being allowed to do true price discovery on precious metals for whatever reason, right? That retail premium is where the market is finding the price.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Right, you’re starting to see a real decoupling in precious on hand metals versus precious paper metals. So I see a real decoupling,

Rob McNealy
Which then would support that there’s been some corruption and maybe some manipulation for the suppression of those prices. And it’s like, wow, and it’s funny because it’s like this goes back to COVID the trigger, but it’s only exposing this ID Oh, there’s this other problem. This this this rot, right. That’s been there for a long time. The rot comes from consumerist mentality among Americans that come from the lack of we don’t save money. We’re not providing to literacy that’s rot in my opinion. And then you have you know, all this just crazy amounts of US dollars being printed. That’s right. And then you have the precious metals markets, being rigged, apparently, or oversold, and that’s a rot it, all this stuff and all this outsourcing to China for the last three decades and how great it was, you know, and I’m from Detroit. So I know all I mean, I grew up in I went through high school in the 80s. And and I grew up through all that outsourcing happened in the 80s in the 90s. And then NAFTA happened in the mid 90s. Thank you, Bill Clinton. And so I mean, I, I saw what it did to Detroit one because I grew up in I was living there in that and I used to work in the auto industry. And it’s like, there’s rot from all the outsourcing and it’s like, so it’s like, there’s all this immense amount of shit of rot that’s just pile up for decades and decades and decades and, you know, go back to, you know, getting off the gold standard A long time ago, and I mean, this started probably before I was born really, but it’s all coming to head from this goddamn virus. It’s like, and then the housing market, the student loan bubble, the housing bubble again, it’s all just right all at once, and it’s happening around the planet all at once. Right? And it’s and it’s not, but it’s not happening overnight. It’s gonna take a year, probably the next year as this this pandemic goes through all those different major population centers. It’s gonna and so it’s like it’s gonna get good in one spot and then just pop up into more like crazy whack a mole. And so I don’t know man if this is probably going to be the most historically speaking, yeah, good or bad. It’s going to be a fucking ride. Yeah, and and you know what and why need to connect with smart people like you they get it? Because, you know, if the ones that are slightly prepared, are also going to be targets. That’s a fact. Right? You know, I like to read history. And I actually like to read about Russian history, and Ukrainian history and things. And I don’t know if you know much about what happened in Ukraine. But when the Soviets invaded the Ukraine, they had like, two levels of peasants, right? They had the peasants and the peasants that could hire somebody to work for them. They’re only slightly better off peasants. They call them coup locks. And what the Russians did is they said that every they they created all these policies, the Soviets create all sorts of quotas and stuff and they said, all these failures are because of the coup locks because they’re rich. They weren’t rich. They were just slightly less poor than the average peasant, but they might have you know, a little bigger farm and employ two people or something. That’s how the locks work. But the Soviets through propaganda whipped up, so much froth and hate and envy between The Super poor peasants and the cool locks. And they blamed every government failure on the cool locks into the point where they basically either killed center gulags or exiled they confiscated all the property, the cool locks the entire country. And that was that’s the that’s what the whole Ukrainian genocide was about in they blame, they call them coup locks. And I tell people now that, you know, we joke around about toilet paper envy and things like that. But we’re already starting to see the signs that there’s going to be people that the preppers the people that are self reliant the people that aren’t in debt, the people that you know, have some savings are probably going to be targets. And it’s going to be propagandize much like cool locks were and I do believe this is going to be a true threat over the next year or more. Friend of mine down in Texas. He has he’s a prepper and his wife and him you know, we talked a lot And she says they have like, they actually have some decent, you know, kind of, you know, and 95 reusable and 95 mass that look kind of stylish and I have if you look at my profile picture, I have one too. And because I bought them a long time. And, and it was funny because he told and I talked to him yesterday. And he said, because the damnedest thing just happened I go Why? Because my wife was at the store and somebody started calling her out for having a good mask not a homemade one. Wow, she’s got she’s got you know, she’s got a real nice mask and we just got these, you know, homemade ones. I’m like, holy shit. It’s like just I mean, I know I my mind just going like crazy places when I hear stuff like that. Yeah. Where’s it gonna go? You know, and you know, that’s that’s the stuff that kind of gets me worried about you know, protecting my family and stuff. Stuff like that is like, you know, you work very hard and save and you don’t go on that family vacation or you don’t go on that big trip because you want to buy, you know, some extra supplies or buy, you know, you don’t buy the nice steak but you buy a couple extra cans of beans or something, you know, you do that long enough. And you know, because you feel it’s an insurance policy and then you know, so you can ride these things out. And then and then somebody says or acts like you did something wrong. It’s like, you know, I just thought ahead. I was a boy scout too. By the way, I was also a firefighter and EMT, so I think about this stuff. But I don’t know man. This is a really a downer. Thanks. So what can we do? Well, what can we do to get people to wake up more? often can we help? How can people say how can we help people say it themselves? Is it too late?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I hate to go I really mean, but I’m really not worried about other people.

Rob McNealy
Fair enough.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Right now I’m just worried about me and my family, I’ll help my neighbor, if I have to help my neighbor, but not at the expense of helping my family.

Rob McNealy
I think there will be a lot of people that will have to make those choices in the future. You know, and my wife and I, we have these kind of conversations too. You know, it’s like, what do you do? And, you know, because people know, we have, you know, we have some emergency supplies and stuff. I mean, I don’t hide that. I never hide it because I tried to help people and get them excited about it and say, Hey, this is an important thing. So I know those I know those decisions I’m gonna have to make at some point, because I’m the guy they call it ready. So looking for advice, right? So it just is what it is. But we knew that that we always knew that that was a risk. So you know, there’s nothing I can do about that now, but I don’t Want to be I want you know, I always say this is that I wear a mask. And my families have been wearing masks when we’re in public and things. Because I don’t want to be part of the problem. Because if you’re not part of the problem, you can be part of the solution. You know, what I’m saying is don’t be a victim first, right? Protect your family. Protect your what you got. Because if you’re in that position, then you do have the option to help other people. Right. And, you know, maybe I can’t help the whole neighborhood, but maybe I can help one person, you know, and, and that’s what I hope to do. And like, you know, we’re putting in a big garden this year, like a really big garden, like nuts. you’d laugh it’s like a farm. And I told my wife I go, you know, I don’t know where things are going. And and she’s about 98% where I am. I’m a little more like, no, buy everything we can possibly buy right now. You know, I’m a little more, you know, let’s just do we got this one last chance is how I see it. And I said, you know, let’s just put in more, let’s fill up some more lawn, put in some more plants and she’s like, why do we need more? I go, because we can help other people if we need. That’s why. And that’s how I think you know, and you know it doesn’t hurt me to buy you know, by the way you can buy seeds at the dollar store for for $1 everybody’s freaking out about seeds. Go to the dollar store dollar store has the cheapest seeds anywhere in the country. Nobody knows that. I don’t know why they don’t know that. But did you plant a garden? Are you planning a garden this year? Can you plant a garden?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
I can but I won’t be this year.

Rob McNealy
You need to plant a garden. I’m gonna give you some shit about that. I think you should plant a garden. I really do. Please, little garden. Do this for me. Put your wife on. I’m just giving you shit. So Noir, where can people find out more?

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
About? Oh um yeah, we would way down the rabbit hole man, I thought we were going somewhere else. You can find me on Twitter: @InvestNoir, I N V E S T N O I R or you can check me out on Instagram at @CigarsandCrypto. Or you can listen to me on any of your podcast platforms of choice. Just search for Cigars and Crypto, or

Rob McNealy
You have the best radio voice ever. So, guys, you gotta listen to his podcast. He’s got some really, really great points out there. I really like where he’s coming from because he is my echo chamber. Thank you so much for listening this Robin Neely. Check us out on the web at Rob McNealy calm.

Invest Noir – Cigars and Crypto Podcast
Thanks for having me.

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Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio Transcript

Tom Gresham - Gun Talk Radio

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Okay, folks, I am real excited. Today I have an a guest that I’ve been a big fanboy of for a long time. And that is Tom Gresham. He is the host of the gun talk radio show. He has been a gun rights activist and gonna choose yes for decades. I’ve only been listening to him for a few years, but his wisdom is amazing. So Tom, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
Oh, you bet. This is fun. Anytime we get to talk about gun to what’s going on from the political standpoint. And it got to it crazy right now what’s going on over the last, what, three, four weeks without Coronavirus thing?

Rob McNealy
Yeah, a lot of things are happening because of that. And I wanted to get your kind of, you know, take on what you’re talking to people about and what you’re hearing on the streets because I got a much smaller, you know, network in this space than you do. But it’s certainly interesting that before the corona pandemic, it seemed to me that there’s definitely been a war on guns, especially in states like Virginia and California, where people are really going out there and trying to destroy liberty. What effect has the corona pandemic have had on the states that are trying to go after gun rights?

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk
Maybe just a little bit of background there because I’ve been doing this for about 50 years. So fighting for gun rights are talking about it everything else. The key thing to understand is that they always are after your rights. is not new. It’s been there 25 years ago, 50 years ago, they always have want to ended, want to end private sale guns, they want to end private ownership of guns. They really truly do think on the government’s own guns. So when you start with that background, you realize what they’re actually doing now. And so under the corona virus pandemic, we have a number of states who use that as an excuse to shut down gun stores stop all sales of guns in their state when they can’t do that, legally. But that said, you know, why not? Let’s go to shop. So what happened was the gun rights groups, owner groups all got together individually, they’re taking action, but also they’re taking action together. For instance, in California, you have four different gun rights groups working together Sacramento Foundation, in our a Firearms Policy Coalition, and one of the California State groups all working together, but NRA has been suing thicker metal Foundation has been suing an unsung group that people don’t know a lot about. It’s actually one of the most effective groups is the National Shooting Sports Foundation. That’s the group that puts on the SHOT Show. And they have entree into the White House into various places. And honestly, they’re the ones who made one of the biggest changes about two weeks ago, where now the Department of Homeland Security has listed gun stores and shooting ranges as essential businesses under the law enforcement umbrella. And so that gave cover for a number of governors to who are looking at a lawsuit we’re going to lose, we’re suing them. They said, Okay, well, we’ll just say we’re going to follow the federal guidelines, and that’s our cover political cover on the thing. So in most states, we’ve been able to get the gun stores opened up again. New Jersey was difficult. Massachusetts has done a flip flop like three times, four times now maybe in California is problematic as California always is. And that’s just going to take More legal action they’re working on?

Rob McNealy
Well, it’s good that I think that in this case, the President in the department Homeland Security made the right call. One of the things that I’m seeing with this pandemic and one of the things that a lot of people I know in the prepper space are kind of concerned about and it looks like it’s going to go that direction is that there may be an increased crime, at least in certain jurisdictions. Combined from the facts that many police departments are coming down with, you know, a lot of the officers are, you know, come becoming infected. I’m originally from Detroit right now, I think almost 25% of the Detroit police force is out on quarantine because of COVID. You have cities in my city to Salt Lake City where I am, California, Philadelphia have already put listed all the crimes they’re not going to come and send a cop for. Which to me, you know, I don’t I’m not a criminal. Right. I’m not one of those guys that have all the statistics. But it seems to me that when you have on one hand, you have the cops not coming to calls for 911. You have cops that are sick. And you combine that with releasing a bunch of prisoners, even if they’re low level low risk prisoners, it seems to me you’re gonna have an increase in crime. Anecdotally, I have a friend of mine in New York City right now lives in a good neighborhood in New York City said I’ve been there five years. He’s one of our community members. And this we were talking about this yesterday morning, he told me this time he said, Look, he I asked him, I go, what are you seeing on the ground? Because I don’t trust anything I’m seeing anywhere else. I want to hear from people that are there. Sure. And this is what he said. He said, Look, he goes, there’s been eight armed robberies and one home invasion in my neighborhood in the last two weeks. That’s never happened in the five years I’ve been here. So to me, it seems like having gun stores open seems to be the thing that people are getting. have to learn to defend themselves or at least have the tools available to defend themselves going forward. Now, I don’t know.

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
It’s a great point. And it’s practice why we’re watching this rush of people going to the gun stores and buying guns and buy an apple. And I’ve had a couple of gun stores, people who are in the business community tell me that 90 to 95% of people buying guns right now are first time gun buyers. Imagine that these are people who do not own a firearm, and all of a sudden they have decided out of the blue to go buy a gun of why are they doing that? It goes back to what you were just saying. But also it’s just kind of this general sense of unease. It doesn’t take a lot for people to get rid of that bubble, artificial bubble that they choose to put themselves in where they can pretend that they’re safe, or we don’t need guns. We have the police we have this we don’t have to worry about it. Part of that is why I also say you guys are crazy for thinking that you need a gun for something Defense around the police. We saw the same thing happen in 2005 with Hurricane Katrina, the world and especially that night, the nation watched on video. As all symbols of civilization went away. There were no police. There were no police. There was only brute force source you’re left with, and you’re left to survive or not survive on the basis of what you could keep or protect yourself with. And people even in Detroit, or Seattle, or Salt Lake City looked at that what? Wow, honey, if that happened here, we don’t have any way to protect yourselves. So people went out and bought guns all over the country. Same things happen right now. They have come to grips with the realization that they really are on their own. This is not something we’ve always done this. This is always true. The police will be there when they can. Sometimes it’s two minutes, sometimes it’s five minutes, sometimes it’s 30 minutes, no matter what it is. It’s too late to Two minutes is too late. Just this morning, we had a story I believe it was out of Knoxville, Tennessee, where three women were stabbed to death. In a convenience store. A guy goes in there and kills three women stabbed them to death. The police arrived at two minutes a fabulous response time to live for those women. My whole deal is really simple. When you put your pants on in the morning, put on a gun. I wear a gun in my house all the time. I have a gun on all the time. Why is that? Because I don’t know what’s going to happen. And I’m competent. And I practice and people. They’re new gun owners. We’ll talk about that a second. What should you do if you just bought a gun? But the reality is, you’re responsible for your own safety, you are your own first responder.

Rob McNealy
I couldn’t agree with that more. Interestingly enough, I’m a pretty moderate guy. I’m very conservative on things like guns in the economy and fiscally I’m very fiscally conservative. And but I still have a lot of friends that are you know, liberals straight up liberal so I’m not even going to hide it now I don’t hate liberals because they lean a different way than I do. Like I try to get along with everybody. In the last week and a half I’ve had four phone calls from friends. Three of them were asking me about their first gun purchase the fourth person was asking where they can find emergency food. Like and of course I’m the guy they call but and and then and and I always I always like to play with people like I thought you weren’t a big gun guy and they’re like, you know, I’m not a big gun guy but but you know, in there backpedaling and I love my friends don’t get me wrong, and I do. Trust me. I give them a little crap upfront, but I do absolutely everything that I can to give them good advice. And and then you know, you know, help them get along and do it safely. So I guess that’s a good segue. What would you recommend to all these new gun owners, especially these liberal gun owners that have never really been around guns What would you recommend they do first thing after they get their gun?

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk
Well, first of all, I, I don’t make a distinction between conservatives and liberals. I just don’t care. It’s truly a non starter for me. I know it’s a fun thing to talk about those liberals or those conservatives, but when it comes to gun rights, All I care about is you’re either with us or against us. And I don’t care if you’re the super leftist and there are a lot of leftist and liberals who are really pretty good on the second amendment because they believe in the Bill of Rights, they protect all the other rights and they back the Second Amendment. But to your question, I guess a couple of things. If you are a first time gun buyer, go to kids, you can’t go to a lot of shooting ranges right now and can’t get instruction. But there are a lot of places you can go online and get some instruction we just put up a brand new video on our YouTube channel, go to gun talk media on YouTube, and we’re calling it the three minute EDC, three minute everyday carry. It’s a tip we’re going to do. There’s three minutes that’s On basically how to load and unload a revolver, we’re going to do the same thing with a lot of other things. But here’s the other if you’re a gun owner, and there are a lot of gun owners who are watching this right now, this is our opportunity to once again show that we’re the responsible ones out there. All of us have friends who may not be into guns, they you may know people who are first time gun owners, and if you don’t, maybe you have this extended group of Facebook people or even church members, and you can make an offer, hey, I could help. And even if you can’t go see them with a social distancing. You can do a FaceTime chat, zoom connection, and say, okay, that gun your pistol you just bought, put it on the table in the box. And Alright, we’re going to walk through this open up the box, there’s a pamphlet in there. The gun makers spent a lot of money and a lot of time on the owner’s manual. Read every page in your owner’s manual you will learn a lot actually ended up knowing a lot more than a lot of gun owners do. And then let’s talk about our We’re gonna take it out the box, and we’re going to make sure it’s unloaded, you’re gonna show me on your camera. And we as gun owners can walk them through. How do you take out a magazine? How do you work a slide? How do you when you pick up your gun, here’s your tip for the day to grab a gun, make a gun, that is you make a finger gun, right. And then you pick up the gun with your finger gun. Now your finger straight along the side of the gun. It’s a safe way to teach people to pick up guns and not wrap their finger inside the trigger the way people tend to do. So we as gun owners can actually help people be safe with how they handle their gun. Let’s talk about the four rules of gun safety. We’ll talk about muzzle discipline. We’ll talk about how you work a slide, keep your finger off the trigger. We can help these people out and then when we can all get back together and you just have a standing offer. When we can do this. I’ll take you out to the range and I will teach you some things We’ll get you some level of comfort and familiarity. We may have a million or 2 million or who knows how many new gun owners who some of them could be persuaded to come to the side of the Second Amendment. You’re not going to make them conservative. But we don’t need them to be conserved. We just need them to vote on the basis of the Second Amendment. I truly don’t care where they are on any other issues. Nothing.

Rob McNealy
Well, I agree. I’m glad that you bring that up. Because I’m basically a one issue voter anymore on the second amendment and, and I look at a pretty straightforward if you’re going to be bad on the Second Amendment, you’re probably not going to be good on any of the other ones either. And that goes for conservatives, too. I tell people I tell people all the time you do not have a you are not entitled to my vote ever. When it comes to politicians, and I think that’s important to stress that is, you know, if you you know, there’s no good politicians that don’t like certain rights, either Do you like the rights or you don’t? You may not like what people do with those rights. It’s a different story, I think. But you know, I think it’s important that you know, we point out that you know, you can be more liberal in some ways and still be a big defender of your your person your right to self defense and I think a lot of people miss the fact that ultimately everybody is conservative when it comes to their own life. Typically, about this it just they don’t usually sometimes they don’t realize it until it’s too late to do something about it. And I and I see that it’s interesting. I was arguing with this not arguing discussing on social media recently with a one of my more liberal Facebook friends who was in Dallas, and I was shocked that she must be suicidal because her position you know, she I posted an article about why people should get a gun and this is like, three four weeks ago before people were freaking out. And and my position was like, get it while you can get it now because it’s going to be A lot harder and a few weeks to get anything, which is so far proven to be correct. And and she’s like, Well, why do I need a gun? I go, Well, there’s a good chance that you know, the crime is going to go up around you and everywhere else. And she’s like, well, if I need a gun to defend myself, then I don’t really want to live on this planet. And I go, and I said, bless your heart. But I hope you don’t change your mind when it’s too late to go back from that decision. And that’s an interesting,

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
One of things I tell people to look, particularly if you’re a parent, you don’t have that choice anymore. You don’t have the choice to say, well, I’ll just die rather than defend myself because, number one, if you’re protecting your child, then you need a tool to do that. You need the skills to do that. But more than that, even if you’re by yourself, if you die, you traumatize that child, what a selfish thing to do. To say I’m going I’m willing to die for this and traumatize my children. Forever, because I wouldn’t take the simple steps to take to get protection to learn how to use a gun. I describe a gun as a parachute. It’s the thing you use, when every other thing is failed. You know, you run out of gas, the wings don’t fire the engine don’t fire, you’re crashing, you jump out with a parachute. In this case, we try to do everything we can to not use a gun. We work hard at, you know, avoid those evasion, awareness, you know, de escalation, all the other things we can do, because any day I don’t have to use my gun, it’s a great day, and I hope I end up dying at the age of 142. Never having used my gut. But having said that, I also know that stuff happens. I mean, we have fire extinguishers in our house. I didn’t plan to ever have a fire. I did. Okay. It’s the thing you use to control the situation. Until help gets there. Think of the fire extinguisher analogy. It’s not there to put out a house. is to try to control it until the fire department gets there. Same thing with a gun. And you know, one of the things that people and you know this, but a lot of people don’t know the public is that the police legally have no duty to protect anyone. The courts have ruled over and over, but they’re not responsible for you, and they don’t have a legal duty to even come. Or if they come, they can sit there and watch you get injured, they don’t have a legal responsibility to protect you.

Rob McNealy
Well, that came up down in Florida, right? Down Down at Sandy Hook, right, the resource officer waited on the outside of the building, during that environment or during that that mass shooting and so and you know, and it’s funny because I follow that a little bit, but a lot of the courts basically said there’s nothing we can do against them and then they you know, work really hard because of the public outrage about it. But ultimately, they’re they’re not legally obligated to defend you. And I was the first and only As a first responder, I was been an EMT and a firefighter and I’ve worked around law enforcement many years. And I can tell you, it’s not a bad thing, but even EMTs and firefighters are told, save yourself first. Don’t put yourself in danger. That’s typically the mantra, right? So I think it’s a personal responsibility, and no one’s gonna care about your life more than you. Let’s be honest.

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
Well, to your point, if the police and the firemen EMTs will save your life first. That’s pretty good advice for all of us. Save Your Life first. don’t depend on anybody else. And don’t you love the folks who said, Well, you know, I would never have a gun in my home. Really? Okay. So if somebody breaks in, we’re going to call, I’m gonna call at least Well, that doesn’t make any sense. I thought you just said you would never had a gun in your home. What do you think the police are going to come in? They’re going to come in with a gun. That makes no sense whatsoever. You’re okay with somebody having a gun, but only if they were a certain kind of clothing. Only if they’re wearing

Rob McNealy
Tiny little badge, right?

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
Yeah, exactly. That’s which we already have to get into the whole. Who’s more competent? Yeah, very well, maybe the woman is walking in the streets more confident about 90% of the police officers out there. And that’s no knock on the cops, they get what they get. We’re trading, but most of them are not gun people. Most of them don’t train on their own, most of them won’t spend the money on ammo. And so they get minimal training with very minimal remedial recurrent training, and they’re just simply not very good. So once again, do you really want to trust your life to that, but this whole Corona Virus Pandemic has been interesting. And as I say there may be an opportunity here at the end of it for us to pick up some people in the gun world and gun culture if you will. But only if we reach out to them and we’re not engaging in the Where have you been all along and also, you know, we’re making fun of them. There’s a an addictive attraction for putting people down, especially on the internet, and, you know, rather than do that we should be looking at this and going, Wow, what a golden opportunity. We could pick up a million votes with a million votes we win on a national basis with a million votes, you win.

Rob McNealy
Well, it was interesting. One of the people that asked me about advice is someone who’s actually in New York City, and he’s an attorney of all things. And, and I said, Look, I don’t know your laws in New York City. But I said, it’s really hard to get a gun at all right now, because they’re everywhere I know, is sold out of most inventory right now. But I tried to help them out, gave me some suggestions on what he could do and where he could go. But it’s I think you’re right. I think unfortunately, I think it’s part of the human kind of, you know, programming that we have that people don’t think about those things still, it’s right in their lap, right. Right now there’s somewhere between two and 600 people De dying in New York City from COVID right now I just looked at the numbers, the raw numbers from New York City that’s what the numbers are looking for look like 400 people died from COVID since yesterday which is sad and scary and and I can’t imagine what it would be like if I was living there Now personally because I know there is gonna be unrest people just I think when you get people in a group or you know people a lot of people are in a mass and they live close to each other like in a big city like New York City. People just get dis gets scared and they get restless and they go crazy. So, so the guess the last thing I wanted to ask you about and see if you’ve heard anything about this is what do you see is happening to the supply chain and I don’t just mean about the FOMO knowing the fear of missing out and the panic buying or the last minute buying. I’ve heard some rumors that because China has been shut down for so long that that could start impacting the US gun manufacturing industry as a whole. Have you heard anything about that at all in your circles?

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
I really haven’t. Again, remember, we’ve been through these crushes before, when Obama was elected when it looked like Hillary was going to be elected, we have a run on guns. There was was eight years ago, 10 years ago now, you couldn’t find guns, you couldn’t find animal. There’s just nothing there. That’s going to happen again, that’s happening right now. The gun makers are, especially the ammo makers are not going to gear up to take care of this demand. Because they know it will go away and when it goes away, it drops off the end of the table. It’s just gone. And so they’re not going to hire more people. They’re not going to add shifts just not going to happen. So what’s out there is out there there’s there’s enough ammo in the pipeline to take care of all of our shooting for the next 10 years. But not if you buy your next 10 years worth of ammo right now all at once. That’s what’s going on. I guess my takeaway is what I’ve been telling people on gun talk radio for yours now is investing they have a thing called dollar cost averaging, which means buy stock every month. Whether it’s up whether it’s down just every month to buy a little bit. We should do the same thing with ammunition. ammo six months ago was so cheap, it was like a giveaway ammo. You could buy it for nothing and it was available everywhere. When this whole nonsense is over. You know anybody can find $10 a week. Okay, that’s one box of nine millimeter ammo. Anybody can find 10 bucks a week. Buy a box of ammo a week. At the end of the year or two years you have two or three shelves full of ammo. This is not your shooting ammo This is your the next time the world loses its mind ammo, and then you can just you know do shooting but you know this will all come back. This will all get back to normal. The gun makers are making guns there’s gonna be plenty of guns for everybody. Actually, I’ve heard a gun people say Huh, dig around in my safe. I’m selling guns right now. Prices are up, I put them in the gun stores on consignment, I’m gonna make some money. If you’re a real gun person, you don’t have really a need to go out and buy guns at inflated prices right now. So just take a deep breath, sit back Come middle of the summer, this will all be over. And if you went out bought several guns at inflated prices, if you have to sell them, you’re gonna take a PDR

Rob McNealy
I think that’s really good advice. Tom. I do appreciate your time today. Thank you so much for coming on. Where can people find out about you and where can they check out your website?

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
Well, several different ways to go. Gun talk comm is the home base for everything. We have videos on YouTube, Roku, Amazon Fire Apple TV, just look for gun talk where we have thousands of those. We have the guns in gear television show which runs on the sports channel. And then of course, the gun talk radio show is available in podcast. So that’s the number two all time podcast in the hobby category according to Apple. So those are the basic ones. And then we actually have a smartphone app is very cool GunDealio that gives you great deals on guns and ammo. If you go to GunDealio calm, you can get it for your iPhone or your Android. So a lot of ways to keep up.

Rob McNealy
Tom Gresham, thank you so much. I really appreciate it today.

Tom Gresham – Gun Talk Radio
For sure, take care.

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Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film Transcript

Lenni Uitto - Xelot Film

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Hey, today guys, this is Rob McNealy and I have an awesome guest on the show today. It’s someone I’ve known for a while, and I think it’s gonna be a fun show. So I want you to listen along. We are talking today with Lenny you Ito is the founder of zealot films. He is an indie filmmaker, director, producer and actor. And he is someone I would even call a personal friend, and definitely a colleague and so welcome to the show. Wendy. How are you doing, buddy?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Thanks, so good know Glad to be here.

Rob McNealy
Well, I’m glad that you could take time out of your quarantine to take your time with us. Seems like everybody’s got a lot of spare time these days to make content on the internet.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film

Rob McNealy
But, so for the people who don’t know you yet, give us a little bit of background by tell us about you.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
A little bit background. I mean, filmmaking, it wasn’t my first thing I was. I’m a software engineer, honestly. So I’m a little bit of a nerd.

Rob McNealy
A little about you.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
I know. I’m like six foot four. I’m a big guy. Like, I got into filmmaking about like, what was it like four years ago? And well, four years. Okay, so we gotta go further back. I started I was I like to camp. I like to go camping. I found that I like to also make videos and edit them and it kind of like, it scratched an itch that I had. And so I found that I really liked doing that and then I I started taking an acting class with a local actor here in Utah, a cool guy, Jim Stevens. And it’s kind of where my my whole film career started. And I made my first short film called The trap, which is part of the WR o L series. Excuse me. Um, but yeah, so started out. And that’s where I’ve kind of gone that, but that’s trajectory and started making short films and other film related things. And I’ve been doing it for about four years. I’d say four years professionally, but I mean, probably more like 10 years, like goofing around with filmmaking. doing like a YouTubecamping videos and stuff. But.

Rob McNealy
Well, you know, everybody’s got to start somewhere, right? I always joke around and say that as a grown up, I went to welding school because I didn’t get a chance to learn shop class when I was a kid. And like as it is, I’m like, I’m like, I want to learn something new. And I just had this interest and it just kind of I took a little welding class started goofing around with a welder and I’m, like, really want to learn welding because I’m really passionate about making art and metallurgy and being able to make stuff. And then next thing, you know, I’m like, in a full blown, you know, act, you know, not acting but welding program. And so I understand, like, you know, it’s interesting, seeing a lot of people that are older, like my age and your age, that are trying new things, you know, and just following their passion and kind of finding things that help them express their creativity. And I think that’s kind of a I think it’s an important thing.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Yeah, for me. I mean, I’m the kind of guy that I like to get stuff done. So I mean, I like trying new things. Like if there’s, if I got to fix my car, like, I’m happy to go and learn how to do it. So like learning something new is kind of fun for me, and not expecting others to do it for me, I guess. So that’s kind of where I like to do a lot more than just, you know, I don’t just Direct to film or accident film all end up editing as well as editing as well and doing other parts of the filmmaking because it’s a huge process. There’s a lot involved when you actually start to look at it. But I’m always puzzled. I mean,

Rob McNealy
Well in my limited exposure to working around, you know, making videos and things like that is you don’t realize there’s you know, there’s the artistic piece right, the whole warm and fuzzy artist kind of nonsense that goes along with it right? They always hear the stereotype of bad actors are always in in this spacey artistic zone. But all right, maybe not. But that’s my side view of it. But But what you really find there’s a ton of technical stuff that goes into it too. That is just like, you need to know how to assemble this piece of equipment you need to know how to work this piece of software. Tell me a little bit about that. What are all the pieces you’ve had to learn about to get where you are right now.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
That you go so in depth with that I mean, the camera department, you know, there’s so much to learn about, technically how to use the camera as well as like artistically how to convey a message with movement and with different lenses. And like, there’s just, there’s, there’s a huge depth to that, that you can explain about cameras. And then I mean, then when going to editing, like editing is also a huge area of expertise that like, you can go and get yourself a Novus editor that knows how to put together a little clip, but then you can also get an editor that can do something that’s really amazing. I mean, I’m not sure how familiar your audiences with films and stuff but like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, if you ever watched that film, that film is like, that shows you how doing some crazy editing can make things funny, as well as really cool. So I mean, there’s the editing aspect, there’s What else? I mean, there’s even like, the artistic aspect of the costumes that like things that people are wearing during your film that make it like better also vocations. Like, there’s so much you have to like really nail to, like, make something amazing. And it takes a while to learn. I don’t think I’ve ever even touched it, you know, I’m still I’m still learning myself. So, but I’m getting there.

Rob McNealy
So, um, these days all the rage is pandemic and the whole seems like everything’s melting down like the economy. We got a global pandemic now. It’s like a whole bunch of big movies slapped together in reality and you got a weird corrupt politicians being inept. It’s just like a really bad movie. You know, it’s almost like wag the dog really happened. kind of stuff. And, and it’s finally interesting part of the film and artistic things that you’ve worked on with me films have been kind of in that apocalyptic kind of feel and journey as far as the topic and can you talk a little bit about, you know, you know your series that you’ve been working on, and what kind of was the genesis idea for that?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
You’ll find that most filmmakers, they make stuff they enjoy, like they like to make, and that for me, I love sci fi eyes. I love post apocalyptic stuff. It’s a lot of what I really am drawn, drawn to when I want to watch something. And so for me personally, that’s what kind of made me make the first episode of WRAL was that I just love post apocalyptic stuff. So I made the first one and then I realized, like, there could be more depth to this, this world to these characters. And so we made a second one and that was the loaner. And after the loaner, then we’re like, Okay, this This can go even more. And like we’ve got all these bad guys are obviously part of this world. And so then like the third one was the town business with what is called. And it basically shows you the bad guys, the leader of them and kind of the business that they’re dealing with in this post apocalyptic world. And then after that, the third one, we went back to kind of the roots of the whole how the whole apocalypse began, and what set it all going and it kind of follows one of the bad guys and his introduction into this bad guy game. And But yeah, I mean, like, we just started going with it. And now we kind of have like this huge story and world that we’ve built. And so now we’re writing in and it’s kind of like we’ve, we’ve got rules as to how things happen and what can happen and stuff. So it’s kind of fun. Like we’ve built this imaginary world. No, but

Rob McNealy
I like imaginary worlds. One of the things that I find that’s fascinating about, you know, telling a story with film is and especially with the indie stuff, because I’ve been on a couple of your shoots now and seeing some of the stuff that you guys have done. It’s been very impressive. And it’s really fascinating how you can really tell a story. And and to me, I you know, I’m not creative, like you guys, right? But I think like a business some days, my wife says, I’m full of shit. I don’t know if that counts. But, uh, but whatever the thing is, as I see is that that the skills that you’re developing have direct applicability to business, and telling commercials and building commercials and telling stories of companies of startups of kryptos in our case, and you’ve been working on some of the first stuff for Tosca, and so we plan is as a project we want to use the basically the Indian media me, you know medium to go through and tell our story in funny and humorous ways. And tell me a little bit about how you could see filmmaking in general. Help people in their small businesses tell stories.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Well, I mean, if you go back to this is called film, business and film business succeeds, not only with just film and so there’s a huge business aspect to it all and knowing how to market get your story across. So it goes hand in hand I think with like, what we did with the #TUSC commercial. We’re trying to get everyone to be introduced to #TUSC first of all so that people can learn about it and know how its utilized by the average person, not just the crypto person because #TUSC is it can be used by whoever and it’s got value, it’s money. I mean, it’s got value. So, but getting people to laugh and I think that’s common is a natural, mutual thing. And most people get it. And so for us, like, coming up with a comedic commercial for #TUSC was a great way business wise to introduce people to the cryptocurrency.

Rob McNealy
I think makes a good point. It’s like a relatable, like, everybody uses money for something, even if they you know, and even digital. I mean, you look at we most people already are used to the concept of digital money with like credit cards and debit cards and other payment systems like PayPal, Venmo and things like that. And to me, most people don’t care how it works under the hood. It’s just being able to use it and transfer value electronically. I mean, that’s all crypto is it’s just another way to transfer value. But I think one of the things that I really like about what you guys are doing was Sell it and how we’re working together. Going forward on these, you know, new kind of commercials is I think it’s important that people understand that if you’re going to get mass adoption with crypto or with any business, let’s just say I mean, it doesn’t have to be crypto, but it’s something that I’m familiar with is that you got to be able to make your system your product, your project, relatable to the everyday person. And I think, and you got to make it interesting. If you just get up there and say, yeah, we’re blockchain and there’s digits and you know, Merkle trees and SHA256, and people don’t care.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
People won’t sit there listening to that

Rob McNealy
People don’t care about. People just don’t care. It’s just not relatable. It’s like, okay, whatever. You know, people don’t understand that there’s this whole thing called swift and that’s how banks move money around in the real world. People don’t care. They don’t want to know Just not interesting. And and the problem is, I think a lot of people, especially tech guys, and you get this, and I’m kind of a tech guy is that a lot of people? You know, they go through and tech guys are really into the tech. Right. And but they, I think sometimes they forget that most people don’t care about the tech. They just want their stuff to work. And so we get hung up on the thing that we like, Mm hmm. And I always say you gotta you gotta meet people on their level. And, and I think with making things funny people can relate to funny stuff. People have a harder time, I think, at least when you’re dealing with the masses have a harder time trying to get excited about the technical stuff. It’s like, I don’t know, trying to get them. You know, you know, people that are really into like anything sports or automobile racing or whatever you get, you pick someone who’s got a real passion about those things. And if they’re talking to other people that are also passionate about those things, it makes absolute sense. on how they focus on that one topic, but when you’re talking to people that don’t care about sports, or don’t care about automobile racing, you got to figure out another way to reach them. And I think that indie media and I think film specifically, is a great way to do that.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
That’s, honestly what you’re trying to do with a film is relate with your audience, get them to, to find it important. And that’s, yeah, so that’s what you do with that medium as well. You know, try and get your audience to relate to it. And so..

Rob McNealy
So, getting into film, how did you get how did you get your start? So you said you started getting into this about 10 years ago, and you started working for money four years ago? Mm hmm.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
So yeah, 10 years ago, I was was playing with a cell phone when I went camping, and then put together a little YouTube video from it and then I think I moved to like a GoPro after that, and then from the GoPro. I do, I was just like a candidate. RX was it. It was like a little camera, a little camcorder, you know, one with a flip out screen. And so I’d use that to set up the tripod and put it places and, and film, little expeditions out to the woods and stuff. And then that after that kind of when I got to filming, like more short film narrative stuff, that’s when I got like a, a seven s and a seven s to Sony, which is a nice DSLR. And that’s what I started filming on. I’ve kind of moved to a Blackmagic. And I’m not sure why I’m talking about cameras, but I’m sure.

Rob McNealy
People that are into cameras really understand that.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Totally. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, like 10 years ago started just like, Yeah, I would say four years ago is when I really got serious about it. I started like, looking up how to do filmmaking like all the difference theory and stuff behind it. Just Yeah, that’s it. Closer.

Rob McNealy
So say I so say someone listening here will had an interest in film, do they need to go to film school? No. Did you go to film school? How do you get started? I mean, if say like, I just have an interest, what do I need to do? Where do…

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
If you’ve got the drive, then understand that you’re able to do it all. Now, do you have the time to do it all that’s really what it comes down to? Because it’s a lot of self learning. So I did, I would watch a lot of videos on YouTube with, there’s a YouTube channel called Film Riot. But there’s also a lot of other good channels out there that teach filmmaking. And so I started with that stuff and film, right. It’s cool because they goof around. They have fun while they’re teaching stuff. So you learn and you laugh at the same time. So I really like their content. So I don’t think you need school. School definitely gets you connections, but you can make connections through other means and so I made connections through acting classes. Meeting actors and then making films and then like, some people knew other people like and then like, if you kind of just really dive straight into it, you start to create, like, you start making friendships and meeting people, just all around you because everyone interacts in the film community here. And so as soon as you dive in, you can start meeting people who you can work with and collaborate with.

Rob McNealy
So one of the things that I really liked when I started kind of, you know, dipping my toe into the community, right is that there’s so many people that are really supportive and just want to help out and really just help support the projects, you know, sometimes for cheap, sometimes for free. But that’s what’s interesting is that there’s a whole community of people that are really passionate about helping other people succeed and learn and and and there’s a lot of collaboration is so far. That’s It’s been real exciting for me

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Right. Now that’s, I there’s there’s tons of people that just they want to learn. They want to make something. You just have to meet them. And once you meet them, then you guys can start working on stuff. And that’s kind of what I’ve been doing.

Rob McNealy
So long term, what would you say your your professional filmmaking kind of goals are?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Long term. I mean, I want to make a feature film. That’s kind of a that’s a main goal that I’ve got right now. When I do it, I want to do it. Well, though, that’s kind of my main motto is, I got to do it well, because if I just do something, and it’s, you know, kind of crappy, I’m not gonna be satisfied with that. And I don’t think it’ll represent truly what I can do with it. And the people that work with me could do that. As a long term, I’d like to make feature films. Right now I’m doing short film, like episodic stuff, because that’s what I can afford to do because filmmaking is expensive.

Rob McNealy
It’s kind of like owning a boat. It is keep dying. I keep getting upgrade, keep in the tail kind of like guns too, right? You just gotta keep upgrading those things. It’s expensive. And that’s one of the things that the equipment is pretty expensive. What would be? That’s another question. I guess. What would be a good budget? Say you wanted to make a short film? how cheap and what’s a realistic expense? Like we’re talking every everyone’s getting paid? Are we talking? It’s a passion project, a passion project? If I want to just make my own film, and it’s a passion project, how much could it cost, like a short indie kind of thing.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
So Bug Out. Bug Out was probably the more expensive, but it was a few grand but then you could go to like What we shot not too long ago, which was second episode of Airborne and we had like, you, me, Musa like four or five, like it was three people. Three, four people. It’s four people. And we shot that with zero budget. I mean, it was just food, food was really the budget. People got fed who participated. So I mean, it just depends on what you can get, what people are capable of and what people are passionate about. If you’ve got passionate people, I think you could do a film an amazing film for a very small amount of money As long as they’re happy with what they’re doing. You know.

Rob McNealy
So do you think the technology has come a long way though, so for instance, you know, I’ve seen things that are unlike shot on an iPhone now that like Wow, that’s pretty impressive stuff. So technologically, it seems that the the editing software and some of the hardware that is pretty affordable seems to be Offering really almost, you know, cinema level quality in some instances, what would you say to that.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Um, I think that there’s always a place for a professional camera. And I say that because like iPhones where they’re at right now they don’t do the same stuff that you know professional lenses and stuff where you’ve got like the bokeh or you got the blurry background up here. and stuff. I’m pretty sure this isn’t that blurry. It’s still somewhat in focus on mine, but most cameras, they don’t allow you to do artistic stuff, when they’re, I mean, like your iPhone, like, it can take some artistic photos, but I feel like it can’t do the shallow depth of field that a professional camera can’t and so and then also like colors like the really professional cameras that cost $20,000 to a little bit more, you’re getting a lot more color in the data that is picked up by it and so You can kind of capitalize on that. It’s like if you take a picture of the sunset, you’re like, it doesn’t look the same when I when I, when I could see it, like the camera can only get so much those colors that are that are in that sunset. And when you get a better camera, it starts picking up more and more of it. So it just kind of it also costs a lot more.

Rob McNealy
Always the problem.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
I mean, you can rent them though. So if you wanted to rent a really expensive camera, it’s like three 400 bucks per day.

Rob McNealy
So there’s so you can then figure out a budget if you want that level and move to that next. So what would say you want to break into the business and you want to do a film? The one thing I don’t know how do you get the How do you get distribution? What are the strategies to get distribution in the indie film?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Oh, man, that’s, that’s complicated. That’s kind of where I’m at. Like, I think when I make my first feature film, I’m gonna really start looking at distribution. There’s Obviously, distribution through Amazon Prime, which you can do yourself doesn’t cost you anything, it literally is just filling out some forms and then it gets sent to Amazon Prime. YouTube is another medium that you can put stuff on there. And you can create an audience through that, through people that find it. It’s really finding it. I mean, distribution is a way to reach your audience. And most filmmakers, they make something and they don’t know how to show it to people, like they don’t know how to reach their audience. So they make something and then it kind of dies in the water unless I can find distribution. And so it really comes down to how much of the filmmaking process you can do if you know how to market you can get your stuff to people a little better than someone who has no idea how to market it’s a business So, but distribution like there’s there’s also things like Sundance, if you can get to Sundance, which is a complicated thing. But if you can get to Sundance, that’s where people usually sell their feature films. that’s usually where people make a little bit of money. But an indie film, I say, it’s extremely difficult to make any money off your film. Not until you’re in Hollywood, are you actually making money that like, you know, is an excess, like, it feels like when you’re in any film, you make money, but it pays back exactly what you put into the film kind of thing. So it’s like, you didn’t really make money and stuff, you’re just kind of breaking even. So and that’s where, you know, hopefully the you start getting side hustles and start doing things like commercials and where you get paid. You know, maybe not as maybe not as fun. But right. It’s getting you paid and you’re when you start a film career, and you start meeting people, you start making things you start making a name for yourself, you start making, you’re building that relationship with the community. And so people start seeing seeing things. And so, yeah, you’re always, you’re always doing that. But at some point, like after you’ve made something awesome, and like, you may not have made a lot of money off of it, but you did get people who want to work with you or something, so that then now you’re, you know, at the next level that you need to be.

Rob McNealy
So one of the things that, you know, I’ve heard a lot is how do you start like, do you? You want to be an actor or you want to be a director, you don’t want to go to film school? Like literally, where do I start? I say I live in Ohio. But I don’t want to move to Hollywood. What can I do if I live in? Oh, you know how old I don’t wanna live in Ohio. But let’s just say I lived in Ohio and I wanted to make films what where would I start? Or would I’d meet where would I meet other actors or people that are in this space?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
So Well, do you got friends who are actors?

Rob McNealy
Well, Pretend I don’t.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
You don’t. So you’re literally just a person in the woods in the way that I like to say like you should reach out to your friends when you’re just starting because like, their level of acting is probably the same level of your filmmaking. So, like, meet at that same level and make something it might, it might be crap, but you guys learn something in the process, and then the next one you do make it better. And steppingstones, it’s really what it is. And so like, if you want to meet people who act then there’s Facebook groups that I mean, Utah has Facebook groups, that’s kind of how I got involved with a lot of other people who I didn’t know and then also I was taking an acting class and I had to find that acting class how did I find it Facebook group? So I mean, there’s so many social media methods to to connect with people nowadays that it’s kind of amazing that you can just find stuff at the at your computer. It’s nice, nice

Rob McNealy
Yeah, I think, you know, even like background acting, you know, sometimes there’s one group. That’s kind of where I started, you know, and mentally I met you a few years ago doing an acting class. And so, you know, go online and see if you can find an acting class in town there. And at least, you know, from what I’ve seen, there’s acting classes in every state. That seems like they’re pretty common, where people have an interest. But, you know, it’s interesting, because there’s a lot of cool stuff happening out there. And and I think, you know, as technology gets more decentralized, and the technology is just getting better, I mean, let’s just be honest, something that would have been 10 years ago, $100,000 cameras now like $5,000. And so you can get some amazing quality stuff if you want to buy your own cameras and stuff really, really cheap now and the software some of the best software out there is even cheaper, free as well for editing and things like that, so but I’m really Uh, I’m you know, I’m learning and you know, I’m getting it’s funny because I’m getting the bug to make stuff in film now that I’ve been kind of working around it a little more and I’m like, Oh, I kind of think I dig this. And so I can see that is gonna cost me money. It’s just gonna cost Yeah. But I take my hobbies very seriously. Definitely So, so Lenny, where can people find out more about you?

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
Well, there’s YouTube channel about me or find out about Zola film and the stuff mentioned. Like how about both? I’ve got an Instagram. That’s a great place to start post a lot of like projects. I’m working on pictures from them. I keep that interesting. And then there’s art film on YouTube. So if you look up x e l ot film on YouTube, you’ll find a link to all the videos and stuff I’ve been making. We get Can you show a teaser of why well can you give you that And then you could play it during this. I will link I will post it on the page posted on the page. Okay, cool.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, that’s all embedded. Absolutely. Wonderful. Well, Lenny, thank you so much for your time and Sir, you have a wonderful night.

Lenni Uitto – Xelot Film
You too and everyone else who watched and hung out for this little podcast. Thanks, guys, whatever, whatever it is. This little chat.

Rob McNealy
Alright, let’s say you have a great one.

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Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally Interview Transcript

Rachel Siegel - Crypto Finally

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Okay, well Hey guys, today I am talking to crypto. Finally.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally

Yes, Rachel from crypto finally you you had that right and you can say my name that’s fine by me. Okay. Well, you know, everybody’s got these weird pseudo names right now, right?

Rob McNealy 

Like everybody and I get it people are weirded out about stalkers and freaks. And, and And trust me, it seems to me that crypto has a lot of freaks in it these days. So, Rachel, how are you today?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m good. I’m, I’ve been well, just been a long week, the MTV thing was last week, and just sort of recuperating. I’m going to Florida on Thursday, to hang out with Tim and do some live streams. So that’s fun. That’s on the up and coming.

Rob McNealy
That’ll be fun. I like doing live streaming with Tim. And in fact, there’s all sorts of interesting stories. Doing that was

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I watched the livestream you are on And then I texted him immediately after and told him it was my favorite piece of content he’s ever done.

Rob McNealy
It was actually was really funny because I’m sitting here going on guys guys. All right, I’m going now but so alright, so you’re like this crypto influencer. And you know, from what I’ve seen, you know, you put out a lot of really interesting, funny and sometimes ridiculous content. What got you into doing content creation in the crypto space? How did you even get in here?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Okay, well, I come from a mainstream production background. Um, so I’ve done production in the past. I also have a theatrical background, I wrote plays and a lot of musical theater actually. And I had friends from my production background, who came to New York City for consensus in 2018 invited me out to the networking parties and I really got to know the community from there. I basically saw what there was to offer in the space right now as far as this being the ground floor of a new town. Technology, something so big as Bitcoin and blockchain and decided that it would be dumb not to get involved. So I started working with a different YouTube channel prior to crypto finally. And we made educational blockchain content, some really good videos. And then a few months later, I sort of segwayed off and started with crypto finally. And that’s when I brought the music and the production background to the forefront and made like some of those Bitcoin music videos, which is what I’m assuming you’re talking about.

Rob McNealy
Yes, indeed. I actually unlike a lot of people actually try to go out and do some research on the people that I talked to. And usually before I ever even invite them on the talk because I just I like to talk to interesting people. And the production musical backgrounds kind of interesting because I’m kind of doing a lot of that outside of crypto as well. So it’s kind of fun to hear that. So are you in crypto full time? Is this how you make a living right now or do you do anything else?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m completely in crypto right now. I’m Um, I have several different aspects that I come in from crypto so there’s crypto Finally, um, and so you know, the work that I do as me and myself I also work with a business partner out of La His name’s geo and we make animations. We make animations for blockchain companies I’m sorry it’s funny I haven’t spoken about this in a while, um, but innovations your blockchain companies would read basically break down white papers and easily to understand sort of ways to make it accessible for a consumer which is more or less the same sort of a phrase and sayings that I go along with crypto Finally, which is let’s make it easier for people but um, yeah, we do that and then I have several different legs. What I do with crypto finally as well and I do some side production things.

Rob McNealy
So where did the name crypto finally come from?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I honestly it’s so funny. People always ask me that. I didn’t put a much thought into it. Um, as as, as you know, people would assume and I only say that because I’ve been asked that question like maybe like 60% of any podcast or interview I’ve ever been on. I thought that it was fun. I thought it sounded like crypto sort of now, all the handles were available across platforms. I didn’t realize the way that the social spaces sort of interacted at the time like I didn’t realize that people were going to start referring to me as crypto Finally, or finally have that didn’t cross my mind once when I set up the social accounts.

Rob McNealy
Well, it’s kind of interesting when I got into social media, probably when you’re in elementary school. There there was like this kind of like trade off back in the day. Like the big thing back then was personal branding. like everybody’s like, Oh, you gotta do your personal brand because you know, you got to grow yourself so people know you. So all my social media platform names across everything is just my name. And it’s funny because when I I’ve been in crypto for a long time I’ve been on social media and Twitter for a long time. And when I got into crypto a couple of years ago, I kind of revived my dormant Twitter account because I’d been on Twitter for since they started. I’d been on Twitter a long time. And I just got bored of Twitter a few years back, and I just stopped using it for years, literally years. And then when I got back, everybody’s like, got all these handles. And I’m like, do I change my name on Twitter? Now, I didn’t know what to do. So I just left it because I’m not that creative, I guess.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I know some people who did then change their name over time on Twitter, just because, you know, the way that the social space does interact, but there are a lot of people with their real name is their handle.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, it’s funny people like I gotta be the pseudonym. I also find though, it’s like interesting, going to conferences, and you’re like, oh, you’re like the dog head. What’s your real name? It’s like, it’s just kind of weird to me.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
You know, I don’t know what it looks like.

Rob McNealy
They all have there’s a couple dogs and masks and weird thing that I’m just like, okay, I don’t even know what your real name is, though. So do I do to call this person? You know, crypto ninja guy, or do I ask them what their real name is? Because you don’t want to offend anybody, right? So you got this production background got into crypto. Recently you posted an image of you riding a forklift did was that all about?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I was work was certified from my production background. So I worked for the Blue Man Group for about three years. I’m out of their corporate production space. I was the supervisor of that space and I basically sat in on all commercial and social shoots. I helped the creative team. I did set build lights, basically everything that would go in and out. It was a very small team for the scale of work that was going on at the time. About 60 people strong on the corporate end at that time, and me and my supervisor were the only two people who are Great things in the production space and there was a scissor lift. And a scissor lift is different from a forklift. A scissor lift doesn’t have the two forks that lift up into a pallet a scissor lift goes upwards and it still drives in circles like a small vehicle. It’s like, you might see a scissor lift on a sidewalk walking down the street or in a mall somewhere fixing a light. But it’s all the same certification. And so I was using those machines on a regular basis. And so we went to go get me a forklift license. That photo that you saw, was taken on a sidewalk in Queens. I’m at a continental lift location. That’s where I got my certification. I’m OSHA certified.

Rob McNealy
That’s pretty awesome, actually, to you know, so it’s kind of weird. I always tell people I have weird hobbies. So I’m like half like my day job. I’m like not in crypto full time. I don’t make a living from crypto at all. And my day job, I’m half blue collar and halfway collar. So I’m a former corporate MBA guy that’s been an entrepreneur in like the blue collar space. For a long time, so I kind of have one foot in one world but last June or like starting two years ago, or a couple years like four years ago I started getting into welding to make stuff and I take my hobbies really seriously. So like two years ago, I went to welding school for a year and a half I’m a full certified welder. So last June I became like graduated from welding school like the community college it was a year and a half program four nights a week like structural welder now, and it’s funny because that’s why I put that in my Twitter thing that says welder and he an MBA welder, and I’m like, it’s like true. So like, I literally got a whole world shop in my garage and stuff. So it’s kind of funny, but I like to make stuff so welding is hard to it’s really hard. I tell people that Welding School was harder than graduate school for me because I don’t have natural like fine motor skills, and I’m really impatient. And so welding is those are really bad things for a welder to be impatient and not have great fine motor skills. So I was like, in the middle of the road for my, my, my class, I was not the best welder in the class. So, and that was actually really humbling in a lot of ways as well because I’m usually doing really well I’m very competitive and it was like really frustrating for me because I’m like, I’m not the best at this. But I actually really enjoyed it and actually really liked the guys in my class. And it was really kind of funny. So, my wife is a medical doctor by training, and it was really kind of interesting. Like New Year’s, the people I had at my like, you know, we had people over for New Year’s this year. And it was like me, my wife some other friends and then my buddy who was like a welder and it’s like all just hanging out and it was like really cool because it’s like, I totally like can get along with anybody. So it’s just like kind of fun. Anyways know enough about me. So production background so you’ve worked on a lot of this, you know, sounds like you worked in you know TV and entertaining. and things like that. How did the MTV so the MTV thing you were recently on MTV? And and I know you got a lot of crap because they labeled you crypto expert, which is awesome. And by the way, high five to that, because who wouldn’t want that on their resume? How did the MTV thing come around?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
They found me on Twitter. They found me on Twitter. It was almost a year ago now. And they reached out to me and basically explained that they’re going to be doing an episode that involves cryptocurrency. And that was basically it. As we went on a Skype, I flew out to LA, we shot the episode, and then it was in production for about 10 months. I didn’t really see any of it before it aired. And now here we are today. So it was pretty simple and quick, but they found me on Twitter.

Rob McNealy
That is actually actually really cool. Excellent. Yeah. And do you think anything else to come out of that? Or do you are there gonna be any five episodes Do you think?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m not to my knowledge with MTV. But again, I was dealing with the third party production company. Um, I think I think it’s interesting as well that Twitter had so much backlash being that they found me on Twitter, which does indicate that people are looking on Twitter for people to talk about stuff like this. So guys, if you were one of the people who wrote like rampid, negative things, they’re probably not going to then pick you for your expertise next time. But they, yeah, Twitter. It was fun. It was really like a one off type thing, as far as I know. But there’s been a lot of really cool stuff after the fact. You know, I’m getting a lot more outlets to actually talk about what I do in the space, which I think is pretty cool as well, in that sort of with the catalyst of people wanting to talk about the MTV thing.

Rob McNealy
Well, I mean, to me, it’s like I’ve been on TV before to live another life. And it’s kind of interesting. You don’t always plan Those things right. And a lot of times people don’t understand that the producers and the directors are the ones that make those decisions, it doesn’t mean that you called yourself crypto expert. And then all of a sudden, that’s what you are like and and I think a lot of people who don’t understand how production works in general in the media, they just don’t understand that you have no control over that generally. But you’d let’s talk about that a little bit. They are the kind of the backlash Tell me what you’ve kind of had to deal with since that.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Um, I mean, I’m not exactly sure how to quantify that. But, you know, people saying things like who watches MTV, that kind of thing, like just sort of like, like talking down on the entire situation. But I think that that’s honestly, what’s sort of interesting about this is that these people don’t watch MTV these people aren’t these kinds of people on the MTV audience would have watched that and known that I didn’t call myself a crypto expert, because that’s what they’re Good at and I think it’s funny that the cryptocurrency community is a very good at that. That’s my real takeaway is that we do have different skill sets and we do different things and just because crypto Twitter doesn’t watch MTV doesn’t mean that nobody else does. And inherently that’s why it was a remarkable moment is cryptocurrency was being talked about on an outlet that is not intended for this community.

Rob McNealy
One of the things that’s really important and and I think that is a substantial paradigm shift is that crypto seeping into the mainstream, and just because you’re a part of that, so, so think about that. How ridiculous is the response that you’ve been given? Right, like on one hand, everybody talks about mass adoption, mass adoption, and then massive something that could lead to mass adoption happens and they shit on it? And and that that baffles me, like, honestly..

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Well, I just I just believe that people are genuinely good at different things. And there are things that I’m good at that they are not good at. And they’re things that they’re good at that I’m not good at. But I’m not posting all over their pages telling them about how they don’t get enough press for Bitcoin. Oh, you’re a minor Oh, you’re dead? Oh, you’re great at all these things, but like, when’s your last article? Bro? I don’t leave trolling comments like that on people stuff, you know. And that would be the equivalent of what they do to me like, just because I’m not good at what you’re good at doesn’t mean that I don’t have a valuable skill set to be offered here doesn’t mean that I’m not talking about a new, interesting and important topic within the space itself right now. It’s just different and it’s new. And I think that people are really going to need to step up and open what they have set as their preconceived notion of a tech space. If they’re really looking for something like global adoption, like, imagine if PayPal had come out the door and everyone using PayPal was like, fuck you hipster cans. You can’t use our service. Like you suck. You don’t even know how PayPal works. Like do you think it ever Take it off. No, um, and it’s just stuff like that, like really, really look at what you’re doing and how you’re behaving and how you come off to others. Because honestly, like, I’m not sitting here, you know, feeling overly bashed about what’s going on in the space or really bad about people feeling bad about me being on MTV, I’m just reading these notifications, hordes of them thinking like, Why is everyone such an asshole? And that’s the takeaway, I really just think you’re an asshole when you do stuff like that. And I think that if my friends follow you, they’re assholes too. And you just make everyone look dumb. That’s that’s my date.

Rob McNealy
Don’t Don’t filter anything. You know, and I can, I can actually sympathize and empathize with that and not but I look at it from a different perspective. I come at it from a project view. And when we launched two years ago as our little project and I don’t know if you even know what we’re doing, but, you know, we launched two years ago. And when into an Ico or anything like that we didn’t hyper sell tokens or coins trust me it would have been a lot easier at some point if we had the money from selling coins and tokens to do a lot of this stuff we’ve gotten so far but but you would not believe the hate that Bitcoin maximalists have dumped on us over the last two years. And, and, and it’s funny because at first when you get into the space you like want to be accepted, right? You’re like, Oh, I’m really into this technology. I’m new to the space. I’m not a developer, right I’m more like you’re more of a sales and marketing guy and and and I’m an entrepreneur, I’m not a developer. And when we got into the space it was like, you know these people would just like without even knowing you just shit all over you because you’re you know, especially the Bitcoin Maxis. They’re probably the most toxic of the mall. And you’re like, dude, I’m not a scammer, dude, I’m not didn’t sell anything. You know, I’m trying to do this solve this one problem over here and you guys aren’t even trying to solve this problem when we hear why you’re giving a shit. So Yeah, I don’t get it. And I think you hit on something really, really important, Rachel is that, you know, we need to get out of this little bubble. There’s only like a very small number of people in the crypto world. And this is my take and tell me what you think of this. I don’t believe you’re going to get mass adoption unless you have mass marketing. I just don’t think it’s gonna happen.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Um, I believe that and I also think that a good example of that in the cryptocurrency space, and this is going to be hard to hear. But the big tokens the big market cap tokens besides Bitcoin, everything close and beneath. Why do you think they have the highest market cap? Why do you think the most people know about them? Why do you think that their creators have 500,000 followers and more on Twitter, it’s marketing, they had the most money to put into marketing and I’m just going to say it and it’s not to say that they’re not good. It’s not to say that there aren’t good use cases. It’s not to say that I’m not personally invested in the top market cap coins. I am. But in my genuine opinion, those were coins. Those were projects who had money behind them to put into marketing to access the consumer. We heard about them. Everyone knows about Litecoin and a cerium. On ripple, all of these, like coins that we hear about Tron all the time. And why is that? What do these creators? What do these founders and companies do differently? And they’re putting money into marketing. And I’m not condemning that in saying this. I’m saying that you’re correct. It is and has proven to be effective.

Rob McNealy
So I’m a little I’m assuming I’m a lot older than you. But I was, you know, a grown up in the 90s. I graduated from high school in 1990. So put in perspective, so I was a grown up all through the 90s. I went to high school starting at six, man, I’m really frickin old. So but here’s interesting. So I was, you know, not even just a kid, but I was an adult when the World Wide Web came into the In fact that I was in college when people started getting hotmail accounts and things like that. But the one thing you hear this a lot with Maxis, especially younger Maxis who weren’t around them, right or weren’t, like old old enough to really remember. But they always say, well, crypto is going to take forever. And mass adoption will just take a long time because look how long the internet took to, you know, grow. And I and I looked turn around and I say couple things where I think that’s wrong. One. Do you know, you know, do you know how many CDs AOL sent out?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I wouldn’t say that. So I was only like six when that happened. But I remember the AOL CDs because I would collect them so I could go on the internet.

Rob McNealy
They were everywhere. They sent out millions and millions of those stupid free CDs with the software. AOL is what drove mainstream adoption of the World Wide Web.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
And all of my friends in the third grade we’re chatting on aim every night after school like it’s a real was a real thing. I completely agree with you on the AOL CD that was outrageous.

Rob McNealy
Yes. And without that it would have been relegated to college email addresses. That’s where it was. And so I tell people and in I’m glad you remember that because I tell people this. And they’re like, argue with me like, Look, because we’re making a lot of people will make excuses why Bitcoin hasn’t been adopted by the masses. And I think it should have been, and I think it could have been, if some things were a little different. But the The fact is, I think the problem with the BTC, especially, or some of these other decentralized projects is they have no structural, they’re not structured to do any marketing. And guess what you need, you know, we found because when with our project, we talked to retailers were holding their hand our whole project was geared around how do you market crypto as a decentralized project? How do you market it? And guess what you need to do sales you need to knock on doors. And guess what? most developers lead projects aren’t really struggle with that because developers typically Hate sales, marketing and business development. So they don’t do it, then they only have people in place to do it. And then they wonder why the projects that do have those people in place are getting successful. And they just make fun of them or tell them they’re scams. And it’s like, a Oh, well, look, there was HTTP and other protocols back in the day. But AOL took that to the masses took it to the consumers, and then it went from there. And if you want to deny that, then, you know, I don’t know what to tell you. Because things just don’t magically change. People are lazy. And because of inertia don’t like change. Right? So if you make it hard for someone, and you don’t give them any incentive, they’re not going to adopt your stuff. That just doesn’t make any sense to us. I mean, I mean, do you have any of your your own family and friends? Are they into crypto? Like, you know, your older family?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Not so much.

Rob McNealy
And why do you think that is?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Well, I just think that they were you know, it’s funny that people say that I’m about older people not like the learning curve. I know. That’s probably where you’re headed. is like the accessibility and the user interface and their their knowledge of the fact that it’s there. But I think like one step further, I think the reason that my older family wouldn’t have known about it is just because they don’t exist in those domains and demographics that it has been marketed to, you know, so that’s something that I talk about often. You know, the Simpsons is a great example, the recent thing about the Simpsons and everyone’s watching it because they talked about cryptocurrency and it was geared towards that group. That’s something that an older person might watch. That’s something that a 65 year old man might come across. But in my family, they’re just not keyed towards that kind of media.

Rob McNealy
I don’t even think it’s learning curve that actually wasn’t where I was gonna go. I talked to a lot of people about crypto, I don’t push it like, I’m not gonna harass the poor girl making my sandwich at Subway or something like I don’t do that. Because I just don’t want to be a jerk. But I ask people all the time. Have you heard of Bitcoin? And you know what? In the last year I haven’t found anyone in multiple states that haven’t heard the word Bitcoin. Yeah. And then I always follow up, what do you think of it? What’s your impression of it? And invariably, they say it’s a scam or they don’t know what it is or what have you, but it’s always negative. It’s never like positive.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally 

I think there are three I think there are three groups of people right now I totally agree with that. three groups of people right now who are actually using cryptocurrency and blockchain and that would be one the people who don’t know it exists who are out there. To the people who know it exists, like you said, and think it’s just not real because they’ve been sold a bad story on it. And the people three who are aware that it exists would love to, you know, invest in Bitcoin, but just think that it’s too difficult for them to get involved and give up their um, I was the third person. So my first exposure to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency was during the Ico boost in 2017 with all of the social Celebrity token endorsements. So I got to hear about it because the celebrities were all talking about it. But at that time, you know, the message that I’m hearing as well is that like all these, like nerdy hacker criminals made a bunch of money and I’m like, Well, I don’t know how to do that. I’m not that person. I’m never gonna be. out there showing all this like cryptographic shit on the news and telling me like money and I’m like, Oh, well, haha. I don’t understand that at all. But, um, you know, it’s just, it’s just that learning curve. So I was one of those people who just thought, you know, there was no chance that I was ever going to be able to figure out how to own Bitcoin. I was just never going to know and there was no point in asking any of my friends because it was stupid and they weren’t going to know either. And I think that there are a lot of people like that out there right now. who think it’s cool, they’re interested in it. They just think that it’s way way too hard on because they don’t understand how to do it yet.

Rob McNealy

I think there’s definitely that and I would, I was thinking a little deeper that You know, most cryptocurrencies right now don’t solve a problem that most people have. If you go to typical person right now Now I understand the arguments about oh, well, their fiat currency is always losing but yeah, you know, the average person doesn’t even know what those words mean. So, so that’s not our I say, crypto needs to solve a recognized problem, meaning that just because you have this great understanding of Austrian economics and you really understand, you know, all how few outs, you know, slimy and all that stuff, I get all that, but most people don’t. If you want to, you know, get crypto adopted, you need to take crypto to people that have a recognized problem that crypto solves most most people’s grandmothers Bitcoin doesn’t solve a problem for most grandmas out there. In fact, it creates them it’s more expensive. It’s it’s slower. It’s you know, it does have a learning curve though, someone you know, anybody can get over the learning curve with

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I argue differently that it could though. Well you know that like, there’s, that’s like, it’s so funny that you said that specifically about grandma’s because you know, the old sitcom trope that revolves around the grandma not being able to get to the bank in time. Well, like that’s a trope. There’s a trope about grandma not being able to go get to the bank and needing to deposit a check or needing to get some money from the family or needing to, you know, something like that. So I think that there are inherent issue that that solves, but you’re right, that it’s just too hard for grandma to access. And it doesn’t make sense for her to go through the steps of making that happen. Correct.

Rob McNealy
Yeah. And I think that’s the I think that’s the same like and this is the thing like you pointed out earlier, like this whole litmus test about you know, off PayPal you if you’re not just, you know, if you’re not doing command line interface on you boon to version 4.0 you just aren’t worthy of our payment system. Right. You know, and but the problem is, the masses don’t need to know that the masses don’t know what Swift is, they don’t need to know how the system settles things to be able to use it. And I think people get caught up on the wrong thing. And part of that’s bias, right. It’s like we always look through our like, own, you know, kind of lens of the world. And I think this is the problem with developer lead projects is that developers have a very specific narrow view of how things are. They’re very stubborn, because they’re generally very smart. But the problem is, I, you know, and I think I and I, it sounds like you I come from Lisa, the entrepreneurial view, and they used to say, as an entrepreneur, do you want to be rich? Or do you want to be right? kind of thing and in terms of selling, right, because, you know, what I’m saying, you know, it’s like, you got to reach people on their own terms, not on your terms. If you want to try to sell and market to people based on how you personally want to be sold and marketed. If you’re a super smart developer kind of person. You’re never going to be effective at using those methods of reaching out to the masses.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, and you know what, I take it a step further. I don’t think they’re necessarily Stubborn because they’re smart. I just think that their skill set isn’t social skills, you know, it’s not social intelligence, it’s not emotional intelligence. And that’s cool. That’s fine. Not like the the idea that we’re all supposed to be like mathematical geniuses and really good at talking to people is it’s impossible. There are some people who can do that. And they are very rich and famous, because it is a hard thing to master both. Um, and, and that’s really, that’s really where the ends meet, you know, people need to sort of branch out and get a better idea of how to interact within social spaces overall, and how that works. And that plays right into marketing, everything that we’re talking about. But I think that it’s important for people who might be really, really smart, who might have amazing mathematical and scientific minds to understand that that does not necessarily mean that you’re making the smartest social and emotional decisions. So that’s something to consider.

Rob McNealy
Well, I think what it comes down to is, is your projects team balanced like it It’s okay, if you have those super, super smart, you know, analytical, introverted kind of people working on the product. In fact, you probably need them and lots of them. And if you can find good ones, you keep them, you feed them, you pet them, you make them really feel at home. But you also need the other pieces and and I think what it comes down to is I think the most successful projects going forward be the ones that have the balance teams, that you know, okay, we we put the right people on the bus and put them in the right seats on the bus and need everything.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
And I think that a lot of that does go back into marketing. And I know that there are some standout companies who you know, start from nothing and do no Ico or anything like that and do make it based on their team. But marketing is a really big part of that as well. You know, like how many people can you realistically bring on a team for how long doing how much work without paying them. So there has to be money somewhere.

Rob McNealy
Yeah, well, we we’ve been doing that.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, well.

Rob McNealy
It’s very freaking hard. By the way. Yeah, that’s why I always joke around with people like, Oh, you can’t do an Ico because that’s scummy. And then it’s going to be a community project. I can tell you, Rachel, you go try to find someone that will work for free for two years to build out a community project with no upside potential. And you let me know how that works. Because let me know how that works.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
It’s not realistic.

Rob McNealy
It doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t. But I think you got, I think I it’s refreshing talking to you, because you get it. Because marketing is important. And it’s not a bad thing. And I think a lot of times, people rag on, you know, sales, marketing, business development kind of things. But I also think that if you miss those pieces, you’re going to have a really hard time. Because they’re, they’re integral, you have to have those pieces to be successful. And I don’t, you know, everybody gets caught up in this whole like, you know, oh, it’s a it’s a protocol. It’s not a company. It’s a decentralized community, private like, you know what, that’s great. You can use those words all you want. But the bottom line is, if you don’t think like a company, if you don’t think in terms of market share and customer acquisition and user acquisition and all that goes into that, you’re not going to be successful long term.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, I agree.

Rob McNealy
Well, good. Well, how do we get other people to agree? That’s the key here. How do we get the other people out there to get on board with that?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Yeah, well, I just and I say this over and over again. And this is the exact same thing again, on the technology is important. It’s obviously important. The technology is the back end of everything. And it’s what we’re trying to put in the spotlight right now. But after the technology comes the user interface, the UI and the UX, both of which are going to be incredibly important to get your consumer involved in the technology. And then furthermore, the distribution because you can have the best tech and the best UI the best UX. But if you don’t get it in front of people, they’re never going to use your product. So those three things in tandem matter when you’re looking at marketing something, especially in a new tech space like this?

Rob McNealy
Yeah, it’s really interesting when when we were initially doing our stuff with task, before we ever coded it and all that I started trying to figure out why crypto had metamath adopted or at least have some kind of market share. You know, to me when you got a 10 year old project, right, that’s got huge brand recognition. Apparently big network effect, why aren’t people using it? And then I went down this whole rabbit hole of trying to figure out the answer to that question. And one of the things we’ve just looked at is I started, I just started doing homework, and I started going down the list. So I’m like Quinn, market cap, and clean Gecko and looking at all the projects. And then I go to their team pages. And I started looking and I started seeing some timeline. com, developer, developer, developer, developer, developer developer, like there’s something missing here. And universally, if you go and look at all the projects that actually have teams, right, that are publicly, you know, visible, pretty much none of them have sales and marketing people. And if they do, they’re not in a position of authority in the project. Yeah. And that tells me two things. One, that organization, whatever you want to call, it doesn’t value those functions. Because they’re not putting those people high up in the hierarchy and that those functions are likely not being performed. It made sense to me that crypto hasn’t been adopted. I mean, look at. So I think with our project, our competitors are Visa and MasterCard and Venmo and PayPal, that’s who I view our competitors. I don’t view our competitors being Bitcoin, even though lots of other people think that’s who our competitors speed. I’m like, I’m not focused on building an investment vehicle. I’m focused on building a payment system and I’m looking at other payment systems that might impact my competition, even though we’re decentralized project and go look at the history of Venmo. I mean, Venmo been around 10 years, they’re doing like 18 billion a year in transactions, not, you know, transactions, like you know, people are moving that much money around and there, you know, to 1% off the top or whatever on every one of those. And so you say, but then you look at Bitcoin and you’re like, Okay, how many of those how many transactions for buying and selling goods and services are actually happening? And it’s, it’s like, if you’re looking at the timeframe, it, you know, if it was a great service, and it really performed those functions, well, why hasn’t that come up? Like, you know, 10 more has and it’s like, I’m, you know, I’m always open to answer, but what do you think?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Oh, man, I mean, I think I I just think that that that’s like a horse of a different color. Um, so I agree that if you’re just looking at payment services, I think that more people should be doing things like that looking at the model on the product versus just like a token on that they’re betting against, because I think that the way you explain that is honestly a better way of hearing. A lot of things explained in this space. I’m saying that you’re looking at the Venmo versus big Bitcoin. I think that that’s important. I think that more people need to do stuff like that and I’m not sure how you would go about sort of adopting something in that fashion, necessarily outside of people understanding the space. If the thing that makes it unique and different is the decentralized aspect, you know?

Rob McNealy
Absolutely. And, and I also think it’s an Achilles heel, on a lot of aspects, as well. And I don’t know, I don’t have all the answers. You know, I’m always trying to reach out and talk to people to learn more things, then struct a smart people like you. So what would be your advice? Not a two piece of advice you could give. So if a new project was coming into the space, what advice would you give them? And then, for people that want to reach out to you, no, not No. coiners? What advice would you give them? You know, think of like a developer, what advice would you give the developer when communicating to the no-coiner world?

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
I’m sorry for new projects and developers. I think the advice that I would Give you would be dumb it down. Understand that there’s a bigger learning curve. You had your head in your project for a really long time not everybody is going to come out off the bat excited and understanding of what you’re doing. make it really easy for people to understand and try to access more people outside of your soul group to try and understand, you know, does this really have a use case outside of a dead world?

Rob McNealy
Wonderful. I think it’s great advice. Rachel, where can people find out more about you? And being the crypto expert that you are,

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Of course, obviously, at crypto finally on Twitter, or YouTube at crypto Finally, I do weekly live streams on Friday at 12pm and 5pm at crypto underscore Fridays as well because I’m also a live streaming expert. But, but crypto finally is your safest bet. So Twitter and YouTube

Rob McNealy
Rachel, thank you so much for coming on the show today. I’ve really had a good time.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
Thank you.

Rob McNealy
All right, I got you later.

Rachel Siegel – Crypto Finally
All right. Thank you.

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Jon Stokes – Transcript

Jon Stokes -

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Hey, today I am talking to john Stokes. He is someone I met in person down at SHOT show. But we’ve been talking to each other for a while on social media. He is the originally one of the co founders of ARS Technica. He’s a former Wired editor, and programmer author. And now he is currently the deputy editor of the prepared calm. So john, welcome to the show. How are you?

Jon Stokes –
Good, good. Thanks for having me on.

Rob McNealy
Well, I appreciate you taking the time. I think it’s very prescient, what’s going on today in the news around the world with this Corona virus stuff. But before we got to jump into that, give us a little bit of background and about what you’re working on right now and how you got there working with

Jon Stokes –
So I was had taken a bit of time off, and I, I was kind of figuring out what I was going to do next. ended up starting to work on a prepping book because I had gotten into this through writing for the firearm blog and all outdoor I started for a second media. And so I had had a lot of exposure to the prepping scene I was a bit of a prepper myself. I was sort of moderately serious like not super serious, but we covered a lot of the prepping stuff on all outdoor and so I kind of got plugged into it and I learned a lot we had the founder of the survive survival sports, com Kevin felts work work for us on there, and so just a lot of that scene. So I liked it, and I was thinking, What am I gonna do next, and I was kind of done with the programming thing for a while I had, like a couple of years where I wanted to do like a CTO track kind of deal and like get into tech and get out of media. I didn’t like online media. So I started working on this prepping book and I was going to a website and I thought you know, something like the wire cutter, but for preppers because nobody had done this and this was a kick that I had been on for like four years, I want to do it like a wire cutter for preppers. And then I came across the prepared and it had been in existence for close, it was coming up on the one year anniversary when I found the site. And I was like, Man, this is this is like what I want to do next, I already have like a bunch of content written and this is something that I’m really interested in. I’m going to hit up the founder and see if I can invest. So, so I hit up the founder, I found them on Facebook and ping them. Sky john Ramy, who had previously been an ad tech and was a Silicon Valley prepper guy and so we started chatting and he’s like, I’m thinking of raising around this is bootstrapped and so so I was like, Look, man, you know, let’s let’s work together instead of me doing my own thing. Why don’t we? Why don’t we kind of like get together and join forces and so We did and I ended up participating around and coming on as the deputy editor. And I’ve been working on the site since and I think we closed around in January of 2019. And I believe I came on full time and like november of 2018. So it’s been a little over a year that I’ve been that I’ve been doing this full time.

Rob McNealy
So how’s it growing?

Jon Stokes –
Well, the answer prior to January of this year would have been modestly but but robustly the answer as I’ll you know, January was insane bananas. And then as of today in the past, like 48 hours, we just had to upgrade the server package like massively because we, you know, blown you know, we blown past like, like pretty much everything that we would have expected to do and unlike, you know, a probably the next two years. So, so there’s a lot of traffic right now there’s a lot of interest in what we’re doing. We just our timing was very good. Speaking of good timing, the blog was not a big part of the site. It was more evergreen content guides, deep detailed reviews, stuff that people would find via Google. And in December, we had done it we had tried to kind of boot up the blog a little bit in fits and starts. And then we built this big kit builder tool that will it’s kind of like lighter pack is actually modeled a lot after lighter pack, but it’s for preppers. And it’s to put together bug out bags and other kinds of kits and keeps track of weight and price. And so I did the API for that. So I did the back end. Um, it’s basically like sort of an SBA embedded in WordPress. And then I did the API for the app. And so I kind of I kind of focused on that let the blog languish and so I got back into the blog. In December and really started hustling the blog into December and then shop show was going to be like the big okay we’re seriously doing the blog thing now. And shacho courses also is the end of January is when this coronavirus stuff exploded. So I was actually going back from SHOT Show and I saw a really good friend of mine, Arielle and for your on Facebook, he was on my old RS writers, and he had been posted about the virus and was like, I’m gonna start taking a real look at this now. And so I thought, Okay, well I’ve already posted about this on Facebook I’m about to write about for the prepared. And so and I had really, I mean, we had kept in touch on Facebook, but I hadn’t followed his career since it’s ours because he when he started writing for me at ours, he was an undergrad at University of Chicago. commodify is principal data scientist at GlaxoSmithKline and has a PhD in bioinformatics and develops drugs for a living so he’s like, you know, like dead center of kind of who will want to track this. And so he started writing about, about a forest and like that work that he I was like super key super critical so I don’t know how to mute this anyway so so that the work that he did was was really critical and and it’s been taken off since then it’s been going completely nuts you know it’s the blog is basically just offering a virus all the time now I’m going to go back into doing some gear doing some other knockaround virus stuff because we are spinning up other people that can help with the load it’s basically just been me and some stuff from our butt but but that’s kind of the the story of the blog and the coronavirus coverage recently.

Rob McNealy
Well, you know, we you know, I’ve talked you know, at length about you know, prepping and things like that and I’ve been in prepper kind of minded person for a long time. You know, I’m not like oh, I discovering prepping like in the last week like everybody else’s right now on Twitter. Then, you know, we organize that conference every year called off chain, which is a mash up of crypto and preparedness and things like that. So I actually am not freaking out because I feel pretty comfortable with where I am with our preps and things like that because, you know, we we just like to have an extra amount of insurance at all times because you never know when there’s going to be a natural disaster or something like that. But it’s interesting right now with the way Corona is, is that previously or prior to this, you know, white collar people and people that prep usually kept it quiet. Because they didn’t want to be seen as like this like Kook or tin foil hat guy or this redneck kind of guy. And it’s interesting, like literally, like in the last month, I’m starting to see like, oh, everyday people that are like, Oh, yeah, of course prepping is what everybody should be doing. And I’m like, dude, where were you guys like five years ago. It’s like, you know, it seems like everybody’s like now really Realizing that you know, being prepared for things is actually kind of a thing you should be doing. So, and you guys kind of come at it, I think from a little more of the prepping side of it, at least with what I’ve seen on your website, is that you guys are a little more intellectual about it. And not just that kind of that weird stereotype or critique that people have about, you know, preppers in general. I mean, are you deliberately coming at it from a different perspective? Do you think?

Jon Stokes –
Yeah, we, we really didn’t want to do anything that looked like a traditional forever website. And in fact, my personal goal, and I think I think john, the founder shares this goal is that it’d be great if at some point in the future, the word prepping wasn’t even on the website. This should just be like a normal part of adulting. It should be a thing people do. It shouldn’t be like a niche activity or a subculture. People shouldn’t have to learn a new lingo. It’s there. You know. There’s not um there was a car enthusiast scene, you know, back in the day muscle cars and stuff now just, you know, there’s still a car scene but like people just own cars, you have a car, you know, I mean, I could think of half a dozen analogies, but this shouldn’t be a niche activity that has its own lingo and subculture you know, people are into it in secret or in public or whatever. It’s just part of what you do. It’s like buying home insurance or buying there’s a fire insurance community there’s no home insurance community there’s no you know, anything like that it’s just something you do. So that’s that’s very much where we come where we come out of bro.

Rob McNealy
Well, I see that every year during like hurricane season where all of a sudden they show the you know, the the typical grocery store shelves are completely empty, and I’m thinking if you live on the coast in Florida, this should never be happening.

Jon Stokes –
I grew up in Louisiana and on the Louisiana Gulf Coast. I know what it’s like to put your stuff in the car and sit for hours in a hurricane evacuation line have evacuated a couple times. My family evacuated for returned after Katrina. I worked in the Katrina shelters in Lake Charles, Louisiana where I’m from. So yeah, Hurricane perhaps tracking hurricanes during hurricane season, having having fuel having stuff on hand to be ready to bug out. This was just what you did when you lived there. It was there was no subculture there wasn’t like a term for it. We didn’t call it anything. You just were ready for a hurricane.

Rob McNealy
So coronavirus, there’s been a lot of media attention given to this and it’s interesting how, at least on social media, it’s somehow becoming a partisan political issue which to me is absurd. But yet I you’re seeing out there where some people are saying the the coronavirus is overhyped. Some people are saying is under hyped Where is your take? Or what’s your take on it? Where are you coming from on the corona? Is this something that Americans should be worried about now?

Jon Stokes –
Yeah, you know, I think whether it’s overhyped or under hype depends on your filter bubble. I mean, really, it’s just this is a moment that has highlighted for me the degree to which we all kind of live in different information silos, dependent on where you get your news, who you follow, what kind of voices you listen to, you’re going to have a different headspace about this. And, and this information, you know, the silos, they’re not they’re not disjointed, they leak into each other. So, you know, I have a, I have a very carefully curated list that I have for this. Some people discover it and so you can subscribe to it on my Twitter feed. I follow people you know, I’m constantly adding deleting people and there has been a political aspect to it since the beginning. You know, frankly, there are some people and infectious disease, morality, virology epidemiology who have been more or less alarmed. There have been some people that have come from a certain political slant that you can tell from their bios that are constantly telling everybody to calm down and not panic and this is no big deal and they’ve set themselves over against the alarmist people. You know, that that’s how it is. People have different opinions on things, especially about the future. So So I’ve watched this evolve, I’ve watched virology and infectious disease Twitter and epidemiology, Twitter evolve, and kind of converge on on a more heightened state of concern heightened state of alarm. I’ve watched my media feed I have a lot of I have a media network from you know, 20 something years and online media. Watch the film take up this topic and begin talking about it and worried about it. I’m starting as of the last 24 hours to see this really spread in a big way in my normie feed on Facebook used to I would post something from the prepared I’d get like three likes you know now the the kind of stereotypical, you know, suburban moms and dads and just normal people are are picking up our posts and our Rulon coronavirus page and our sharing is blown up just in the past 48 hours so so there has been a lot of different depending on what subset you are going to where you listen who you listen to your political affiliation and yeah there there is I’m aware that rush limbaugh is telling people that this is some kind of democrat plot the tank the election, tank the markets and you know, something like this. I know that that’s going on. I’m not engaging with it, publicly, like on Twitter and stuff because you know, a nobody got time for that. Like I’m we’re here trying to get people ready. And I don’t care what kind of politics you have. If you’re if you’re super Trumpy if you’re, you know, Bernie Sanders stand Elizabeth Warren, I just don’t care. I want you to be ready. You know, I want you to have the right information and I want you have your head in the right place about this. As far as being concerned about it. I am. I’m really concerned. I mean, I think that i think that’s cool closures in this country and in a lot of areas are kind of I really think that’s a lot. I think it’s gonna happen. As far as a, you know, voluntary shelter in place for a lot of people is going to happen, it’s already happened and there are already people that I’m in touch with that are bugging out, leaving the city, you know, going out to the country if they’ve got like a relative something like this that’s already quietly happening, just the way that the Costco runs have been kind of quietly happening this week. So So more than that, going to pick up more that’s going to happen. How far this is going to go, very difficult for me to say, I try not to you can always you can always, very plausibly model a worst case scenario, you just can and I am a guy that has followed every crisis in the last, you know, two years like in a detailed way. So when we were nose to nose with North Korea and the summer of 2017. I was like I had an appetite, Twitter feed, national security Twitter feed, I followed a super closely and you how close we came or ran stuff from last summer. I followed that really closely. I was on you know, pins and needles with it. Like every one of these different crises that we’ve had recently. I’ve been right in there. I followed the experts, and I know how bad it can look and I knew how it can dissipate. I’ve seen it all happen you know you never press the red button because something always happens but I also was an investor during 2008 and I followed 2008 closely and unfolding there so I’ve seen like a real legit crisis happen and what I’ve learned is you can’t predict the future there are some drugs we’re about to have a blog post on this now the blog is backup I have a post and the camera I’ve got edit there are some drugs like an anti malarial drug and some other drugs that are very very promising at at a rest in the disease that goes with this so so we I’m not we’re not gonna have a vaccine anytime soon. year would be an absolute minimum. But we may find other therapies that work so summer could still I don’t I don’t put a lot of faith in the idea that one weather is going to knock this out. But it could it could be could tamp it down some combination of summer weather and a malarial drug which is already made it scale could be ramped up and could help and could forestalls little worst case scenario. So there’s a range of possibilities. But I think minimum minimum baseline is going to be, you’re going to be at home for a week or two, your kids are going to be at home for a while. You may have to remote work, stuff like that. I think that that stuff is very, very, very likely.

Rob McNealy
So it’s interesting. So my perspective on things like this is I monitor and I’m open minded, and I’m a skeptical at the same time. And so I have a I’m very curious, and I don’t tend to overreact. Some may know that my wife is actually a medical doctor who actually works as a government contractor to the federal government. And so and I’m a former EMT, and so I do view things through the eyes of, you know, a person who’s worked as a first responder for a long time and on this issue, and I tried to be very rational and in you know, controlled about how I view it. Mike, I think the big unknowns that I think a lot of people that I’m seeing around the coronavirus is the fact that one of many of us don’t trust China. And I think the big unknown is what’s Bs, what’s real and what’s happening in China, because you see all these random, you know, clips then you don’t know the context of the clip. You don’t know where it came from things of that nature. But that’s what has a lot of ups like me concerned is I don’t know, I don’t know what’s real are the numbers on that little tracker app that’s out there. Are those real? Are those are being underreported? Are they being over reported? The one thing that least between conversation with my wife and I about this is that at least in my lifetime, I can’t remember where large population centers in China have been completely locked down. In this quarantine. I don’t recall that’s ever happened. Before So, in my mind, this isn’t just SARS, this isn’t the flu, this is something different. It definitely has some government officials over there concerned because they’re taking much more extreme action than I’ve ever seen. So the question is that I would have for you, do you believe that the numbers and reporting about this in China are accurate being underreported over reported or accurate or you know, are normal.

Jon Stokes –
So we have a reporter in Beijing. That is that is done some work on this for us, and this is the source. And she’s, she writes for a mainstream outlet is fluent in English in Chinese is native Chinese. And we’ve talked to her about this, I followed this, and my take home on that is that, of course the the the absolute number is going to China in terms of the magnitude or garbage They’re not real, but directionally in terms of when things are swelling and when they’re dropping, that seems to be broadly like probably right. I think that it seems likely that the extreme lockdown measures that the Chinese have done, have arrested the spread and stop the growth and use cases outside of Dubai. I think that’s probably likely i think it’s it’s likely that things may be getting better and move on right now. Again, now, these are people that have been locked down for weeks, they have been under very like welded doors welded shut it not able to go out for groceries, extreme quarantine measures, that’s going to have an impact. Social distancing is apart from hand hygiene. Social distancing is the number one thing that you’re going to do to turn the arrow around in the absence of a vaccine to turn the, you know, the arrow is the, the viral coefficient, which says how far it spreads. And so you want to get that below one. And so to get it below one, if you don’t have a vaccine, you’re gonna have to keep people from spreading it to each other, like physical separation. The Chinese have done an insane amount of that. And it’s probably worked outside of just so so. So my point there is that like directionally when you look at the China, of course, there’s, there’s far more cases far more death than they reported. But I think it is very likely that that things are getting better and some of the cities because of the extremists of the measures, big questions are Can we do that here in the West? Can you do that? Can you lock down a Chicago when people have got guns and you know, stuff like this? open question. To me, I think, if people are scared enough, you know, maybe But I really don’t know. Other questions are about the Chinese health system now in the world, the world, the who is ranking of health systems, they’re pretty far down there, you know, below us. But then but then, you know, these Asian countries have been fighting, have been prepping for SARS mer stuff like this for a while and they’ve got ventilators they can China can ramp up hospital production stuff like this. So there are a lot of unknowns there. I think it’s more instructive for me to look at what’s happening now and what’s unfolding in South Korea, what’s unfolding in Japan? Iran less so but still, that stuff is going to tell the tale because yeah, you’re right. China is largely a black box, a lot of noise. Very difficult to get signal. But But now things of things are in a different a different realm. Italy. Keep an eye on Italy, you know.

Rob McNealy
Yeah. One of the things that my wife and I have kind of looked at is, the United States is very different than Asia and Europe, you know, if those different, you know, those countries decide that you’re going to stay put, they will enforce that. Whereas Americans are a little more persnickety about constitutional rights and things like that. And I keep thinking, you know, I’ve seen people where they have tuberculosis or something, they shouldn’t be going around in public because they’re supposed to be under self quarantine. And they’re like, well, I ran out of smoke. So I had to go to the store, right. And in between our, you know, our homeless populations and Americans just happened to travel a lot more than I think a lot of a lot of places around the world like China, people don’t move around quite as much as we do. And I think, you know, I think Americans are going to be less likely to do self quarantine for me and I was talking to some people in a group that I’m in I’m in a group right now that is talking about prepping for this and look at it like this. Americans send their kids to school. when they’re sick, and they go to work now sick because they think nothing of possibly infecting their friends or coworkers, because it might be inconvenient for them to stay home or have their kids stay home. And I’m not sure that’s going to change just because of this. And it goes back to, you know, people are, you know, you know, going down, you know, partisan lines and saying some people like, Oh, it’s no big deal and all this other stuff. And I’m like, there’s there’s two factors that have been most concerned, you know, because we don’t you’re right. We don’t know yet. how bad it is, because until it starts getting into other countries, and where we have probably better information and communication coming out. It’s hard to evaluate, you know, what this really looks like. And I agree with you, I think the extreme powers that the Chinese government haven’t or you know, the the quarantines and the extreme measures they’ve taken probably are effective. I don’t think the American government can do the same thing and I don’t think Americans will put up with it. And that’s what has me concerned about here. That is actually might get more if it is as bad as we think it is, it might get more out of hand here than it would say it in China. The other the other thing that I’m sorry, good. Oh, the other thing has me concerned is is the economic impacts of this. I’ve been trying to do some research about how much of our supply chain, it comes from China. And the numbers range from anywhere from 20 to 50%. Of all the stuff we get is manufactured in China right now. And my concern is, is that depending on which store you’re talking about, we only have between 30 and 90 days of inventory isn’t like their buffer, right. That’s about what the American supply chain holds currently. The question is, how long is China going to be shut down from their production levels? And how is that going to impact the United States? And so, to me, even if, say, we don’t have a viral outbreak that gets out of hand here. How does the economic impact of the Chinese government and their political production. How does that trade impact? You know, our economy, for instance, a big chunk of our building materials are supplied from China right now. And right now a lot of our economy is being driven by the the current housing bubble that we’re in. Well, even if, you know the price of materials goes up 20% or 30%, that could do a lot to put the brakes on the housing market, which could really hurt the economy. Have you been looking at any of the economic potential economic impacts of coronavirus outside just the normal viral part of it?

Jon Stokes –
Yeah, I mean, I’m an investor. I pay close attention to this. I’m very concerned about it. I’ve been talking to other finance people investor types. They were largely not concerned before Sunday night, Sunday night there was some kind of shift in as aight guys, I think well, I’ll be One of the things was that the stock market futures just started to get really ugly. And it was clear on Sunday night that it was going to bloodbath on Monday. There was a big shift in the Zeitgeist on Sunday. I woke up Sunday morning, I had conversations with with market types. And they were like, yeah, I’m a little worried about this, but but we’re gonna handle it. And then Sunday night, you know, it turns into Well, you know, there’s a lot of deer in my neighborhood that I could do. So it’s like, seriously things things change fast for a lot of people. And, and, and so I bill I’m worried about this. I it’s hard for me to model a lot of a lot of what I think is that this is a we’re not destroying a lot of productive capacity. This is not like a war where factories getting bombed or something like this. It’s it’s one of these things where they’re there may be some kind of V shaped recovery. Once people go back to work, factories reopen, that kind of thing. And I think the system will knit will knit itself back together more rapidly than people think. That said, everybody with a brain is now looking at their dependence on on single sources in China and Asia. And thinking, Okay, well, clearly, I’ve got geographic risk. I knew that I had geographic risk, but I didn’t care. But now I care. This isn’t going to happen again. And we’re going to diversify. And so that’s going to have all kinds of impacts on the cost of goods and employment, the US and stuff that’s really hard to think through. But my top line is that is that at some point, depending on how bad this gets, I mean, there are scenarios where you’ve got medical bankruptcies that, you know, frees up the credit system and vaporize a big chunk of the economy. You know, you’ve got people you got a scenario where a lot of people are staying home. looking after their school’s out, like, let’s say that we did what just happened in Japan today, where they announced that all the schools are closed, somebody’s gonna look after those kids. So that’s a lot of people stay at home and a lot of people missing paychecks, a lot of people aren’t financially prepared. There could be a really large impact. But I mean, I think the government’s going to need a government up to and including negative rates and helicopter money, they’re going to do what they can do to get people spend and again, so we have we have maybe some tools there. I don’t know. I tried to maintain some optimism as an investor that that we can snap back pretty quickly. And I also part of this is my experience with 2008. You know, I was bearish for too long. I was bearish into 2010 so I missed a big a big turn up on the market. And you know, I finally got religion near the end of 2010. I was like, Okay, well, this you know, this is real. There’s a real recovery here. This is happening and And I got back in. Um, so I’ve seen how fast things can turn around how suddenly they can turn around. And the big thing to remember too, and this is what people miss, I think with a lot of the doomsday scenarios and the doomsday prepping is when you bet against against the market and you bet against civilization and economy, you’re betting against the combined efforts, the best efforts and billions of people to make this thing go. Humans collectively are trying to make it work. We’re all trying to make it work, whatever for some definition of making it work. And I don’t want to bet against that. I don’t want to gamble that that all those billions of individual efforts at trying to trying to make something productive trying to make money trying to hustle trying to feed themselves are going to go to pot You know, they’re going to amount to nothing so so I like I said I maintain some some optimism but but there are scenarios. I think you’re right Our hospital system is very under resourced. We have a lot of problems, like I said, with people missing work, medical bills, all this kind of stuff is bad already. And this virus is going to whack it hard. And we’re going to see how that shakes out. And it could get really ugly. We don’t have a lot of capable centralized response and not a lot of capability to respond to this. Then there’s the election. You know, I wrote the big, big wired up as a big in terms of length, it was very long. I think it also did pretty well in terms of traffic, but it was it was a it was immediate, immediate editorial about the possible impact on the election and how, you know, do we really want to send people to polling places to stand in line and breathe on each other and touch the same touch screens in November if we’ve got a viral epidemic raging over here and fill out hospitals, I don’t think we do. So there’s that aspect. I said we should move immediately to vote. By Mail, I do not hold out a lot of hope of anything like that happening. I think what is probably realistically going to happen is we’re going to have a big fight over if if there is a big if if the summer doesn’t stop it, and if we’re not able to tamp it down and if we’re still like very substantially fighting this in November. I think that we’re going to have a big argument over whether or not to postpone the election, because there will be a lot of urban dense urban areas where people are not going to want to turn out for this and we will probably not postpone the election. I just I think the the baseline scenario is escalating, nothing gets done, there is no vote by mail. There is a fight over putting it off, but nothing enough is put off and then we just have a situation where rural turnout is is a lot better than urban turnout. And you know, who knows which way things swing if the Rules types are still are still looking for for another Trump term or if they’re sour on them because of the coronavirus response. I don’t have a crystal ball. But but either way you slice it, it’s going to 2020 is going to be even more contentious than we all kind of thought it was. And I know a lot of people, myself included, were looking for trouble around the election in 2020 thinking, well, things are going to get are going to get spicy, and we’re going to be at each other’s throats. And we may see some instances of domestic you know, crazy breakout here. And and I think we were already worried about that I was already worried about it. Now even more worried about it.

Rob McNealy
So before we wrap up here, what would be the things that you say now? What advice would you give to someone who is not already prepared? What would you be? What would be the things that you think people should stock up on right now while there’s still things on the shelves?

Jon Stokes –
Obviously, the big one is prescription meds if you’re on something, try to get a stockpile of that by hook or by crook. What are you going to do? You know, I’m not not that I’m telling people to go on the dark web and you know, order drugs. But like, seriously, I wouldn’t even know how to find the dark web personally. I mean, you might get some garbage. That’s like fake fentanyl. I’ll send you a URL to really, really yeah, don’t do that. I know nothing about the dark. I know nothing. But uh, but yeah, however, you got to do it. If you got if you’re on if you’re on something, if you’re on heart meds, whatever it is you’re on, and a sudden stoppage of it is gonna is going to wreck your business. Figure out how to get some more. Um, that that’s, that’s the number one thing. The number two thing is you need to eat hygiene. You need hygiene products, especially for a pandemic. So they talk About I think it’s the three is or the three ages of survival or four there’s there’s hygiene and heat and hydration, you know, and that’s actually not the right order. I think it’s like heat hydrate hydration Anyway, there’s some orange thread. hygiene is one of the big ones that kills a lot of people in any kind of survival or disaster situation. hygiene is huge. So you want to get toilet paper, which was being used as currency in Hong Kong and Hong Kong, walk down joining get toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, bleach, alcohol, things to clean your body things to clean your space that you’re in. If you’re in a confined space with a lot of humans for three weeks, it’s going to get nasty and you want to keep it clean. Um, personal protective gear. If you don’t already have a mask, you’re not going to get one. Those are out nitrile gloves are still in stock, pick those up. They’re probably more important, more important than the mask anyway. So that kind of stuff. So, hygiene stuff prescription meds, plenty of water potable water, I do not think the grocery stores were going to be in a situation where there’s no groceries. At least after some initial panic surge there may be like a spell where everybody runs out on possibly this weekend, everybody runs out and just cleans out the grocery store. The trucks are going to keep running there will probably still be groceries. So so that’s why I put food you know less underneath water you know, PPP stuff like that. still get food, start with two weeks but but get a month you know, get three months if you can, however much you I’m telling people that shoot for 90 days, the very people are going to get there but you know, try to shoot for 90 days but do what you can and and just think about the fact that you’re going to be eaten for a month, two months, three months regardless. Try to get it all at once and then eat your way through it as opposed to just go into the store wants A week or you know, every couple days you want food, you know you want entertainment things that distract yourself. Boredom is has been a big problem in the Chinese lockdown and and the other thing that’s happening per source in China is that people just go on social media, and they drive each other crazy. They share rumors and conspiracies and weird stuff and their mental state deteriorates. And they just thought it’s a bad scene. It’s a bad scene if you’ve got a couple of hundred million people in lockdown, which is what happened in China, and they’re all on social media driving each other nuts. You want to have something else to do besides Facebook, besides Twitter, besides whatever you’re into, to be able to unplug from the news and get off that stuff. And, and, you know, spend time with with with whoever you’re locked down with and connect with people. So game board games. puzzles, books, any that stuff those are all now Congratulations, your board game addiction, your puzzle addiction, video games, whatever those are now pandemic preps, you know, you’re, you’re blessed to go forth and like, you know, load up your Steam library or Nintendo downloads or whatever. Because you really just want to, you want to maintain a good mindset. You want to be able to make high quality decisions, you’re able to see what’s going on clearly. And you don’t want to be in a panic or in a frenzy hopped up on a bunch of weird rumors about what’s going down at the local supermarket or somebody found this or you know, the virus is here or there you just don’t you don’t want to be into that stuff. So, so look out for your mind. You know, protect your your physical person, your body, keep yourself clean, keep your space clean. Keep yourself fed. keep yourself hydrated.

Rob McNealy
Sounds good. Jon Stokes. Where can people find out more about you?

Jon Stokes –, visit and check us out. My personal website is just like a bare HTML page john Stokes. com jail in St. Louis, calm you can find out more about what i what i do want to meet you there. But really is where I’m spending all my time. Every every waking minute now with this fiber stuff.

Rob McNealy
Very good and I will make sure that I have all that linked up on our website at Rob McNealy calm. JOHN, thank you so much for coming on today.

Jon Stokes –
Thanks for having me.

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Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer Transcript

Amina Motala - Cryptocurrency Influencer

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Today I am talking to Amina Mottola. She is an influencer in crypto and she’s up north. She’s from Snow Mexico, also known as Canada. So I’d like to welcome to the show Mina. How are you today?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
I am well all the way here from Snow Mexico.

Rob McNealy
I love snow Mexicans are some of my favorite peeps. I grew up in the Metro Detroit area. So we used to spend a lot of time in snow Mexico.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Nice, very nice.

Rob McNealy
Exactly. So tell us a little bit about yourself. You’ve been in crypto for a while. What kind of what’s haven’t gotten you into crypto and and what kind of things are you working on?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Yeah, quick story, my backstory. I loved Bitcoin many many years ago I used to search through the internet found a little documentary talked about Bitcoin and loved it. I saw the value in it wanted it right away. And I don’t know how early that was it was quite early, quite a few quite a few years ago. And I just couldn’t figure out how to buy it I really was quite new to like, as far as high tech went, I knew nothing. I could just function basics on my computer so I couldn’t figure out how to get it and I tried it even typed in how to buy bitcoin and just didn’t understand anything. So took a few years thought about an ATM machine that passed single mom very busy, went back to school very very busy just kept going on and on in 2017 I bought some Bitcoin and needed to learn a lot more became more to curious. And through that I ended up reaching out to the meetup community, started a meetup with somebody else and then ventured off on my own and started doing my own meetup for over two years now. So did it by weekly, not as much as bi weekly now just so busy with everything but yeah, so in through that I joined social media got connected with all kinds of people in the space in and traveling and conferences and building, you know, rapport and reporters and partnerships, and it’s been fun and exciting. So I love it. I really do.

Rob McNealy
So what part of Canada are your meetups held in?.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Yeah, so Ottawa, Ontario, which is the capital city of Canada.

Rob McNealy
I like Ottawa actually, you do many, many, many, many moons ago. I used to work in an industry and mana my clients was the RCMP. So okay, been to Ottawa.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Yes. Very nice. Did you kill in the winter?

Rob McNealy
You know, I didn’t get up to Nunavut or Iqaluit or in any of those places yeah I’ve definitely been to Canada in the wintertime and I think where I live in Salt Lake is about as far as North as I like to be in the wintertime at this point. Yeah so I can drive to the mountains I live right at the base of the mountain some but you know, I want to go into the cold I don’t like it cold that much. I like having I like the idea of having like two months of winter like.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Yeah, I agree with you. I think the winter just so long and it’s it’s such a process everyday living in it so that gets tiring on you and big and heated indoors for so long. Just tires you out. But I just saw recently just a quick side story. Talking about cold therapy and cold water and cold showers and things like that and embracing it. And I’ve been trying that and I’m starting to like it. And it really weird. energizing is really weird. But this is why I paint the ocean so I have a really nice view to to look at.

Rob McNealy
So we lived up in northeast Wyoming for two winters, right in the Black Hills, and we would heated we heated literally with a wood stove for two winters. And I said, that’s it. And up there, you literally have to heat like nine months of the year and no, no, not doing that, again, not doing that again. But I like skiing. I mean, that’s why we moved to Utah, actually. So we ski so that’s why we went to Salt Lake. I like so. Yeah, yeah. So but I like the fact that I can live in the valley. And it’s still pretty, I mean, it’s like in the 40s right now Fahrenheit, so it’s actually pretty nice and not too bad. I don’t like it when it’s negative five degrees every day. That’s just not pleasant for me. So you’ve been working on a few different things. So it sounds like this meetup has grown into other kinds of opportunities for you. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
So, uh, what my meetup Yeah, I mean, I really Actually I met a gentleman Jordan Santiago who started a an app called crowd zones which is for micro influencers. So that was really interesting. And I learned a lot through him. He’s pretty knowledgeable in the space and he’s still working on it. I think he’s going live with some part of it or something I’m not even sure I haven’t I’ve lost touch with him now but for February and it’s it’s all about micro influencing and social media and using blockchain as well. So that was really interesting learned a lot. I even got myself a desk at Innovation Center at a time for a little while while he was there, which is a really, I guess, had a quite a name for itself for high tech and government funded building actually. So things like that opportunities like that and just different events and venues and meeting interesting people through the meetup and, and then traveling and getting to know people like Bitcoin, Ben and traveling a lot, did a lot of his meetups and got To meet who I am going to be working with, as well is Dana blocky with coin flip. And they’re really cool coin flip is the ATM Bitcoin ATM machines and he is the second largest in the world. He has about 400 machines. And Daniel’s only 24 years old. So really, really young, energetic, intelligent entrepreneur. And I look forward to doing more work with him because we really want to bring up the machines up to Canada. So that’s, that’s the goal. And I want to assist him with that. So looking forward to doing to working on that further with him. And another project that came to light which I’m really excited about and its relationship that I built up since almost a year now with this person who’s brought me in to working with the corona family. And that is the corona games that they just launched. And I had read their press release last week. So it is an online gaming app with sports fantasy, and trivia, and they’ll be getting into blockchain tech and film production as well. So very excited to work with this family. It is the corona family that owned the beer company. So this is a completely new launch for them. And what’s great about it is there are big players in the in, you know, in their big corporation, they’re a household name. That will be they’ll actually be releasing the press release to the world and, you know, reaching the world’s population. So what’s nice about it is onboarding them into this app and then over time, they can learn about crypto currencies and blockchain so I see a great opportunity to help with adoption With Corona games, so I’m very excited, very excited to, to work with the social media and the marketing with them.

Rob McNealy
So with the corona games, are they going to be rolling up watching games immediately? Or is that something that they’re getting into later on?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
They will be doing so I can’t I did sign an NDA. I can’t say a whole lot at this point because they are just releasing one thing at a time I wish I could really, but they are going to start unveiling things as they go along. They do have a lot of things lined up really exciting and in in a very different way to they’re going to introduce gaming and trivia in a very new light in a different way that that we know of so and their prizes are, you know, things like paying tuitions off and mortgages off and Disney trips and tours and it’s really quite interesting. They have they have family in mind and it’s a family friendly site. So non violent I say that non violent gimlets gaming and and yeah, so I’m it’s exciting what they have to to offer I can’t wait and then I can hopefully share more.

Rob McNealy
Well, I am certainly looking forward to that. So you’ve been traveling around Canada and the United States and going to conferences and you know, what would you say that the differences are Are there any differences between the the perspective of crypto and the communities down here in the United States versus up in Canada?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Differences um, how can I say I mean, I’ve done more because I’ve been to Bitcoin Ben meetups and so where they’re different is Ben does draw a crowd. He does draw quite a few people. So Ottawa, we are a government city, a little more conservative of a city, I would say. Say the interest is not that far different. It’s not that you know that any are more knowledgeable or less knowledgeable or anything like that. I have had meetups where I’ve had 20 to 30 people. I’ve had meetups where I’ve had three people. So I don’t know anybody out there who’s had a similar experience. I’ve heard many things. And I’m sure there has been. And being the bearish market, of course, I would experience having a low number. Lately, I’ve had up to 1012 people the last few meetups. So that’s been very encouraging and really, really great. But I usually had a really good response after a lot of people end up coming up and shaking my hand and thank you, me. So you know, they’re hearing something new, they’re hearing something that might spark an interest inside of them or just give them some hope or light or something. And I see that that’s the kind of feedback that I get back from usually at the end of a meetup. And a lot of times we are sharing there’s other people who are also very savvy in the inner room and we share Share the space and share the information. I always tell everybody you know is not my meetup. It’s all of our so haven’t been to too many different meetups to really compare. But I would say from what I’ve experienced to really, maybe as far as numbers, and only because a lot of them I’ve been to there’s been so many other influencers. So bit of a crowd has been drawn in, but the enthusiasm is the same and the Curiosity is there. And yeah.

Rob McNealy
Do you think the interest is more pertaining to the investment piece of it? Or do you think that the interest seems to come more along the lines of the decentralization technology aspects?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
I’ve had a lot of both. So you do have a lot of people who are interested in I’ve had the people who are interested in making a quick buck who learned one to trade for instance, we even had people coming in to teach trading for those who were interested and I wanted to learn it just so I understood how it worked and and what people were saying and and determine knology but definitely a lot of people who want to invest who are careful with their money or who went, who were in situations where they needed to. And because there is this community is high tech, a lot of high tech individuals, so who were interested in the blockchain technology itself and a few different people who have had startups or Icos at the time back when Icos were a thing, they would do presentations by meetup to introduce the with their you know, their Ico and their new their new platforms. So quite a mix and a little bit of everything.

Rob McNealy
So as far as the technology goes, You seem to have a good you know, handle on the the tech scene least up in Canada. How many startups you see going on up there? Do you think there’s a really strong you know, tech hub up there as well or do you think that’s more focused down here in the United States or In other parts of the world

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
I think we have a pretty strong Tech Community up here in Ontario itself, not just Ottawa, Toronto is very strong as well. And there is a lot of innovation that goes on up here. Sometimes it surprises me even more than I realize. You know, I I’ve grown up in the Canada area where our high tech hub is and seen a lot over the years. And I would say, I mean, just recently, somebody told me you know, Apple has an office here in Canada, but nobody knows this. So it’s things like that, that I’ll hear of and a lot of creations like smart boards, you know, they’re created. The gentleman’s is living right here in Canada and created the SMART Board and I mean, there’s so many different inventions that have come out of the area, or you know, from Ontario itself. And with with as far as with blockchain or startups, there are a fair number just just gauging it by my own meetup and that I’ve had already a number of them that has come through and seeing them tells me something, you know, because not everyone has reached or found my meetup. And there’s including Montreal is another big city where there’s an active community as well. So I would imagine if I saw that, you know, a handful come through my meetup. And there would have to be quite a few more but to give you an exact number, I really don’t know.

Rob McNealy
So when you’re having people come to your meetups, a new people, what do you think, in general that the crypto community could do better to help introduce people to the technology into the space?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
What could the crypto community do better as in the crypto community here in Ottawa,

Rob McNealy
Or anywhere in general, like? It seems that there’s a lot of polarized people and opinions out there, but it seems like we don’t do a very good job of bringing new people into the space and I was wondering what do you think we can do to improve that?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Hmm? What can we do?

Rob McNealy
See, no prefab questions here.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
I like it. It’s good because we have to think and you’re making me think. I think it’s important to have education. I mean, this is why I do the meetup. So education is really key at this point. We are so early in it and there is so much to learn being that we are in it so early. So that education factor is what I looked for and what I needed to further into the space and understand it better and just to even invest. So I think if we can reach out to our communities into our meetups or whatever there is going on, definitely go there if you have something you can share. Even if you’re on social media or Facebook or with your friends talk about it talks about your family with your friends, and spread the word usually things are spread by word of mouth. I mean, this is a very valuable way that we grow, you know, whether it be a business or or teaching something. So definitely, I would say education. And if you want to even start a meetup like I did, you don’t have to be the expert. You know, it’s not net. It’s a community effort. And you’d be surprised at the kind of people that would show up and support so.

Rob McNealy
Also, as someone who also does run meetups. Yeah, you’d be very surprised at the kind of weirdos that come to meetups too.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Yeah, it can happen.

Rob McNealy
So, I always like to ask kind of questions about people. Do you have an opinion on what Bitcoin will or won’t do around May 20? Which is the havening that everybody keeps talking about? Do you think it’s gonna go crazy or do you think it’s just gonna be a big fizzle?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
I don’t know. I have no idea. I have no idea but honestly, it’ll probably go a little crazy. And we Whether or not it stays crazy, that’s to be determined, and I’m not going to be the one to predict that. But I would think it would get a little crazy, maybe even just even before it too, so that would be a probably a likely prediction.

Rob McNealy
All right, little bit of crazy, but we don’t know how long it’s crazy. Right. I think that’s a fair. I think that’s a fair assessment. I think that I because, you know, like, ask people that because I have my I have very strong opinions about lots of crypto stuff, right? And I’m kind of a crypto heretic. So I always look at it is, you know, I think because there’s so much FOMO around that, that something’s going to happen just because people think there’s going to be something happening about it. But I don’t know if there’s anything that’s really going to be come out of it just from fundamentally change. I don’t know if it’s going to be something that can be lasting I think they’ll probably be a spike up and you know, running up in the run up, but um, the how long it’s gonna last, but still be wrong. I’m wrong all the time. As my wife, she’ll tell you, I’m wrong all the time. So

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Sure, we can higher highs and lower lows. I mean, who knows, yeah?

Rob McNealy
Very cool. So, I mean, uh, where can people find out more about you?

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Sure. So you can find me on Twitter at craft Fluence one. You can find me on LinkedIn, Amina Mottola, you can find me on YouTube. I do have a YouTube channel. You can check out some of my interviews with some of the CEOs of the projects out there. And that’s Amina em on YouTube and also Instagram, Amina Mottola, underscore and Facebook that’s another one too. So my name is everywhere. It’s not hard to find me and for anyone interested in Corona social media marketing, contact me please interested to hear about it. Anyone who’s interested in learning more about social media and marketing. So, yeah, perfect. Go see Corona go check out the site.

Rob McNealy
Go see CoronaGames. com, check out the site and we’re going to have we’ll have all those links posted up on the website at Rob McNealy calm. I mean, thank you so much for coming on the show today. It’s been a fun chat.

Amina Motala – Cryptocurrency Influencer
Thank you very much. I appreciate being here.

Rob McNealy
You have a great day. Thanks for listening folks checks out on the web at

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Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author Transcript

Zuby Udezue - UK based rapper, author, and artist.

Note: This transcript was automatically generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and therefore typos may be present.

Rob McNealy
Today I am really excited because we are talking to zoobi. He is a very popular rapper out of the UK. And he just finished up a lengthy nine week trip to the United States. And he’s kind of an interesting guy. He is not typical of what I think you would think of when you think of a hip hop or rap artist. So like to welcome the show. Zuby, how are you today?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
I’m very well, thank you. How you doing?

Rob McNealy
Great. I do appreciate taking the time. Are you recovered? Now? It seemed like you had a pretty big whirlwind trip to the US.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Yeah, I wouldn’t go as far as saying I’m recovered, but I’d say that I’m recovering.

Rob McNealy
Well, that’s good. Did you have a good time?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Yeah, it was amazing. Absolutely incredible trip. life changing. Was that the first time you’ve been to the States? No, I’ve been to the states five times before, but it was my first time going in 10 years. And it was also the first time going for career purposes. So I managed to really make the most of it. I never been out there for Along with the exception of New York City, all the cities that I visited I’d never actually been to before. So that was all brand new.

Rob McNealy
So what did you think? So what did you learn on your trip about American culture head going to all the cities?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Well, firstly, I learned that it’s probably easier to view the USA almost like a continent more than just a single country in some ways, because the variances between the states and cities are so big. First of all, you know, you’ve got the different time zones, which you don’t have somewhere like the UK or most other countries, you’ve got different climates, very big range of temperature and different types of weather, range of different laws, cultures, accents, type types of people. Everything is a everything’s pretty different depending on where you go. I mean, even the difference between, you know, going from somewhere like San Francisco to Dallas and then to Atlanta, and then to DC and then to New York. They’re all really different. So I guess I learned, I mean, I already knew that I wouldn’t say I learned it. But I saw just how far an extent the places vary from city to city and state to state. I also learned that a lot of people don’t know who I am, which I didn’t necessarily expect. I had a lot of incidents where I was in, you know, various places in public in the different cities and had people come up to me and recognize me or thank me for my work or very, you know, just say that they like what I do. And that’s, I mean, that’s something I get from time to time in the UK, depending on where I am, because I get people who recognize me for my music, but I’m to be in places that I’d never been to before. And to have that happen. It was it really showed me the impact that I’m having not just locally, but on a on an international level. So that was really, really encouraging. So yeah, those are a couple of things.

Rob McNealy
fame is an interesting thing. I’m not quite famous, but I know a lot of Famous people and and and that rise in getting accustomed to it you know it’s kind of like it’s like from what they’ve told me is you have to like kind of grow into it because you’re not used to it at first I used to live in Ireland I actually studied over there and worked over there you know long time ago probably before you’re born at this point but I was you know it’s kind of interesting you know and I’ve honestly you know, Ireland’s a lot smaller than you know, the republic’s a lot smaller than the UK but it’s like when I tried to explain to my friends that were Irish that had never been to the United States. I said, No offense, this is not me being you know, kind of like this ugly American but your entire country smaller than my state. And we have like 50 more of them in mind. You know, I originally came from Michigan. The Detroit area is where I grew up. I live out Western and Utah now Salt Lake City, Utah, and what you know, and they get like a kind of offended and they said you really don’t understand until you like really come to our country. The United States is not a homogeneous Is coral culture it’s not a homogeneous continent, it is very dirt that’s iconic. But you know what I’m saying? It’s a country and it’s very different all the way around. And I always like to see people’s perspectives that you know, spend time here to see Yo, holy crap. Yeah, it’s not there isn’t just like this one TV stereotypical American thing, right? There’s very, very big differences between the different states and even within a state. On top of that, you know, Texas is very different between, you know, Houston and Dallas. Even people. Yeah, I didn’t I didn’t

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
get to I didn’t make it out to Houston, unfortunately, but I went to Austin, Dallas and Fort Worth.

Rob McNealy
What was your Do you have a favorite or do you want to not say didn’t love the place you go? What was your favorite place?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
My favorite state would have been Texas, probably. Just in general. But um, I liked most of the cities I visited in terms of like, it depends on what level in terms of opportunities and Just cool stuff happening. Like the most cool stuff happened in Los Angeles, but I would probably not want to live there. For example, I think places like Nashville and Austin and Dallas and Fort Worth are a lot more livable than la than New York and San Francisco. But um, it really depends on what you’re after. I mean, I went there primarily to do a bunch of interviews and add podcast invitations and just opportunities for all the stuff that I do. So I primarily hit some of the major cities I didn’t make it out to all of them. I would certainly like to in the future, but um, yeah, I guess. Asking favorite is is kind of a tricky one. But I did really like Texas there. I just felt like, I like the vibe there. I like the people. I think I’m on that wavelength. In some ways. Texas is one of those places to be honest. I kind of liked it before I’d ever been to it. I know a lot of people from there. I know quite a bit about the state and stuff like that and it always just dropped Me in some way that I didn’t really want to visit because I always seem to, whenever I meet people from Texas, I always seem to like them and get on with them and be on some similar wavelength. So I found the same thing when I was out there for a couple of weeks.

Rob McNealy
Well, I think you hit on something, it’s really interesting that you went and did a lot of interviews, and you got on some really major ones, I mean, Joe Rogan, and some of these other you know, big conservative podcasts and, and that’s one of the things that really intrigued me, you know, about you is, you know, okay, you got this English guy, right. So, usually off the bat, you know, English guys are going to typically be more on the American spectrum, at least politically a little more left leaning, and then, you know, you know, you’re black or person of color, and typically, then that’s also going to be generally by American standards, they tend to lean a little more left, and then you’re in hip hop in rap, and that also tends to be very left leaning, but you’re not.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
You know, all those things. You said, I don’t even know if that’s really the case.

Rob McNealy
Fair enough.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Think that way? I don’t think it’s really the case.

Rob McNealy
It certainly it certainly seems that way.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
It does seem that way. Yeah, for a lot of reasons. And then it might lean that way in some aspects, but in a lot of other ways. I don’t really think it does. I just think that illusion.

Rob McNealy
And so but the illusions prevalent, it’s out there. So you went on a lot of these really conservative talk shows and, you know, so I guess I just need to get this out there. Are you a republican? I’m not even American. I know. Um, but are you? I bet you would consider yourself a conservative politically, at least on some stuff. Sure.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
I don’t label myself what people want to label me. I don’t mind. I don’t personally label myself because well for a whole bunch of reasons. Because people have different meanings and interpretations and presumptions that come with certain labels. So I prefer to let anybody else label me if people want to know my certain views on certain things. I’m happy to explain them and express the epistemology behind my thinking and my conclusions. But um, yeah, I’m not I don’t mind being called a conservative, I don’t mind being called libertarian, I probably don’t mind being called a traditional or classical liberal. I mean, depending on who you talk to all these labels can be quite quite different things. I mean, even the definitions between you know, liberal and conservative even between the UK and the US, there’s, there’s quite a bit a bit of a variance. So yeah, I mean, if I were in the USA, I would certainly be more along the lines of Republicans on most issues. But I generally just, you know, from from thing to thing, issue to issue. I, you know, I’m not I’m not sort of totally down one line or the other and I don’t, I don’t believe most people are. I think that’s just kind of the binary thinking and sort of Thinking that can occur when there’s only two sort of viable options, then people seem okay, they need to either totally aligned down this way or totally aligned down that way. But I mean some acid on Joe Rogan, right? I said, it’s funny because we live in a time where people are saying that politics is binary, but gender is a spectrum, right? So yeah, I think the whole idea that it’s either left or right, or red or blue, is, yeah, people talk a lot about social constructs. I do think that’s kind of a genuine social construct. So I certainly lean conservative on some issues. I would also lean certainly in the not in this sort of weird hyper woke progressive, leftist sense, liberal, but in terms of like the normal liberal sense. I’m also a liberal on certain issues. It just depends on what it is and what I think makes sense and what I think is moral and ethical and correct and also what

Rob McNealy
works. You know, I think that’s a good point what works and what doesn’t. I mean, you’re not shy about your political views on anything. In fact, you can be very controversial, you know, things you post on Twitter and things. And I mean, you even reference in conservative icon Jordan Peterson in your music. So you definitely bring politics up. And they tend to be by a lot of people’s standards more right wing at least the United States. Do you think that helps or hurts your career in any way?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Seems to have helped. If I’m going by, by the past 365 days, I’d certainly say it’s helped. I mean, I’m not someone whose politics have changed significantly. I mean, I put out my first album in 2006. And even before I was making music, my views have not shifted much I’ve probably shifted on maybe like two or three issues in the past 15 years. And I’m not even someone who I don’t know i a lot of people view me through a political lens. But I think I’m only interested in politics kind of on the high level, the big idea level, I’m not really so interested in it on the party level. So that’s why you won’t see me tweeting a lot about like specific parties or specific politicians or even breaks it and stuff like that. But the nitty gritty of it kind of bores me, but the overarching ideas and ideals that runs alongside culture and morality and psychology, and religion and other stuff that I think is a lot more interesting. And it’s hard to talk about some of those aspects of society and humanity, either as individuals or as groups without it, crossing over into politics, that’s just kind of natural.

Rob McNealy
So from a high level, do you think culture at least Western culture is going the right direction right now? What this whole woke thing and no,

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
it’s No.

Rob McNealy
Why Why do you think?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Absolutely not? Not even not as not a smidgen?

Rob McNealy
Where’s it going? Where are we going? I guess that’s the question because I have my own opinions. And I don’t think I disagree with you on that many things, either. But where do you think we’re headed right now with the current state of affairs in the West?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Well, I think a lot of people are trying to drive it off a cliff. And, and I think that it’s important for the moderate and sensible people to do that part to contain that. That’s one of the reasons why in the past year, it seems like to a lot of people, it seems like I’ve suddenly become a lot more vocal and outspoken. And that’s why because there comes a stage where you can’t really just sit back and acquiesce and just just watch because the people who are a lot of people who I think are trying to push things in the wrong direction, they’re not going to shut up. They’re very loud. They’re a bold, they’re very vocal. So you need people who are more reasonable and more logical and more rational. Have a better grasp on certain things, or at least an alternative opinion, to also be able to have that conversation and to join up. And if you see something that’s going on out there, whether that’s in your school, your workplace, online offline, and you see something is going in a really bad direction in in either in either way, in any direction, then it’s important to, you know, not just shut up and let it happen, because that’s how bad things take place. Right? So it’s important to sort of balance that out and to make sure that the communication channels stay open. That’s why I love podcasts. That’s why I love being able to have these discussions with people because, you know, as long as people are talking, they’re not they’re not fighting. That’s why I don’t like the idea of censorship. I don’t like the sort of D platforming or the silencing of voices on social media, all that kind of stuff. I mean, that concerns me because all that was going to do is polarize people further People think it’s a solution because it might look like a solution in the short term. But in the long term, I do think that’s going to create far more problems than it’s going to potentially solve. And I don’t think a lot of people have the foresight, nor the understanding of historic history nor human psychology to really get why that’s the case. They think that if you kind of take someone off Twitter that that person no longer exists or their ideas no longer exist and stuff like that. And what is likely to happen in reality is by ostracizing that person and completely excluding them from the conversation. You know, firstly, I’m not sure if that’s moral or or ethical or even legal in some cases, but then, you know, you’re you’re kind of pushing them into the hands of people who are potentially a lot more extreme and would love to get their hands on someone who feels like society or these platforms or whatever has ostracize them. And, you know, I’d rather I’d rather have bad ideas out in the open And then have them hidden in silence. Because if an idea is really bad, or it’s really unethical or it really doesn’t have any support, then you don’t need to fear it being you shouldn’t fear it being voiced. Because as long as you have people who are willing to push back against it, then you can just expose that idea for, for what it is. That’s the way I look at it.

Rob McNealy
Well, they say sunshine is the best disinfectant. You know, and and I don’t know who said that, but I do believe that to be the case. And I think, with this outrage culture and it in the thing is, is, you know, I’m an American, and this outrage culture is getting really scary to me, you know, where we just want to, you know, shut somebody down and take away their rights. And, you know, and, you know, obviously, polls can be a little dubious at times, but, you know, the polls seem to be indicating that a lot of at least on the millennial side, support, you know, getting rid of the First Amendment, and of course, they all hate the Second Amendment, but, And that, to me is just I kind of blamed Government education has been a complete failure. We don’t teach critical thinking we don’t teach, you know, logic and rhetoric and we don’t teach, you know, history. And I think you touched on this a little bit. You know, that gets into a little bit about this anger call. I think it’s almost like our culture has been deliberately the keep stoking this anger in our society right now, at least in the States. This since this last political. The last since Trump came to office over the last couple of years. You know, I’m 47. And so I’ve been through a lot of administrative, you know, changes in presidential campaign elections over my life. And the one thing that we saw that was different, what’s different about the Trump presidency, and I’m not a fan of Trump Personally, I didn’t vote for him. But what I think is interesting is that typically after you have a changing with administration, people are, you know, a little butthurt and disappointed for a week or two. After that election happens. It’s never had, it’s never not been butthurt since he got elected, it’s never died down. It’s Seems like it keeps festering and as much and it’s funny because I think he’s just as a noxious as you know, is that I think he’s completely obnoxious and I can understand why he what he says pisses people off. But if you actually look at what he votes for, and I’m a big believer that I hate politicians, what they say don’t like what they say, Don’t listen to what they say, I look at what they do, what laws do they sign, what power do they actually change and enact? And really from one president to the another, the the really important policies really don’t change very much, but yet the rhetoric around it does. And if you look at what Trump does, he’s not really done anything very much different than the Obama administration. He keeps doubling down on the debt and things like that. Those are the things that I care about what do they actually do? But and so this anger is interesting and a lot of times that anger spills over into culture and and one of the things about what I think is interesting about your music is that you know, your your music isn’t angry. It seems like no, no, not at all. You really push a really positive message, I think in a more of an empowering message, which is kind of different than what a lot of hip hop artists are really doing. And why why do you focus on the positive? Well, I mean, it seems like if so many people in that in this industry in this genre of music are more negative. Why are you a positive guy?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Well, because I am a positive guy naturally. And also there’s so much negativity out there that why would I want to contribute to that more? That’s not what people need people need encouragement. People need positivity people need to be feel emboldened and empowered to improve themselves to go after their dreams to be better people for themselves, for their families, for society, everything like that. So why would I want to go and preach murder, death kill, and all this stuff when I can put out a positive message? I mean, I’ve only got so many only got so many words to work within a song So if I can make a song that’s going to make you feel aggressive and want to go in, you know, I don’t wanna make music that people commit drive bys to keep it real. You know, firstly, that doesn’t, that’s not my background, right? I want to make music with people set gym records to I want to make music that people feel inspired to, I don’t know, go out and get a new job or be successful or start a business or whatever it is, man, anything, anything positive even just to just to believe in themselves a little bit more. There’s so much negativity out there in the world, not just in music, but in general, man. There’s so much negativity out there. You turn on the news, you know, the What do they say if it bleeds, it leads, right? news is just constant fear, fear, fear, fear mongering. So I don’t watch the news. I don’t I don’t want to TV. I don’t read newspapers. It’s just negativity, negativity, negativity, fear, fright, like awful stuff, and it never ends. It’s the same even in entertainment in lots of music. Not all music, but in some music And you know, it’s just, yeah, I mean, and life life is a balance. But like I say, there’s so much negative out there already. And I feel that the negative currently outweighs the positive. So, I don’t want to I’m not interested in my legacy being someone who contributed just more negativity into the world. So from the very beginning, I was like, Okay, I’m not gonna, I’m not going to take that path. I’m not going to rap about that song. I’m not going to rap about those topics. I’m not going to put my put profanity in my music. I’m not going to use the N word in my music, all that stuff. I mean, firstly, that’s not who I am in real life, and I’m not going to fabricate to pretend I’m something in my music, that I’m not in reality, you can go back and listen to all my songs over the last 13 years. everything I’m saying is, everything you’ll hear there is consistent with what I’m saying. Now, that’s never that’s never changed. So yeah, I mean, those are the main reasons so a combination of you know, my own background, how I was raised my own personality, my own message, my mission with what I’m trying to achieve with my music. I say my goal is to, I want my words to have a positive impact on over 10 million people. So through through my music, through my interviews through my podcast, public speaking anything I do, I want to be able to die and say cool, you know, there’s 10 million people on earth, or more, who, if you say zoobi to them, they’ll be like, Okay, cool. Yeah, I like that guy, or he had some kind of positive impact or motivation or inspiration in my life. That’s really where my head’s at. That’s what my heart is.

Rob McNealy
So in preparing for this interview, which actually believe it or not, I did. You know, I was listening to some of your songs, right? I wanted to get a feel for it. And I was listening to perseverance and I was listening to glory. And it was I said to my wife, you know, I was listening to she’s like, what are you listening to? I’m like, I’m going to talk to this guy. I want to see what he’s saying. And I’m like, his rap is different. And and it’s funny because I got some and I actually am old school. So I actually have NWA and Eminem and stuff, you know, in my own music library, and I said, his rap Reminds me of like, self help hip hop.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
No. Yeah.

Rob McNealy
You know, seriously, and I go, this is kind of interesting because it wasn’t like, I got wrapped, I got little kids. And I’m like, I can’t even list them out in rap albums in my house, right? Because I don’t want my kids here and some of that NWA stuff, right? Old. Easy, right? But I said, you know, it’s interesting that, you know, you’re kind of, you’re breaking a mold as far as I can see. I mean, and I’m not going to be I’m not going to try to be as I’m not the super hip hop guy, right? I just, I’m into all sorts of things. But you know, you are breaking a mold. There’s not a lot of hip hop artists that are really kind of focusing on that positive. And you know, I don’t know keeping it pG 13, so to speak. So do you and I respect that right? You are doing something different when I’m talking to you and not try and talk some other guy because I can’t stand a lot of the guys out there that are just mumble rapping around. And and so the question I would have for you, do you think that breaking that mold actually is helping your career or do you think It would hinder it like, has anybody ever come up to you and said, Hey, if you get a little more raw on this thing will sign you and you’ll get bigger? Or do you think that you know you’re going on the path that you want to end with the trajectory that you want? Because you’re breaking a mold?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Yeah, man, I’m someone who. I’m not someone who sacrifices, my principles and my ethics for short term gain in anything. That’s just not how I roll. I’m not someone who, who bends to appease other people. You’re asking before about some of my some of my socio political views, you ask about my music with everything. I’m consistent with who I truly am. And if my goal were to just make a lot of money, or simply become famous, or whatever, there’s other things I would be doing if my goal were to maximize my income. I wouldn’t have left a job as a management consultant to become a professional musician independently, right? Whenever Someone says I’m in it from I’m like, Are you insane? Like I would have been, like, you know, I took a huge pay cut to become a full time musician. But in the long term with the way my vision is and with what my goal is, it’s like, yeah, this is the path that I need to I need to walk. And it might take a while for the world to kind of get it. But I’m not going to change my entire message or even my entire genre or type of music or something to whatever might be currently popular on the radio for six months, just to try to win over some people who aren’t really my real fans anyway, I figured by just by being myself, by being true to myself, both in my music outside of my music, on social media or whatever, not everybody’s gonna like it. And I’m happy with not everybody liking what I do or not even liking me that took me you know, a little bit of time to accept and kind of get used to because when you first start out in music, you kind of want everybody to like you, and you don’t want to rock the boat too much because you don’t want unsettled people or polarized people or anything like that, but as I’ve gotten older, as I’ve gotten more experienced as I’ve gained a better understanding of what it is that I myself believe in, and what I’m not willing to compromise on, or waver on or whatever. And as I felt more emboldened to, and felt it more necessary to voice some of that, what’s happened is my audience has grown 1520 x this year, since February, I’ve gained hundreds of thousands of fans just this year. And that came from me just continuing to be authentic. So I haven’t changed. It’s just that you know, it took it took a while for the world to come around to it and for the message to be particularly powerful. Right, a lot of the stuff I say, I think, you know, whether that’s in interviews or that’s on social media or whatever, I think a lot of it would have been considered. I feel the same way. You mentioned Jordan Peterson earlier. I feel the Same way about him. Right? I think a lot of the stuff he says, you know, 15 years ago would have been considered common sense, or maybe a little bit mundane or banal or something. It’s like, yeah, of course, you should clean your room and work on yourself first. But in 2018 2019, these messages have become somewhat lost in modern Western society. So it’s necessary, again, to say some stuff, which may almost seem obvious, and, you know, and seem common sensical. And there are so many people who are afraid to say that stuff, right. And so by someone being willing to stick their neck out and say some of the things that other people aren’t willing to not for the sake of being controversial, or causing problems or just trolling or triggering people or whatever, you know, with an actual reason behind it, then I found a lot of people gravitate to that because a lot of people feel like they can’t speak up or they can’t necessarily articulate things in The way they’d like to be able to one thing i a comment I get a lot now, both in real life and online is people kind of saying, Man, you you say things in a way that I feel or I agree with, but I can’t. I can’t articulate and express them in the way that you are able to. And really that’s what I’m that’s what writing music is even about. Being a songwriter. If you had asked me what makes a good, a good songwriter, or a good rapper, I’d say it’s someone who’s able to articulate things in a way that people relate to and connect with, in a way that most people can. Comedians do the same thing, right? They take stuff that’s I mean, that’s what that’s the funniest comedy when it stuff that you you’ve kind of thought that way when you felt that thing before, but you wouldn’t have been able to put it together in the way that comedian did.

Rob McNealy
It’s funny, I have a really dark sense of humor, very sarcastic, and I’ve actually been I’m looking at doing some funny kind of stand up stuff and some of the stuff my wife just looks at me, she’s like, you can’t say that in public. And I’m like, but they’re all thinking it too. Yeah. You know, and, and I think, you know, they say, you know, you know, tell people the truth, that’s great, but make sure you make them laugh or they’re gonna kill you. Right, you know, and I think that’s where we are right now. And, and, and I’m very, I don’t care anymore where I am. I mean, I say stuff on Twitter that gets me pissed off or people pissed off at me because, you know, I’m, you know, it’s when it goes on on most social issues. I’m very liberal on how I think government should interact with people. But I think personally, I live a very conservative life I just, you know, I’m like friends, I think people if they want to do drugs, do drugs, but on the other hand, I think it’s a bad idea. So I tell my kids not to do drugs, but I don’t think the state being involved with that helps the situation in fact that usually creates more problems and you know, and the one thing that’s interesting like it’s all on assault this election cycle, and I think it’s because so much of the American me is I don’t know straight up communist at this point I don’t know how to define it. But I’m pretty much everybody on the left running for president is communist is all I can see. And I know a lot of and I don’t see that, you know, I read history I just finished a book about the finish war and I just finished a book about called bread famine, which talks about, you know, what happened to Ukraine during the Soviet empire and, and so I read history, right. It’s not like, you know, and and it’s funny in even if you read gulag archipelago, which I definitely if you can get through it. It’s a really enlightening book. Yeah. About a third of the way through Volume One or two.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
I’ve actually I’ve actually got the, the like, I guess you’d call it abridged version where they’re, they’ve put the whole thing together. So I’m actually listening to it as an audio book.

Rob McNealy
Yeah. And and it’s it’s lengthy, but the length, it’s interesting, because, you know, when I started reading that and listening to the language and how people were You know, basically the recounting of how the propaganda was in the Soviet Union. And then you just turn on CNN, and and listen to any of these people running for office. And it’s literally saying the same thing. And they’re demonizing cool locks. These billionaires are the coolest, but the fact is, when they when they say billionaire, they mean anyone making $200,000 a year. That’s a cool lock. And it’s funny because it’s the same playbook, almost verbatim. It’s not even unique. But we don’t even teach history in this country. So people don’t even know any different that this is all this is just a repeat. It’s a rerun. It’s a

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
do you do you think that people saying it even know that it’s a rerun? I don’t think so.

Rob McNealy
I would say, Well, I would say like the Bernie Sanders type absolutely does because he spent time in the Soviet Union. So I think he probably does. And I think he’s probably a true believer. I think some of the other ones are just, they’re just pawns trying to get power and they’ll say whatever they’re told to say by their handlers. But I think the The thing that kind of scares me right now is that these kids are like, you know, anywhere from you know, 20 to 30 seems to be, you know, they’re just, they’re just espousing this, this communism, this this socialism, and that they’re all victims. And it’s funny and I just say look, I you know, I’m not a billionaire like I’m not a rich Dude, you know, but I can say that if you’re going to blame your life’s failures, it’s not these those fault or it’s not, you know, Bill Gates fault you’re struggling.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
It’s not they’ve made they’ve made life better for you in fact,

Rob McNealy
uh, yeah, it’s always people on their iPhones on Twitter on their Microsoft computer in their court dynamic, you know, and and part of that just, they’re young. I mean, I get it, but you know, I grew up poor so I know what that looks like and and really in and I just posted a tweet earlier today that talked a little bit like look, I grew up poor, my parents made bad decisions with money. I was raised to be financially illiterate. I didn’t understand personal management, personal finances. And you know, but I never blamed anybody else. I blamed my parents when I was angry and young. But sure, I didn’t blame rich people. I said, You know, I wanted to learn from them because I wanted back then I said, hey, look, I don’t why knew even when I was in high school, I don’t want to have my life like it is right now. And what do I need to do to get better? And I looked for mentors to help me and I looked for books, and I read books on personal finance and small business and, and, and where I am today is a much different, you know, standard of living, though, and I grew up with, and it was because I made it and it was hard. It was hard. And as it’s supposed to be. I think it is I don’t think he I don’t think you’d become strong. Growing up being a victim. I think. In the end, the thing is when people and this is where politicians I think are pretty smart, is that if they make people that are failures, or people that are struggling, and I don’t mean that in a negative way, I mean, everyone fails. I’ve failed more than I’ve been successful in my life, but you got it but going back to your song, perseverance And this one I like that song is that you got to keep getting back up, you got to keep doing it. And, you know, you’re an overnight success, like 15 years in the making. You know what I’m saying? It’s like, it’s like, how many and I’m gonna bet, you know, without even knowing all the stuff you went through how many times were probably people told you why are you quitting your job did me musician, I’m gonna bet you had people like question that decision process. You know, and I’ve had people do the same thing when I wanted to be an entrepreneur, right? It’s like, well, how, you know, how can you just not have a paycheck every week? You know that that and I’m like, Look, you know, I don’t want to be a slave to a paycheck. Sure. Because if you if you get a paycheck, that’s all you’re going to make. Why would you limit yourself?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
It’s always lonely. I mean, I always feel some kind of bond between artists and entrepreneurs. Because it’s a it’s a lonely path, you know, because that’s only a relatively small percentage of the population. It’s always it’s always going to be a minority and it probably should be. But there are so many things people go through. Whether it’s starting a business, or doing something creative, whether that’s acting, singing, being a rapper, or doing both of them combined as I do, and yeah, there are certain things that are. It’s hard to explain to someone else who isn’t also, or hasn’t also been on that same kind of journey. I mean, it’s just it’s a whole different mentality. The highs are higher, the lows are lower. And just having that ultimate feeling of Yeah, man, this is this is totally on me. I mean, any success I get cool, like I’m taking the I’m taking credit for that. You didn’t make.

Rob McNealy
A friend of mine just got his first Ferrari. Now it’s not even new Ferrari. He was a use Ferrari, but he’s an entrepreneur, him and his wife I’ve known for a long time. They started their business 1516 years ago now. They now currently employ over 60 people they created 60 jobs, they pay a barber minimum wage. And some of the jobs are like entry level non skilled kind of jobs. He just bought his first Ferrari. Like, it wasn’t even that much, you know, considering what a new Ferrari can cost. And it’s funny when he posted pictures of it and I said, Dude, virtual high five, but he was surprised at how many people were negative about that. And we’re like shooting I’m like, Dude, that guy I cuz I help I worked in his store with him. And when he was younger, and they only had one star nine, three retail locations and, and I literally was in there when he was helping putting in his floors, because he’s putting in his own floors for his store. I mean, and you’re like, Dude, this guy worked his ass off 5060 hundred hours a week for like a decade before they really started making money. And now they’ve created jobs for people that wouldn’t have had him otherwise. And now to celebrate he’s got enough money that he can make cash for you know, it’s not even that expensive a car but less than 100 grand. Yeah, and the people is funny and sad at the same time. How many people would shit on that?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Yeah, it’s um, it doesn’t surprise me anymore. You know, it does not surprise me. I mean, again, I’ve been doing music since 2006. And one reason I’ve been able to be so resilient, and I guess astute in some ways this year, for people who are kind of seeing me for the first time is, it’s like, this isn’t new. It’s just the volumes gone up. Right? Like I’ve been dealing with, both on the love side and on the hate side, right having people, whether that’s people recognize you in public or want your autograph or hating on you on some internet forum or talking smack on you on YouTube or social media, like I’ve been dealing like, it’s been more this year than ever before. But I’ve had that slow build of over a decade to get used to it. And with what I’ve seen, it’s like, it doesn’t matter. I mean, you’ve got two different types of people you’ve got, you have celebrators and you have haters, and that’s what it is like, you can have someone who, like I love seeing other people succeed. When I see someone else succeed, if I see someone post online, like Yeah, I just did this, whether it’s I just hit a million views on My YouTube channel, I just, I just released my hundredth podcast episode. I just got promoted at work, I just started a business Whatever. I’m in there, congratulations, man, well done like love it love it. It inspires me. I’m like awesome. Other people are succeeding, you have other people. And I don’t even know what the split is the other this might even be the majority, who see someone else have some kind of success or some sign of looking like success. And their immediate emotional reaction is not the thing well done for that person. If they can do it, I can do it. Their thought is either jealousy or envy, or a feeling that somehow by that person succeeding, instead of taking it as inspiration, this is coming back to that whole billionaire thing, right? It comes from this idea of, you know, you have people who think that life is zero sum, so by someone else succeeding, they then can’t succeed, whereas it’s the opposite like people aren’t. People are not poor because billionaires exists like people have this idea. And it’s a it’s a, it’s a scarily prevalent idea because people don’t understand economics, that people are poor, because the billionaires are just hoarding all the wealth, right? There’s just X amount of money in the world and the nonsense, these people are just hoarding it, and so no one else can get it. And so all we need to do is like, take it off them by force or whatever. And it’s like, no, that’s not how it works, right? Bill Gates having a billion dollars, takes nothing away from me. In fact, quite the opposite, right. Like, there’s nothing stopping me from also earning you know, if I if I were capable of and I had the right idea, whatever, I can also earn a billion dollars. But you know, it’s not it’s not like having Okay, you can only have this many and it’s going to stop. So people don’t understand that the pie is always growing. And so as a result of that, I think that I mean, it might be some kind of primal instincts because some things I guess are zero so if you’ve got a certain amount of food, okay to say an actual pipe people talk about piece of the pie if you have an actual pie You have eight people, and someone literally does eat half of it, then you’ve only got half left for the other seven people. So like, that’s like, Hey, man, that’s not cool. But that’s not how the economy or money or success

Rob McNealy
because other people can make size of theirs.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Exactly. Exactly. You can keep making pies. Yeah,

Rob McNealy
so I was gonna say, you know, one of the things I think that a lot of people miss, and the zero sum game kind of thing is that there’s a there’s an infinite resource that no one ever talks about. And that’s human creativity and ingenuity is unlimited. We can solve most of our problems. And you know what, you don’t even need most people to really be focused on that I have this kind of magic number mind brain that, you know, my experience is 3% of anybody as the one that’s doing everything, you know, 3% of the big creators 3% of the big thinkers 3% of the ones that are really changing the world. 97% are along for the ride typically, but You bet. So to me, I don’t even care if 97% I care about helping those 3% make all the difference. And the difference is the infinite creativity. I just saw a little clip from Bezos, like he’s the the late phases and Bill Gates are the big bad guys did your because politicians are kind of pulling them out. Right. But it was interesting is it was a clip from 97. Right? And so it was like, Amazon was like three years old. And dude, the guy was smart. Right? And, you know, you go look, and he basically I put a post on my Twitter a couple days ago. And it was like looking at, you know, why he wanted, you know, online store because he saw the trend. He knew that this is going to be a big thing. I want to do internet stuff. He didn’t go into the bookstore because he had a passion for books. He picked the books because it had the most number of titles in one industry that would affect so many other industries. So it was the great place to start. And most people don’t know this, but especially these kids that are all communists and they’re 20 years old. Is that They were a bookstore for like six or seven years. And all they did is books until they, you know, they are not but it was the 90s, early 2000. A lot of people don’t even know that anymore. They’re like, Oh, Amazon’s and everything like, no, they started and got traction in one industry. And then they went to the next industry, they disrupted books and then disrupted music. And most people don’t know that. And so it’s like, but he had a plan. And he’s like, This clip is amazing. You should go take a look at it, because it just says, look, we picked this this and this is why we did this. And it’s like, Dude, that guy didn’t get rich by accident. He didn’t inherit his money. He was freaking smart. And he used the creativity and that was one of the biggest employers on the planet. And and so it’s like, okay, he just didn’t fall into it. And and people who don’t understand these things are ridiculous. But I know we’re getting close on time. You know, I want to hit on one of the things back to this whole concept of perseverance and and being, you know, that overlap between artists and entrepreneurs. You’ve recently released an E book, and it’s called zombies. Strong advice. zoobi Guide for fitness for everybody. So tell me a little bit of what made you write a book? And then tell me a little bit about what it what it’s about.

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
Yeah, sure. So I’ve been training for actually longer than I’ve been been rapping, I’ve been going to the gym since I was like 15 years old, started off not really knowing what I was doing and then stumbling my way along and really working out what I was doing. Maybe when I was my 919 or so or my early 20s and making good progress, you know, getting stronger, improving my physique, honing, my diet, everything like that. And I wanted to basically write a book that would be a simple and concise guide to what people need to know about mindset, nutrition and training. So for it’s primarily aimed at beginner to intermediate level, whether people want to build muscle, burn fat, gain, weight, lose weight, eat better, feel better, trained better. So it’s a it’s a relatively short book. It’s under 100 pages. And I wanted to just lay it out in simple layman’s terms of this is what you need to know and do away with the stuff that you don’t need to know. There’s so much confusing, conflicting information and misinformation out there. And nutrition and training are two topics, which are actually relatively simple once you really understand the basics. So I wanted to lay out the basics for people in a way that they can really understand it, and take that and essentially run with it for life. It’s the book that I wish someone had given me when I was 15. And just said, Look, just read this, understand these principles. Don’t get sucked into all the nonsense and do this. And if you’re consistent with it, and you work hard, you will achieve whatever goal you are aiming at in terms of your physique and your health and your strength and so on. So that’s really what strong advice is. So I put it out there as an E book initially, and you know, sold sold well. And then lots of people started asking me for physical copies. So I did a physical run in August, which sold out in a couple of weeks time. So those All went and now as we record this, we’re approaching Christmas in seven weeks. So I’m currently doing the next pre order for the physical books. And I’ve also recorded the audiobook version when I was in Nashville. And there will be an audiobook version coming as well. In the next couple of weeks. I narrated it myself. I’m a rapper, so I figured I had to. So yeah, so it’ll be available on ebook, physical and audio book. So yeah, that is strong advice, newbies guide to fitness for everybody.

Rob McNealy
Where can I get the book?

Zuby Udezue – Rapper and Author
The book is available on my website, Team And if you go to if you wanted to get the physical copy right now the best place to look is just if you go on my Twitter at zoobi music zUv why music, then? I’ve currently got the physical book preorder available there. I will put it on my website as well. That’s a good reminder. But I’m at the moment for the E book. Yeah, Team zoobi calm and the physical. You can get that via the link on my Twitter.

Rob McNealy
Zuby have had a really great conversation with you today and I do appreciate your time and you know, I’ve really enjoyed your message and I think what you’re putting out there is really good positive stuff and I want you to keep up with it, man, you’re doing some really killer stuff. I appreciate it man. Thank you.

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